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Presentation Three - The Tribulation Events and Yeshua's Battle Plan



Recap of the Previous Two Presentations


Before we get into the tribulation events of what I refer to as Yeshua’s Battle Plan, let’s quickly review the information from the previous two presentations.  In presentation two we saw how the events played out during the final one year in the 70 years prophecy and how everything transitioned into the early portion of the tribulation.  Remember, confirmation of when the 70 years prophecy began was documented at Shavuot in 1967 with the Six Day War and the decree to rebuild Jerusalem with plaza and moat.  70 years from 1967 brings us to 2037 when the final one week segment of the prophecy is fulfilled.  Just prior to the start of the final one week, is the King of the North vs. King of the South war, which catapults the King of the North into great favour with the people of the world upon his victory. This quite fittingly represents the moment of the birth of the One World Order (Government) which he establishes by making a covenant with many for one year.  In the midst of this final one year is the Feast of Purim that happens on February 28 into March 1, 2037.  This is the day when the King of the North (in the position of the prince of the people) stops the sacrifices.  This event initiates the start of the tribulation and four of the prophetic numerical counts. Between Purim and Shavuot in 2037 is the 85 day transitional period where the start of the tribulation overlaps with the ending of the 70 years prophecy.   This encompasses the start of the four prophetic numeric counts as well as the countdown to Shavuot and the Mark of the Beast - which very well could be the new currency necessary for the New One World Order (whether it be digital, biological or something else).  


When the 85 days ends at Shavuot on May 24/25 in 2037 we see the conclusion of the final 70th Shavuot and the completion of the 70 years prophecy of Daniel 9. This is when we begin to see Yeshua’s Battle Plan manifest with the seals, trumpets, plagues and woes that will progress until Yom Kippur in September 16/17, 2040.  But we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves with this right now.  We’ll catch up to that part in Slides 4 and 5.


You will notice that this graphic above begins with the final portion of the previous graphic – which is under the green banner titled “85 day overlap”, which has purposely been done this way so we can see further into the transition to Yeshua’s Battle Plan.  We have already recapped up to May 24/25, 2037 so now we will focus on the next event, which is the opening of the 7th Seal.











Yes, you heard right, the tribulation events begin with the opening of the 7th Seal, not the 1st Seal.  This is the seal that involves events such as silence in heaven for the span of half an hour followed by the appearance of 7 angels who are given 7 trumpets and further followed by an angel holding a censor and taking the fire from the heavenly altar that was fueled by the incense of the prayers of the saints, casting it upon the earth.  The opening of this seal is what allows for the seven trumpets to sound.  All of this is found in Revelation chapter 8.         

Article: "The Seals of Revelation & Their Order in the Tribulation"


Why does this timeline differ with the order of the opening of the seals compared to what is the unanimously accepted interpretation?  Here is the answer and please bear with me, as there will need to be some foundational information laid out first in order to make the point clear.  For the past 200 years or so, the Seal described in Revelation 6:1-2 is understood by eschatology scholars as being the seal that is opened first, since it is the seal that is mentioned first.  They support that understanding because the following verses in chapter 6 describe the next seals numbered 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as being opened in sequence. 


However, there is a clue that has been overlooked.  Let’s look at Revelation 6:1 again.  It says “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.”  Where did the Lamb get the seals?  In Revelation 5:1 John records the description of the ‘book’ sealed with seven seals.  He wrote; “And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.”


The word for ‘book’ in the Greek is ‘biblios’ which can also be interpreted as ‘scroll’.  In the Hebrew language, the word ‘seper’ is translated as ‘book’ and ‘scroll’.  Could this item “sealed with seven seals” refer to a scroll instead of a book?  We can get some perspective about this when we look at Revelation 6:14 that uses the same Greek word ‘biblios’ but it is translated as ‘scroll’ to describe the clouds rolling open in a scroll-like manner in the skies to reveal the coming of our Messiah.  From an historical perspective, the book format with a spine and pages was not widely used until the 2nd century AD, long after John had written the book of Revelation.  At that time, the book type of record keeping was reserved for the elite.  Thus it is most likely that John wrote in the scroll format since he was in exile on the island of Patmos and clearly not in a position of being part of the elite establishment. Having this as a visual aid in understanding what this word means, we can interpret that what John recorded seeing in Yeshua’s hands was a scroll with seven seals and not a literal book as we would understand a book to be with a cover, a spine and pages we flip through.


