Recap of Presentation Page One:
We ended the first presentation having completed the 62 year portion of the 70 years prophecy that is recorded in Daniel 9. Before we proceed with this presentation on slide two, we’ll do a quick recap of events of slide one beginning with the probability that parts of Europe invade Israel but Elohim destroys them. This is described as the Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel 38 and 39. That results in Israel experiencing a 7 year time of plenty which includes having the freedom to set up the altar and begin building the Third Temple. Meanwhile many from around the world begin to make Aliyah to The Land flush with the outpouring of the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) that Elohim is pouring out to the people. This time of plenty is also a time of peace for Israel since the spoils of war are being used for daily living and not for further warfare.
While all these events are happening in Israel, Europe is dealing with the power vacuum created by the defeat of Gog/Magog. A restructuring gets underway, creating a much more streamlined European Union style governing body consisting of 10 kings founded on the principles of the Holy Roman Empire. In the King James Bible, Ezekiel 39:2 states that Elohim “will leave but a sixth of Gog and Magog”, so this information could be useful in understanding who is instrumental in the restructuring of the EU. This governing body is prophetically represented by the dreadful beast (Holy Roman Empire) with 10 horns of Daniel 7. Its gradual but methodic emergence onto the world scene will take place prior to or just after the elites Great Reset agenda of 2030.
Then, on or about the year 2033 (which is 7 years before Yeshua returns) we see the rising up of the little horn or king who grows to such stature that two years later in 2035, he uproots three of the ten EU kings and takes their allotted times of power. This gives him authority in the EU for 18 months based on the EU structure that each leader of the member nations is allotted the authority to rule for 6 months. Three times 6 months equals 18 months. These dates have been determined by understanding that when the tribulation begins, the beast is given authority to rule for 42 months. As we go through this timeline chart we will learn when the tribulation begins. When we know that, it becomes easy to work backwards from the start of the tribulation to know when the initial 18 months of the beasts rule begins. This is supported by Revelation 13:5 which speak about the beast CONTINUING to rule for the 42 months of the tribulation, meaning the beast rules for a further 42 months after ruling for an initial 18 months. All told, the beast will have power for 60 months.
As scriptures states, he (the little horn) speaks great words (presenting himself as the messiah) to such an extent that the King of the South (Muslim madhi/messiah?) is threatened by these words and comes against him. At this point the little horn is now scripturally known as the King of the North, who eventually defeats the challenging King of the South. The date for this war is not something that can be pinned down except that it happens at the end of the 62 year segment of the Daniel 9 prophecy (which is also the 69th Shavuot/year of the overall 70 years prophecy) because it is the covenant with many he (the King of the North/prince of the people) makes shortly thereafter that begins the final one year segment. The probable time for this war will most likely be sometime into early 2036, and for sure to happen before the Shavuot that begins the final one week of the 70 weeks/years prophecy which will occur on May 31/June 1, 2036.
Presentation Page 2 – 85 Day Transition from 70 Years Prophecy to the 3 ½ years of Tribulation.
The end result is that with the decisive victory under his belt and no further opposition to his rulership, the King of the North lays the ground work for the earnest establishment of the One World Order by making a covenant with many for one year (the final one week of the Daniel 9 prophecy).
So, with that quick recap of the first presentation done, let’s continue with the explanation for slide 2. This slide represents the 85 day transition period from the 70 years prophecy of Daniel 9 into the 3 ½ year tribulation. I have purposely included the last portion of slide 1 into the beginning of this slide to show the flow of this transition. The final one year of the Daniel 9 prophecy is the key element into this transition.
In this timeline, the final one week is literally a one year period, following the same interpretations given for the 7 weeks/years and the 62 weeks/years. The angel Gabriel did not give any indication that the final one week should change its meaning to suddenly refer to a period of 7 years. The one week literally refers to one year. For more clarity on this, read the article titled “70 Weeks/Shavuots Prophecy – Overview Explanation”.
With this victory over the King of the South, the King of the North becomes a very popular individual on the world scene and scripturally becomes identified as the prince of the people [aka - the world] (Daniel 9:26). We must remember that at this time, he only has the authority of three kings within the ten king assembly. Thus this level of people power increases his power base and gives him the authority to make a covenant with many for one year, as detailed in Daniel 9:26-27. This covenant must be made around the time of Shavuot, 2036 in order to fulfill the Daniel 9 prophecy which counts the prophetic years from Shavuot to Shavuot.
