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Timeline of End Time Events
Intro below

70 Weeks Speculation 1 & 2.jpg
Trib Timeline - quick OVERVIEW (page 6 - share with others) SPECULATION 2.jpg
Trib Timeline - quick OVERVIEW (page 3 - share with others) SPECULATION 2.jpg
Trib Timeline - quick OVERVIEW (page 4 - share with others) SPECULATION 2.jpg
Trib Timeline - quick OVERVIEW (page 5 - share with others) SPECULATION 2.jpg

Introduction to the Composite Timeline Chart

Shalom everyone, welcome to this section of Elohim’s Perspective dedicated to the presentation of the Composite Timeline Chart.  The following five pages will explain the timeline chart of end time events unlike anything you may have seen or known before. The information within this Composite Timeline Chart has been developed through years of study and research.  What I mean by the term composite timeline chart is that the information is gathered from as many scriptural sources as possible that are combined into this all encompassing timeline.


The Composite Timeline Chart presented on this website is a simplified overview that comes out of a much larger Detailed Timeline Chart.  With so many scriptures related to prophecy and end time events listed on that Detailed Timeline Chart, as well as a great deal more itemization of events, it became too large of a project to publish with explanations.  Thus it was necessary to develop the shorter Composite Timeline Chart, while making sure the important details remain, for the intent is to provide a quicker introduction into what will be happening in the end times.  This  Composit Timeline Chart reveals Elohim’s perspective with some details that are familiar but with many unique points which have not been made known until now.   For instance, when it comes to understanding the timing of the Gog/Magog invasion that leads to 7 years of 'plenty' and 7 further years of 'famine', there are two possible sets of dates for this event, which are identified in this timeline as Speculation #1 and Speculation #2.


Why should we take the time to know about the prophecies?  It hinges on Yeshua haMashiach. 


Yeshua is omnipotent.  He knows the end from the beginning which also means that He knows what is to transpire between the end and the beginning.  Abba and Yeshua have quite the plan in place for us as Yeshua’s people.  That plan is a step-by-step process of redemption, deliverance and salvation of us from evil.  But we are not to just sit around and wait for this to happen for us, we too must be active in this step-by-step process.  That is what Paul and Timotheus wrote in the letter to the Philippians, calling them fellow servants and exhorting them to continue the work of Yeshua. That is also meant for us today too.  Our part involves developing ‘this mind be in us that is in Messiah Yeshua’ (Philippians 2:5).  This means we learn to think as does Yeshua and we learn to know what He knows.


What does Yeshua know?  Well, He knows a lot, but at this point and time He wants us to know His soon to be activated battle plan.  That is why the prophecies were written and that is why the prophecies have been given to us.  All the events in the end times are actually the enactment of Yeshua’s Battle Plan to destroy evil on this earth – as described in the prophecies. 


Thus, prophecy is very important for us to understand and something our Elohim wants us to know.  Yet most people shy away from it because it appears so convoluted and disorganized.  However, as we learn to think like Yeshua, the prophecies become very clear and organized which enables us to more readily understand and know Yeshua’s Battle Plan in its proper order.  From this we know how to act accordingly and work with Yeshua throughout the end times. 


In many ways, having this mind be in us that is in Messiah Yeshua is the key to unlocking the code about understanding the prophecies for the end time.  It’s like a security precaution of sorts.








What is the Battle Plan of Yeshua?  This timeline chart and the accompanying presentation will explain that and show the order of events in far greater clarity than has been shown before.  We will investigate the 70 Weeks prophecy of Daniel to discover when that prophecy began and how it affects the pre-tribulation period.  We will then learn how that prophecy transitions into the 3 ½ years of tribulation and then learn the order of tribulation events, especially the order of the opening of the seven seals.


Please be aware that these presentations will convey very real probabilities of how end time events will happen, based on a majority of Biblical clues that confirm one another.  However I will state that this should be viewed as speculation – for now - since very little of the prophecies have manifested at this time and it is only when they do manifest that we will have the authentication of the prophecy.  Until then, we can only speculate even if the information is highly plausible. There is still much we don’t know, so it is expedient upon us to dust off our Bibles and prove all things.


This presentation will provide background details of how the sequence of events and the dates given have been determined.

The prophecies recorded for us throughout the scriptures are like a picture puzzle.  Elohim has placed all the pieces on the table and has directed those whom are called, to put them together to create the picture.  With the mind of Yeshua in us (Philippians 2:5), we can do this with ease.  As the picture progresses to completion, we are able to clearly see just how organized the end time events are and when they are to occur. 


This means we can know Elohim’s will regarding the end time events - the giving of the prophecies to us proves that.  We can know what our role is in the midst of all that will be happening.  We can have confidence and certainty about our future from this time now, right through the tribulation and beyond.  We can have a well founded faith with our house built upon the Rock.  No longer will we need to explain that our lack of understanding requires what is known as blind faith – that kind of faith in the belief that whatever Elohim’s will is, that is for Him alone to know and we are to have a stiff upper lip and persevere all the while wondering what He intends to do.  When we begin to see the picture puzzle coming together and finally know what is to happen, it enables us to truly stand firm with His whole armour on and be filled with resolve to hear and obey. 


Elohim has graciously given us this knowledge and understanding to help us be prepared and to work accordingly with Yeshua.  For those of us who are thinking as does Yeshua and who know His plan, He will not be coming as a thief in the night.  Only the people who are not aware of His plan will be surprised in this manner.  This is the reason for this timeline presentation - we are to be informed.















The composite timeline chart is made up of three sections.  The first section starts with the pre-tribulation prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel chapter 9; the second section focuses on the transition from the Daniel 9 prophecy to the tribulation which involves an 85 day overlap filled with a lot of details; followed by the third section which is dedicated to the events of the tribulation itself.  Using Biblical clues, we will delve into details within each section and create an understanding of how end time events are clearly laid out.  


Since we are to “let this mind be in you that is in Messiah Yeshua”, meaning we need to have Yeshua’s perspective and knowledge, it is prudent for us to know what is going on, so that when we hear about events happening in this world that are clearly of an end time nature, we react in a manner that is not out of fear.  In the situation involving end time events, fear comes when we do not understand Elohim’s plan and/or our role in it. 


That is the purpose of these presentations, to help us as Yeshua’s people know what this plan is.  The prophecies were given throughout the ages so we at the end times can gather them together and see this plan in its entirety - from Elohim’s perspective. 


Continue to the first presentation.

Yeshua's battle plan
Graphics 1 - 3 Parts of the Timeline Chart
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