Now that we have established the structure of this item is a scroll in the right hand of the one who sits on the throne, it is given to the Lamb Who then proceeds to open its outer most seal.  Is this Seal number one as eschatology scholars believe or is it Seal number 7 as described in this timeline?  The answer comes in understanding how a scroll is written upon and rolled up and then unrolled to read.


Is this outer most seal the First Seal as eschatology scholars believe and teach or is it Seal Number 7 as described in this timeline? 

The answer comes in understanding how a scroll is written upon and rolled up and then unrolled to read.


John saw the Lamb take the scroll from the right hand of the One sitting on the throne.  He was the only one worthy and thus was given the authority to open the seals.  Is He holding a rolled up set of papers in his hand with seven seals similar to the ones is the picture below?   












No.  This is not how the scroll was set up which the Lamb held.  After researching how to build a scrolled document with multiple seals specifically from ancient times, there are many variations; however most of those are for a single continuously paged scroll.  Clearly the scroll which the Lamb holds is a multi-page document and not a continuous length of scroll.  How can we know that?  The seals give us the clue.  If the scroll is a continuous single length, when rolled up there could only be one outer most page.  In order to even open the scroll would require the unsealing of all the seals at the same time since the placing of the seals on this type of document would all be on this outer most part of the scroll as like in the left picture.  If the Lamb opened the seals this way, it would mean that all the events pertaining to each seal would not become active until the final seal has been opened, as noted in the right picture.  


But the wording in the book of Revelation for each seal indicates that they are opened and activated individually with the events happening immediately after each seal is opened. The events of the previous seals do not wait for the final seal to open.  In Revelation 6, as each seal is introduced and opened the wording is very specific by saying “...and WHEN...” such and such seal is opened, events begin to happen.  This clearly indicates to us that the scroll is a multi-page document with seals for each page.  Once the outer most seal is opened and the page is unscrolled, this allows access to the next page and the ability to open its seal and so on. 















This picture above should offer some idea of what is being presented here.  This is a scroll with multiple pages.  The outer most page is sealed and does not allow access to the sealed pages inside.  But when the outer most page is unsealed, it only allows access to the next page – not the whole scroll.  That page must be unsealed in order to allow access to the next page, until we get to the inner most page, which would be called the last page. This is what is meant by the scriptures saying “…and when…”.


Understanding what type of scroll the Lamb was holding and opening gives us a better idea of when the seals and their respective events occur.  And it gives us further understanding of which seal was opened first.


Everyone would say that the seal in Revelation 6:1-2 would be opened first since it is considered as Seal number one and is the first of the seals mentioned by John. 


However, if we understand how a scroll is put together, that would not jive.  Put yourself in John’s shoes.  He is writing down what he sees and when he has written all he can on a sheet of parchment or leather, he grabs another sheet, places it on top of the first sheet and continues writing. And he continues to do this while recording what he sees with the messenger from Yeshua.  To facilitate consistency for John’s understanding and for us in the end times to understand, the scroll which Yeshua holds will be structured in the same manner with seven separate sheets each requiring its own separate seal.  The first sheet written up is naturally sheet number one with subsequent sheets added on top.  Finally the seventh sheet to be written upon is the last sheet, which is on the top of the other six sheets.  Then roll all the sheets up into one scroll.  What sheet is the outer most page?   That would be page one which is as it ought to be since it is the beginning of the document. 


This means that the messenger from Yeshua explained to John in the order of the 7th Seal being the first of the seals to be opened, followed consecutively by pages 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 with the 1st Seal being the last seal opened.


Now, let’s back up a bit to understand how the seals would be applied.  The seven pages are flat on the table. The beginning of the sealing takes place with the rolling up of the top most page first (which is the seventh page written upon).  It receives the first seal.  Once it is sealed the next page (which is the sixth page written upon) is rolled up over top of the first page and it is given a seal. This is the second seal.  This is done until all seven pages have been sealed.  By the time the bottom most page (which is the first page written upon) is sealed, this is the seventh sealing of the document – so it is called Seal 7.


So why did John record them the way he did beginning with seal one and so on?  Actually, since we now know how a multi-page scroll is made, we know he couldn’t have recorded them as they are currently laid out in the book of Revelation.  This means that the order of the seals has been done by mistaken interpretation or it is a ploy by unsavory spiritual forces to deceive everyone about the order of these seals.  Or, another reason is that this is how Elohim sealed up the understanding of this book until the end times.  The order of the seals is the key to the whole end time events which John recorded.  Even though Elohim never mentions to John about needing to seal this book (as He did with Daniel), it is clear that Revelation has not been made clear enough to understand - until now. 


