There are many interpretations of the prophecy of Daniel 9 which are being published these days stoked by the intensifying of world events. This is on top of many other interpretations that have been created over the last couple of centuries. Yet the vast majority of these prophecies have become disproved since either time has run out on their interpretations or the interpretations do not take into consideration all of the prophetic scriptures to act as confirmation.
It’s important to note that what has happened originally to our fathers will happen to those in the end times. Case in point is the account of the exodus. There will be a greater exodus in the end times (Jeremiah 16:14-15). Noah’s flood is another example (see article “Noah’s Flood and the Ezekiel 38/39 War”). There are even more examples, such as the 7 years of plenty and famine in the time of Joseph in Egypt that could relate to 7 years of plenty of the word of the LORD and 7 years of famine of His word – Amos 8:11 (see article “The Prophetic Time of Plenty and Time of Famine”). Another addition is the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Even though this is not an historical event, the virgins clearly describe the people of Elohim just before the Bridegroom (Yeshua) returns.
When we read the accounts about these previous events, they provide us (who are living in the end times) the ability to understand what will be transpiring. It could be considered as foresight, much like Joseph had visions to give him foresight of events that would happen to him later on in life. Knowing a little bit of what to expect in the future is a very powerful tool for us as His people to have.
Elohim did not have the prophetic scriptures written to confuse. What has made them seem confusing is that they have been sealed and will only be available at the end time. Thus all through the thousands of years people have attempted to make sense of these prophecies yet they have all fallen short – simply because it wasn’t time for this information to be unsealed and made known. Sadly, hasatan has taken advantage of people’s attempts at unsealing the prophecies and the resulting theories they create. He is making sure these theories are kept available for eschatology study so as to bring confusion into future understandings of the prophecies. We need to unlearn, let go, remove, etc. all these past old theories to fully understand the prophecies in their unsealed and open state – as Elohim intended.
When the information is unsealed by Elohim, it will make sense and be plain to see for end time believers. Elohim deals in the elegantly simple way of life that is simply elegant in its application. There won’t be any confusion whatsoever.
This overview presentation offers a speculated interpretation of the Daniel 9 prophecy of the 70 Week’s. Coupled with the surrounding prophecies to act as confirmations, this overview is quite compelling. This prophecy is only now coming alive with the world events unfolding as they are. It is being unsealed.
Daniel 9:24-27 are the verses specific to the prophetic weeks portion of Daniel 9 which purposely mentions a period of 70 weeks/Shavuots and then breaks that time period down into a specific order of 7 weeks/Shavuots; 62 weeks/Shavuots; and one final week/Shavuot. We know that each week/Shavuot represents one year, since there is only one Shavuot high Sabbath per year. In this interpretation, since the scripture is clear on the delineation and order of three specific time frames, the interpretation must also be made in that same order. Otherwise, why would Elohim have Daniel mention them individually in that order?
The following two graphics will offer a visual aid while reading the points in this article. The reason for two graphics is to show the different dates in which the Gog/Magog invasion (in yellow) could take place. This is the one prophetic war in which multiple determinations of occurence are still possible. The other prophetic wars (in blue) are easily determined as will be made evident in this article.
The graphic above details Speculation One of the timeline of the Gog/Magog invasion within the 70 Weeks/Years prophecy of Daniel 9.
The graphic above details Speculation Two of the timeline of the Gog/Magog invasion within the 70 Weeks/Years prophecy of Daniel 9.
The first seven years portion.
Daniel 9:25 identifies what starts the 70 weeks/shavuots prophecy which simultaneously starts the first numeric segment of the 7 weeks/Shavuots. The events that identify the start of this prophecy are the specific instructions pertaining to the decree to rebuild Jerusalem with plaza and moat. Just days before Shavuot in 1967 during the Six-Day War, the Old City was brought under Israeli control which united Jerusalem as one city. Shortly after the 6-Day War and the Shavuot High Sabbath, a decree did go out to rebuild Jerusalem[1]. In no time at all, the plaza and water ways (moat) were built as part of the reunification process of the city. With this information, we know that 1967 is a very solid confirmation of the start of the 70 week/shavuots of the Daniel 9 prophecy since it fulfills the specific instructions about the decree and the plaza and moat. The other date option had been 1948 when Israel became a sovereign state. However, there is no documentation about a specific decree to rebuild Jerusalem and no work was done to create a plaza and the moat (waterworks) to unify Jerusalem. Therefore, with a strong level of confidence, we can utilize the date of Shavuot, 1967 as the starting point of the prophetic count of 70 weeks/shavuots (years).