As a quick point for clarification; in Daniel 9 specifically in verses 25 and 26 many people associate the title of “Messiah the Prince” in verse 25 with “people of the prince” in verse 26, believing they are one and the same. This is not the case. Note that the title of “Messiah the Prince” is represented in capital letters while the term “people of the prince” is in lower case letters. This was done to show that two different individuals are being identified in this account. Messiah the Prince is cut off (the sacrifices are stopped) after the 62 year segment of the timeline is complete, which fits perfectly in describing when the tribulation begins (because in the midst of the final one week is when the sacrifices are stopped, so theoretically that means a little more than half a year after the King of the North war against the King of the South).
You can see the specific dates in the light gray box titled “1 week segment” as to when the final one year begins and ends. As already mentioned the King of the North is also known as the prince of the people. There is one specific action that connects these two to show they are one and the same; which is the stopping of the daily sacrifices. As mentioned already, the title “prince of the people” indicates he will be a very popular individual by this time but this prince is not the Messiah the Prince mentioned in verse 25. He will be viewed by the world as a leader who is making supposedly righteous changes to the world - which elevates his status more and more to that of a so-called savior. He will make himself to look like the true messiah, but he is not - that is why there is confusion surrounding who is 'the Prince' and who is 'the prince of the people'. Continuing on...then, one of his heads is ‘fatally’ wounded. When this happens, the King of the North/prince of the people now scripturally transitions into the one known as The Beast.
There is an article (which is referred to in the first presentation) that helps in understanding the transition of the one who eventually becomes the beast of Revelation 13. There are many names presented within the prophecies using the names such as: the little horn, the King of the North, the prince of the people, the beast from the sea, the son of perdition and the title of anti-messiah. Are these referring to a whole host of people? Actually, no, these are titles showing the rising up and the progressive transition of one individual to the point of becoming the Revelation 13 beast from the sea. The titles of ‘son of perdition’ and ‘anti-messiah’ hold a slightly set apart level of identification, for these “umbrella like” covering names apply to this individual throughout the progressive transition from little horn into the beast from the sea. The article that goes into depth about this is titled “Other Names of the Anti-Messiah (anti-Christ)”.
It is in the midst of the final one year, that he (the prince of the people/the beast) stops the sacrifices and offerings. What would be the cause for this? As already mentioned a few times, the 'prince' has become so exalted among the people and in his own heart that he places himself into the position of being a god. From his perspective, the operational altar and the worship of the God of Israel would be an affront to him. Thus is must be stopped. But instead of outright stopping the sacrifices and offerings which may result is some backlash - which he can't afford to have happen, he uses subterfuge (deceit). It involves the fatal wound to one of the heads of the beast (which is what the King of the North/prince of the people has now become).
Two small words about the fatal wound to one of the heads give us an interesting clue. In Revelation 13:3 (NASB95) we read “I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;”
The clue is in the two small words of “as if”which is the translation in the NASB95, NASB20, NKJV (while the NIV uses the word “seems”).. These innocuous little words hold a big punch of information, for this means that this one head does not actually succumb to the ‘fatal’ wound. It appears to be a false flag situation in which the beast orchestrates to elevate himself to the final pinnacle of control of the world. Then, after this one head “succumbs”, the false prophet announces the supposed miraculous healing of this supposed fatal wound, which would cause many to attribute this as a resurrection. The Christian world knows that resurrection was only accomplished by Jesus Christ - the Messiah, so this ‘resurrection’ will be widely considered to be a sign that this seven headed beast from the sea is THE Messiah or sanctioned by the Messiah. Many will be easily deceived by this. And the dragon (hasatan) will give him the final piece of power, to act as ruler of the earth for 42 months.
In the midst of all this, the beast from the earth (that is also mention in Revelation 13) does his own signs and wonders to support the beast from the sea. By supposedly giving life to an image of the beast from the sea, he too causes many to be deceived. Since it is only Elohim Who can give life, how will the beast from the earth (aka the False Prophet) give life to an image? Ever heard of A.I.? Since 2020 or so, artificial intelligence (A.I.) has been igniting a firestorm of debate about whether it can become sentient or not. Ironically, the definition of sentience is being challenged. With this culture of ‘wokeism’ in which people wish to ‘identify’ as such and such, A.I. and its creators are jumping in on this and making the push for A.I. to be recognized as a life form[i]. The beast from the sea will appear unstoppable after its resurrection and its accompanying living image. Recently, in Lucerne, Switzerland, a Catholic church experimented by used an AI version of Jesus Christ in the confessional[ii]
How does this supposed fatal wounding and resurrection involve the stopping of the daily sacrifices? This false flag event will need a scapegoat. In other words, there must be a suspect who caused the ‘fatal wounding’. From the beast’s perspective, this offers a perfect excuse to finally remove the one element of the real Elohim from the earth – go after Israel and the Temple Mount. Israel becomes classified as the suspect and must be punished for their ‘crime’. But this is a two-fold action on the part of the beast. By declaring Israel as the suspect, the beast now can move on Israel and take control of the jewel of the earth – the center of the world – in Jerusalem. With his supposed resurrection, he has taken on the persona of the savior of the world and what better place to be the savior than to be at the center of the world - in Jerusalem. Since he is now considering his self to be a god, the shutting down the altar that is dedicated to a God Who is different than him would be a must.