So, when we approach the seals in the book of Revelation, it is prudent to remember the order in which John actually recorded them.   Seal number seven in Revelation 8 is opened first, revealing the seven angels who are each given a trumpet.  Then we continue with seal number six in Revelation 6:12-17, followed by seal number 5 in the same chapter but in verses 9-11.  Then we have seal number 4 in verses 7-8, then seal number 3 in verses 5-6, seal number 2 in verses 3-4 and finally seal number one in verses 1-2. 


Without the opening of seal 7 (which is page one of the scroll), we cannot have the other seals or trumpets or plagues or woes take place. 

The graph above provides details about Yeshua’s Battle Plan in which the seals (in blue outline) are the initial armaments that Yeshua uses to begin His attack against hasatan and his forces.  Without the opening of seal 7 (which is page one of the scroll), we cannot have the other seals or trumpets or plagues or woes take place  – since they are locked behind the seal. 


 Now that we have the order of the seals determined, let’s look at each seal.  As mentioned, seal seven is opened first.  Revelation 8 describes all that takes place when the Lamb opens this. 


A number of events occur; there is silence in heaven for the space of half an hour, then seven angels are each given a trumpet, then another angel takes fire from the heavenly altar of incense of the prayers of the saints, places it into a censor and casts that upon the earth.  Then the first angel sounds his trumpet, followed by the second trumpet and the third and the fourth.  Within all this, the 6th Seal is opened and the 144,000 are sealed.  We will get to those two events in a moment.


The Silence in Heaven for Half an Hour


It is not completely understood about the significance of the silence in heaven, but some speculate that since there is always music and praise happening when Abba is sitting upon His throne, this must mean that He is not in heaven for the space of half an hour.  If that is the case, then where does He go?  This is not known, but it is speculated that He comes to earth to oversee the onset of Yeshua’s Battle Plan. 


The Golden Censor is Cast to the Earth


Once that has been completed and Abba is satisfied with the preparations, then the seven angels are given their trumpets – which is the signal that the Battle is about to begin.  Yet, before they are allowed to sound, there is another event that must take place by an angel who takes the incense fire and places it in a golden censor.  He then casts it to the earth.  What is the significance of this action?  This actually harkens back to the first High Priest, Aaron in Numbers chapter 16 when the children of Israel rebelled against Elohim after the attempted coup by Korah and Dathan.  A plague ensued.  Moses instructed Aaron to take ashes from the altar with incense and run into the congregation to stop the plague.   This angel in Revelation 8 is doing something similar, but he is not stopping a plague, instead he is directed to pause the Battle Plan.  Why?  He does this to allow time for the 144,000 to be sealed upon their foreheads.  If we look at Revelation chapter 7 we read about the details of what this angel is doing.  In verse 2 we see this angel ascends from the east and holds back the last four seals until the 144,000 are sealed.  By the way, these last four angels or seals are also known as the 4 horsemen.  The sealing of the 144,000 occurs around the time of the opening of Seals 7 and 6 but before Seal 5 which is about the cries of the martyred saints – an event that will not be held back by the angel with the golden censer because this seal does not involve hurting the earth and the sea. 


Sealing of the 144,000


Why are they sealed just after the final Shavuot on May 24/25, 2037?  Shavuot is representative of the giving of the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) as well as the Torah.  It is speculated that the 144,000 will be acting in a similar manner to that of the Ruach haKodesh, by providing support and help with the 7 Spirits as described in Isaiah 11:1-2.  These same 7 Spirits are again mentioned in the book of Revelation as they work with each of the seven congregations.  Who has these 7 Spirits?  Revelation chapter 1 and then Revelation 3:1 answer that for us…it is Yeshua.  Therefore, it is speculated that the sealing of the 144,000 involves providing protection and safety for those who are Yeshua’s people who have fled Judea or who are on the Greater Exodus.  We could say that the 144,000 are like the pillar of cloud and fire that stayed with the children of Israel on their exodus out of Egypt offering shade by day and warmth/light by night, not to mention protection from Egypt and marauders.  In the tribulation scenario, this group will provide protection from the end time version of Egypt, which is the beast.