But is the reunification information sufficient proof? Is there further proof that this interpretation is a strong probability? Yes, there is further proof.
The first numeric segment within the 70 weeks/Shavuots prophecy is the 7 weeks/shavuots time period. For sake of easier reading, the prophetic weeks/shavuots/years will be identified simply as “years”. From 1967 we count forward 7 years (based on Shavuot to Shavuot), taking us to 1973/1974. Within that time period was the Yom Kippur war[2]. This is a point of proof that we are on the right track. The two wars (Six-Day War and Yom Kippur War) act as bookends to confirm this seven year period.
The next sixty-two week portion / Then the final one week portion.
Then Daniel 9:25 states, the 62 years period comes next. Since we are in the midst of this period, we do not have the luxury of hindsight to see the significant event that closes out this period, as we have had with the first portion of the 7 years. Yet, our Elohim gave us prophecy so we can have some level of foresight into matters that are yet to happen upon this earth. Though with this type of foresight we have to be cautious and consider it as speculation until the actual time and event happens. What we can do is to keep these foresights in mind, just as Jacob did with Joseph’s dreams about the family bowing to him (Genesis 37:11).
In the Daniel 9 70 week’s prophecy we are given some clues to help develop foresight.
· Daniel 9:24-27 24“Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place. 25“So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. 26“Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. 27“And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.”
Verses 24 and 25 give us some clues about what happens during the first period of 7 years. These clues we have already addressed.
It is the clues in verses 26 and 27 that give us foresight into what will transpire after the 62 years is completed and the final one week is happening. A number of events happen.
1. The Messiah will be cut off and have nothing (NASB) The Messiah will be cut off but not for himself (KJV)
2. The people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.
3. The 62 years ends with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.
4. And he (the prince of the people)** makes a firm covenant with the many for one week. This is the final one year of the Daniel 9 70 week’s prophecy.
5. In the middle of that final year, this prince will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering.
6. On the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction.
7. This is a decree that is made on the one who makes desolate. In other words, Elohim requires this abomination and desolation to happen. It now opens the door for Them to come against those who make the Holy Place desolate.
Let’s go through each part so we can extrapolate what may very well occur between now and the end of the 62 years, plus what may very well happen at the end of the 62 years and the events of the final one year.
Before going any further there is something that must be addressed concerning the final one ‘week’ of the Daniel 9 70 weeks prophecy. Many eschatologists view this final one ‘week’ as a period of 7 years. In this study, the final one ‘week’ is viewed as literally one year, for the following reason. Daniel is very specific in the usage of the term “week’s” to describe the timing points of this prophecy. We know that there is one High Sabbath called Shavuot (week) in each year. Thus we can determine that one Shavuot (week) is equal to one year. And this must apply to the final one week as well. We cannot shift the measuring stick of timing points in the final one week, because Daniel did not indicate any change in measurement – he continued to use the same term “week”. It must remain the same as was used to measure the 7 years and the 62 years.
By viewing the final one ‘week’ prophecy as a one year timing point, will this align with the end time events? Yes it does. Continue reading to find out.
It must be noted that in the midst of the 62 weeks a very important event quite possibly could happen - the crowning of Yeshua as King of the earth by Abba. If we recall the account of Joseph in Egypt, he was elevated to second in command having authority to rule all of Egypt (including Pharaoh's household, but not the throne). This took place just before the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine, which Joseph had interpreted for Pharaoh. Since the 7 years of plenty and 7 more year of famine are prophetic in nature and part of the timeline, it just might be conceivable that just before the end time application of these two periods of 7 years that Yeshua is crowned as King of the earth. That would place the time of His coronation during the Fall Feasts of 2023 - since the Gog/Magog War is expected to begin on October 31/November 1, 2023, which begins the 7 years of utilizing the spoils of war as a time of plenty, followed by the 7 years of famine of the hearing of the word of Elohim. Much more information on this point can be found in the article "The Prophetic Nature of the Crowning of Joseph"
Point One: “AFTER the 62 years the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing”.
This is what the New American Standard Bible version says. In the King James Version the wording is a bit different and gives a different view point, “AFTER the 62 years the Messiah will be cut off but not for himself.” What does this mean and what exactly will happen when the Messiah is cut off after the 62 years?