Ironically, this supposed savior is still in need of physical elements to support his agenda. Not only does he place his seat in Jerusalem to play as a god, but Israel is rich in oil and gas and many other natural resources, so having control of it would add to his power base.
With the stopping of the sacrifices and offerings and the setting up of an abomination in the Holy Place, it becomes clear that back when the Gog/Magog war is won by Elohim, there was not only an altar set up at that time, but also the building of the Third Temple (aka the Holy Place). Thus it could be paraphrased in Daniel 9:27 that the abomination is set up and desolates the Temple.
February 28/March 1, 2037 - Tribulation begins
Scripture is clear that at this point, the tribulation begins and the various numeric prophecies of 1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days and 2300 evenings and mornings also begin. We know these counts begin when the altar is stopped and the Holy Place is desecrated because each one of these prophetic counts specifically refers to these events. In a moment we will get into the details about the starting of these counts.
As mentioned already, the final one year of the Daniel 9 prophecy occurs from Shavuot, 2036 to Shavuot, 2037. It is in the midst of that year when the stopping of the sacrifices and offerings on Elohim’s altar in Jerusalem will happen. We do have some clues in scripture that gives us a probable date when that occurs. The date is the Hebrew day of February 28 into March 1, 2037. How can we know this?
Yeshua gave us the clue in Matthew 24:15-21 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place—let the reader understand— 16 then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. 17 Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house. 18 And whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. 19 But woe to those women who are pregnant, and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20Moreover, pray that when you flee, it will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. 21For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will again.”
Yeshua gives us the circumstances surrounding the clue. He warns that the people in Judea who see this abomination being set up must flee immediately and not take the time to gather any provisions. When did Yeshua indicate they should pray this not happen? He said in verse 20,“pray that when you flee, it will not be in the winter or on a Sabbath.” This is a Hebrew idiom or what we would today call an anti-phrasis, in that Yeshua is actually meaning the opposite of what He spoke. Therefore, those in Judea will be fleeing in the winter and on a Sabbath. Having checked the calendars for 10 years before and 10 years after 2037, the only day this can happen in the midst of the final one year is February 28 into March 1, 2037.
This is Purim – a day that is considered as a Sabbath because of its significance in Hebrew history and the observance of that history. There is a lot of irony about this day of Purim being the day the sacrifices are stopped. In the book of Esther, this day was to be the day that Haman would kill the Jews in Persia but his evil plan was thwarted by Esther and Mordechai. The one known as the Beast will attempt to set up his kingdom upon the earth, but it will be thwarted by Yeshua at His return. This addresses the clue about the Sabbath, but there is also the confirmation of the clue about winter. This day of Purim on February 28 into March 1, 2037 happens in winter since the winter season in 2037 continues for another 19 days until the spring equinox on March 20th.
These are not the only evidences that February 28 into March 1, 2037 is the date for the stopping of the sacrifices and the start of the 3 ½ year tribulation. There are the various numeric prophesies that add confirmation.
On this day as already mentioned, four numerical prophesies begin. They are the 1335 days, the 1290 days, the 1260 days and the 2300 evenings and mornings. All four of these prophecies begin when the sacrifices are stopped as described in Daniel 12:11-13 and Revelation 12:6 in conjunction with Matthew 24:15-16 and Revelation 12:6 (regarding the time, times and half a time equaling 1260 days), plus Daniel 8:12-14.
1335 Days Prophecy
For the 1335 days prophecy, it is Daniel 12 that introduces us. In verse 6 he records a question; “And someone said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream, “How long will it be until the end of these wonders?” The answer is given in verses 11-13 “ And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who is patient and attains to the 1,335 days! 13 But as for you, go your way to the end; then you will rest and rise for your allotted portion at the end of the age.”