It’s interesting to note the compilation of the sealing of the 144,000 takes place.  It is 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes.  This harkens to another similar count done in Number 31 where one thousand men from each tribe for a total of 12,000 were commanded by Moses to destroy Midian after the Baal-Peor disaster where Israel was enticed by the women of Moab and Midian to worship their pagan gods according to the directions of Balaam.  Even though Midian and Moab were much larger peoples and their influence upon Israel showed how powerful they were, Elohim used a small army of Israelites to wipe out Midian.  This showed Moab the strength of Elohim.  So too is the small force of 144,000 who will protect the vast number of Elohim’s people in the wilderness during the tribulation.  We will need their protection because of the warning in Revelation 12:17 which says, “So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of Elohim and hold to the testimony of Yeshua.”  This is referring to vast numbers in the wilderness of the tribulation.


Sixth Seal – opened second











While the angel with the golden censer pauses the Battle before the hurting of the earth and sea begins, Seal number 6 is opened as well, just before the trumpets begin to sound. There is an increase in natural disasters which also yields to an increase in terror.  People are trying to hole-up as survivalists in caves and underground facilities because they truly believe this is the end of the world and this is what they must do to stay alive.  The nature of these events will continue throughout the tribulation but are overshadowed by the upcoming description of events with the trumpets, plagues, woes and the final four seals.  


But once the 144,000 are sealed, the angels with the trumpets begin to sound. Meanwhile, the angel with the golden censer is still holding back the final four seals (the famously known Four Horsemen).  The scriptures for each trumpet aptly describe what will take place.


​Trumpets One, Two, Three and Four Begin to Sound








Trumpet #1 sounds in Revelation 8:6-7 “And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them. The first sounded, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.”









This was followed immediately with Trumpet #2 in Revelation 8:8-9 “The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, 9 and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.”









Trumpet #3 sounds next as described in Revelation 8:10-11 “The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. 11 The star is named Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the waters because they were made bitter.”








And then Trumpet #4 sounds.  Revelation 8:12 gives us the details “The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars were struck, so that a third of them would be darkened and the day would not shine for a third of it, and the night in the same way.”


Explanation of the First Four Trumpets


There is something significant about the numerical value of "a third" that these four trumpets direct their focus upon.  Could it be this is a sign to us that the battle is between hasatan and one third of the God-head – aka, Yeshua?  We know He is our Redeemer, Deliverer and Saviour and that He is returning as the rightful King of the Earth that is His (Exodus 19:5 / Psalm 24:1 / 1 Corinthians 10:28).  So via these first four trumpets He is making it known He is in charge and is directing this attack against the usurper hasatan and his kingdom.  â€‹


These four trumpets actually become a hope-filled declaration, and it is coupled with another meaning; this first wave of attack is specifically directed to only 1/3 of the resources of hasatan’s kingdom.  Why would the target only be at 1/3 of the elements of the earth?  It is a way of show-casing Yeshua’s mercy.  Yeshua could very easily destroy hasatan with the first attack, but the collateral damage would be the death of the people who have been duped to be in hasatan’s kingdom.  So, Yeshua is showing His mercy upon them. We know this because in Revelation 9:20-21 when the 6th trumpet sounds, people in hasatan’s kingdom will still refuse to repent  which means that in the midst of this trumpet, Yeshua has been offering mercy to them even at this late stage.  Since Yeshua called for repentance at the 6th trumpet, it is most conceivable that He has been offering mercy at each stage. Sadly, even after the 6th trumpet had sounded in Revelation 9:20-21; scripture indicates that there are still some of mankind who will not repent. 


As well, by destroying 1/3 of the resources used by hasatan’s kingdom, this first wave of attack weakens hasatan's worldwide power base and makes him vulnerable for the next wave of attack.


And this attack will go on for many months, specifically 33 ½ months.  That is a lot of time to offer and grant mercy to people.  Through all this, the two witnesses are giving testimony in Jerusalem, so the people of this world do know that Yeshua is extending mercy to those who repent.  Will there be some who see the truth and chose Yeshua?  We can only hope there will be.  When it is all said and done, mankind will not have any recourse to accuse Yeshua of being merciless or for them to say they did not know (feign ignorance).


There are no dates that can be assigned to tell us exactly when seals number 7 and 6 are opened or when the first four trumpets sound.  All that can be determined is that they are opened sometime during the 33 ½ month period between the 70th Shavuot of the Daniel 9 prophecy – which is May 24/25, 2037 and before the events that being on March 19/20, 2040. 


The reason being is that March 19/20, 2040 begins the next set of events.  This date was determined by using the numerical prophecy of 1290 days.  We remember that this numerical prophecy is about the length of the tribulation which starts when the sacrifices are stopped in February 28/March 1, 2037 and ends on Yom Teruah which is Tishri 1 or September 7/8, 2040.  Even though we can’t determine dates for Seals number 7 and 6 or the first four trumpets, there are two events that occur prior to the completion of the 1290 days that give us numerical values we can use to count backwards from the end of the 1290 days to determine the March 19/20, 2040 date.  One event is the completion of the 1260 days of those in Judea who fled and received nourishment.  Their prophetic count began at the same time as the 1290 days, but ends 30 days earlier on Elul 1 which is August 10/11, 2040. 


From that date, we use the other event of the 5 months of torment as detailed in Revelation chapter 9.  This period of 5 months ends one month prior to Yeshua’s return because that one month cannot be dark since it reveals the sign of the Son of Man.  Counting back 5 months from August 10/11, 2040 (Elul 1) takes us back to March 19/20, 2040.  That is how this date has been determined.   


First Woe Announced / Fifth Trumpet sounds / 5 Months of Torment










Three events will probably happen on March 19/20, 2040: the 1st Woe, the 5th trumpet sounds and the start of 5 months of torment.  Revelation 9 describes the trauma that will come upon the earth when these three events simultaneously occur.  This is the time when the bottomless pit is opened by the star from heaven who has been given the key.  Again, this timeline differs from the conventional way of thinking.  This star from heaven is not hasatan as most scholars believe.  Throughout the Brit Chadeshah (New Testament) the term star is used to identify that which is of Yeshua.  The Star of Bethlehem is the first example.  Using the interpretive principle that the first usage in the scriptures denotes the tone of the word, we can understand the context for the rest of the references about stars.  Thus, the star that falls from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit is in the service of Yeshua.  It is this angel’s task to open the bottomless pit as his part in the battle strategy Yeshua implements against hasatan.


The result of opening the pit is a massive amount of smoke that blocks the sun and chocks the air.  Out of the smoke rise up huge locust-like creatures that are given power to do harm to mankind as does a scorpion but they are commanded not to kill man or harm anything that is green, or who are sealed.  Their king Abaddon is not a demonic being as some may think.  This is not referring to hasatan either.  In actuality, Abaddon (or Apollyon in the Greek) is the angel who is in charge of the abyss or the bottomless pit – he is the prison warden in the service of Yeshua.  It is his duty to carry out Yeshua’s battle strategies involving the first woe and the 5th trumpet which results in the 5 months of torment.   Who are these locust-like creatures with the power to harm as like a scorpion?  It is not entirely clear, other than they are part of Yeshua’s prison system and thus are under His command. 


It’s interesting to note that they are commanded not to harm the ‘green thing’.  Is this a clue for Yeshua’s people to take note and prepare themselves with green attire so they cannot be harmed?  Yeshua’s people will be protected by the 144,000 but it would make sense to give His people a heads up about what to do when this time does happen.  Thus this period of time may be very trying but it won’t be a time of harm to His people.


On Elul 1 which is August 10/11, 2040 the 5 months of torment ends and so does the 1260 days for those who fled Judea.  And the time of the Gentiles is ending since their hold upon Jerusalem is failing fast, with the military assaults by Yeshua. 


What is just as significant is that the 42 month rule of the little horn/King of the North/leopard beast from the sea of Revelation 13 ends on this day. 


With this happening, it opens the way for those of Judea who had fled, to be able to make their way back to Jerusalem in preparation for the return of Yeshua touching His feet on the Mount of Olives.


Now that the locust-like creatures have finished their duties, this ends the first woe, but the announcement of its end comes with the warning that two more woes are yet to come after the 6th trumpet has sounded. 


These are events that will be explained in the next slide. 


This concludes the presentation of Slide 3.


In Slide 4 will be the continuance of understanding Yeshua’s Battle Plan in the tribulation and how it will unfold.


Note: The graphic at the top of this presentation reflects Speculation #2 showing that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai had ended on February 28/March 1, 2037 (Purim), 1260 days after it began when those in Judea fled and had been nourished in the wilderness.


Below is the graphic for Speculation #1 to reflect the continuation of the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai (gold arrows).






Graphics - Seal 7
Graphic - Scroll with 7 numbered seals and pages
Graphics - Seal 6
Graphics - Trumpet 1
Graphics - Trumpet 2
Graphics - Trumpet 3
Graphics - Trumpet 4
Graphics - Woe 1
Graphics - Trumpet 5
reference black
Two sets of scrolls crop.jpg
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