From this day when we see the abomination being set up, we (the reader and those in Judea who flee) are to keep a count of 1335 days for the end result is that we are blessed with our patience. Counting forward, the date of the completion of this count is on October 23/24, 2040 which happens to be Cheshvan 17 – the day Noah’s flood began many millennia ago. The significance of the 1335 days about being blessed involves some interesting insights related to the timing of events when Yeshua returns. Five days after hasatan and the beast are defeated at Yom Kippur, Yeshua and His people celebrate Sukkot. At that time the altar will be dedicated for the full eight days of the Feast, but then there will quite probably be a further 24 days of dedication done by each of the twelve tribes. It is fascinating to see that the final day of dedication ends on Cheshvan 17. What this means is that now the people are blessed with the ability to finally make sacrifices and offerings upon the altar in Jerusalem. More details about the events at the end of this count will be presented in Slide 5.
1290 Days Prophecy
Daniel 12:11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”
From this day of Purim we will also need to keep a count of 1290 days that is also written about in Daniel 12. Verse 11 is letting us know this is the length of the tribulation as we progress through it. We know the end of the tribulation happens when Yeshua returns. The completion of this particular count is on Tishri 1, September 7/8, 2040 which is Yom Teruah or also known as the Feast of Trumpets. Again, more details about the events at the end of this count will be presented on Slide 4.
1260 Days Prophecy for those who flee in Judea
From this day those in Judea who flee will keep a count of 1260 days to know the length of time they are nourished in the wilderness. Counting forward 1260 days from Purim, we come to Elul 1, which is August 10/11, 2040 – 30 days before Yeshua’s return on Yom Teruah. Yeshua warns those in Judea in the verses of Matthew 24:15-16 about fleeing when they see the abomination being set up in the Holy Place. At this point in time, the signs in the heaven begin to appear.
This same 1260 days is also the time of the Gentiles, where they trodden down Jerusalem and take part in stopping the sacrifices as described in Luke 21:24. At the end of this count on Elul 1 is when those in Judea will begin returning to Jerusalem to witness the fulfillment of Zechariah 14:4 - of Yeshua cleaving the Mount of Olives in half from the east and to the west 30 days later on Tishri 1. This is the first of the counts to be completed and more information about the events at the end of this count will be presented on Slide 3.
As per Speculation #2 (about when the Gog/Magog invasion occurs in 2023/2024) the counting forward for 7 years of ‘plenty’ and a further 7 years of famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai ends since those in Judea who flee are being nourished and those in the greater exodus are also being nourished.
Speculation #1 (which is slated to begin in 2027/2028 and is 3 ½ years before the tribulation starts) continues through this period.
2300 Evenings and Mornings (Days)
From Purim, we will need to keep track of 2300 evenings and mornings so we can know when the Holy Place will be restored – Daniel 8:12-14. This count is the longest of the numeric prophesies and it ends on June 14/15, 2043, the day after Shavuot that year. This is fitting to have the Holy Place restored the day after Shavuot, for that is when the Ruach haKodesh has been given as described in Acts chapter 1. It means we are ready to have our Elohim in our midst again. Sadly, this count has much controversy surrounding it, specifically about how to interpret the meaning of the phrase “evenings and mornings”.
Working through this timeline (or any other timeline for that matter), it was made clear that the popular interpretation of 1150 days would not work because if using that count, the prophecy would end in the middle of the tribulation. In no way could the Holy Place be restored in the middle of the tribulation. Thus the interpretation that there are actually 2300 evenings and mornings or more specifically 2300 days has more validity, for this count then ends AFTER Yeshua has returned and has been making His kingdom ready to have the Holy Place restored. The details about the end of this count will be presented on Slide 5.
So it becomes evident that the completion of these prophetic counts adds confirmation that the starting point for the tribulation on Purim, February 28 into March 1, 2037 is highly probable.
1260 Days Prophecy of a Greater Exodus and Two Witnesses
Then, 30 days after the start of the tribulation, the people in other parts of the world, who are also keeping track of the counts, must prepare for their own event, which will begin at the Passover. This will be on March 29/30, 2037.
From this day of Passover, the people scattered in the world will begin an Exodus that is greater than the one out of Egypt as prophesied in Jeremiah 16 and Jeremiah 23 as well as in Revelation 12. This is a count of 1260 days and should not be confused with the 1260 days for those fleeing from Judea. Those in Judea begin their count on Purim whereas the people in the rest of the world begin their count for the Greater Exodus 30 days later on Passover. Even though none of the scriptures specifically states 1260 days, we can figure this out quite simply. In Revelation 12:5-6, it is recorded that the woman who birthed the Messiah is nourished for 1260 days. Yes, this refers to those in Judea who flee, but take note of another verse in the same chapter that uses a different description of the length of time that they (aka the woman) are nourished in the wilderness. It is verse 13-14 that speaks of her time in the wilderness as being a time, times and half a time. Where else is that specific timing point used? Daniel 12:7 states that the scattering of the people as like an exodus will be done for a time, times and half a time. The time, times and half a time literally means 1260 days, according to Revelation 12:6 and verse 14. Thus, the Greater Exodus occurs for a period of 1260 days beginning on Passover, March 29/20, 2037 and ending on September 7/8, 2040 on Tishri 1 – which is Yom Teruah or Feast of Trumpets. This is also the day that the 1290 days numerical prophecy ends.
One other count of 1260 days begins on Passover at the same time as the Greater Exodus and ends at the same time. That is the amount of time when the Two Witnesses prophesy and stand before Adonai upon this earth at the Temple Mount. At present, there is no clear definition of who these two witnesses are. We don’t know where they come from but they are described as witnesses, olive trees, lamp stands and as prophets in Revelation chapter 11 and Zechariah 4. Some speculate they will be Elijah and Moses, or Elijah and someone else based on Malachi 4:5 which states that Elohim will send Elijah in the last days. We may well know the identity of one witness but who the other is, is up for strong debate. The two witnesses are killed 3 ½ days before Yeshua returns and then are resurrected and ascend into the clouds to be with Him. From this, we can simply calculate 1260 days backwards from September7/8, 2040 and we arrive at Passover, 2037.
There will be much more about these two witnesses later on in Presentation Four when the 1260 days for the Two Witnesses ends.
May 24/25, 2037 - the prophecy of the 70 years in Daniel 9 ends.
Meanwhile, back to the transitioning of the 70 Years prophecy with the beginning of the tribulation; the 70 years prophecy section is just about completed. From Passover, we count 5 more days to the Wave-Sheaf Offering on April 4/5, 2037. This day occurs after the weekly Sabbath (not the High Sabbath) after the Passover. Around that time something else of significance happens, and we’ll discuss that in a moment. Meanwhile, it is important to know when this Wave-Sheaf Offering day occurs, so we can begin the count of the Omer for 7 weeks (shavuah’s) plus one day (which is a total of 50 days) to help us calculate to the final Shavuot of the Daniel 9 prophecy. By doing this 50 day count we come to May 24/25, 2037, when we observe the 70th Shavuot and finish Daniel’s prophecy – though it will be a different observance since all of us will either be in the wilderness being nourished or taking part in the Greater Exodus.
Mark of the Beast / Sealing of the 144,000
Now concerning this other significant event that will happen around the time of the Wave-Sheaf Offering, the world is going to experience a huge shift in people’s ability to buy and sell. This is known as the Mark of the Beast. This mark can only be implemented upon the people of the world once they are unified under the beast and he has established control over all aspects of life. According to the prophecies, this does not happen until he stops the sacrifices and sets up his abomination. Posing as a savior and messiah type, the beast will also copy other aspects of the true Messiah’s plan of salvation (which I call His battle plan).
While they are imposing their mark upon this world, it will be around this time that Yeshua will send forth the angel with the golden censer to pause the battle plan so the 144,000 can be sealed upon their foreheads. The beast is trying to copy what Yeshua is actually doing, but this copy is very sinister and controlling unlike the real seal which provides protection and comfort upon Elohim’s people. When a person takes on the mark of the beast, that person is showing the world who they give allegiance to and it shows Yeshua their choice of whom they want to lead them.
According to this timeline, the beast puts up the requirements for his mark around 50 days before the final Shavuot, while Yeshua will have the 144,000 sealed after that final Shavuot. With their supposed 50 day head start, hasatan and the beast are trying to deceive even the elect. But they won’t succeed because Elohim’s people have already fled from Judea or started out on the Greater Exodus. The third presentation provides more information about the sealing of the 144,000.
To recap this portion, from Purim to Shavuot is 85 days. There are a lot of events that happen in this short period of time. We see the start of the tribulation and the prophetic counts. We see the mark of the beast is imposed on the world followed by the 50 day count to calculate when Shavuot occurs. At this same time, the 144,000 are sealed. We see this Shavuot completes 70 years of the Daniel 9 prophecy. Now with the 70th Shavuot on May 24/25, 2037completed, we proceed onward to see and hear Yeshua’s Battle Plan take effect during the remainder of the 3 ½ years of the tribulation.
This concludes the presentation of Slide 2.
In Slide 3 will be the presentation of Yeshua’s Battle Plan in the tribulation and how it will unfold.
Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah, Yeshua.
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Note: The graphic at the top of this presentation reflects Speculation #2 showing that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai had ended on February 28/March 1, 2037 (Purim), 1260 days after it began when those in Judea fled and had been nourished in the wilderness.
Below is the graphic for Speculation #1 to reflect the continuation of the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai (gold arrows).
Presentation Two - The Transition from the 70 Years Prophecy to the Tribulation Events