Both versions state that after the 62 years Messiah will be cut off. The cross referencing scriptures given in the Bible margins of Daniel 9:26 refer to Yeshua haMashiach’s crucifixion (Mark 9:12 / Psalm 22:1-6 / Isaiah 53:2-8 / Zechariah 13:7). We know Yeshua was crucified when He walked the earth 2000 years ago, but how does this play out in the end times? What causes the Messiah to be cut off after the 62 years?
Another war will take place in The Land (Israel).
It fits the pattern that war is the bookend to each of the Daniel 9 timing points of the 70 weeks prophecy. We had the Six Day War starting the whole prophetic counting, followed with the Yom Kippur War to mark the end of the seven year timing point. The Yom Kippur War then becomes the starting bookend for the 62 year timing point. What war acts as the other bookend for the 62 years? That very well could be the war between the King of the North with the King of the South. Historically various versions of these two kings have made war with each other and each war has happened in The Land (Israel). It appears that the final war between these two kings will also happen in The Land.
How can we determine there will be another war? There are many other sources which give us clues. Watching world news offers many insights because the political, economic and industrial leaders of this world are growing bolder in revealing their plan for ‘the improvement of the state of the world’. This is the motto of a private organization called the World Economic Forum (WEF), which acts as a central hub to organize the leaders of industry, politics and the economy into one cohesive perspective. This organization has also imbedded itself within the United Nations[3]. The WEF openly announced in 2017 during its inaugural Sustainability Development Impact Summit that the year 2030 would be the Great Reset[4] . Since then, this Summit has met every year at various hosted locations to keep this ‘reset’ on track for 2030. Of course, the pandemic apparently caused them some issues[5], but it appears they have found a way to make these setbacks help their cause surge forward with even greater impact.
The agenda of the WEF coupled with the United Nations (and other world agencies such as the IMF and the WHO) will probably be the platform that sets up the entities of the King of the North and the King of the South. Quite conceivably, as the years progress beyond 2030, we could see the manifestation of a person who will quickly become the one identified in scripture as the King of the North. Right now, the WEF and the UN et el, do not have one specific individual to act as a leader but clearly as the agenda progresses forward, the need for a single leader will be necessary. Historically it has been shown that rallying behind one strong willed and dynamic individual does bring about the necessary changes to society, whether those changes are good or not. The WEF is a European based organization and can be considered as north of Israel. Thus the potential leader of the WEF/UN agenda could become the King of the North. Will the WEF/UN agenda be welcomed by all people? Apparently not, since the King of the South will challenge this agenda. War will be inevitable.
As a side note, when the WEF announced its agenda for the Great Reset in the year 2016/2017, the year before was a Shmita year (the third Shmita of the 120th Yovel cycle). Discover more about the Shmita/Yovel cycle in this article "Shmita/Yovel Cycles Confirm 2300 Evenings and Mornings Dates"
Various scripture also gives us a good source of clues. We have the account in Jeremiah 46 which details a historical battle between Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh Neco of Egypt[6] – a king of the north and king of the south battle that details what happens to the King of the South in the final battle between these two kings. What makes this chapter significant for end times are the scriptures of Jeremiah 46:13-28 which has a future tense tone to them, especially in verses 27 and 28 speaking about Jacob being undisturbed and safe in The Land. Jacob has not been nor is safe or undisturbed in The Land, so this is yet to come. But note this; in verse 28 Elohim makes a statement that gives us another clue to the time of this battle.
· Jeremiah 46:28 "O Jacob My servant, do not fear," declares the Lord, "For I am with you. For I will make a full end of all the nations Where I have driven you, Yet I will not make a full end of you; But I will correct you properly And by no means leave you unpunished."
This verse clearly refers to the tribulation when Yeshua implements His Battle Plan and makes a full end of all the nations while protecting Jacob (aka the woman and those who are the rest of her offspring). Jacob's experiences of living through this tribulation will be that time of punishment and of being properly corrected.
Daniel 11 lists all the previous encounters between the King of the North and the King of the South and corroborates with Jeremiah 46 about the final war between the two, that the King of the North wins the battle. Daniel 11:31 also corroborates with Daniel 9:27 that it is this same King of the North (the prince of the people) who shuts down the altar.
The sentence structure of Daniel 9:25-27 seems a bit convoluted with the usage of the pronoun ‘he’ and it can be confusing in understanding which individual is being referred to. This is part of the sealing-up of this scripture. But there is a way to understand/unseal that. The clues are in verse 25 and 26.
· Daniel 9:25"So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress.”
Note the uppercase for the title of Prince. This verse associates this to Messiah.
· Daniel 9:26 "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined."
Note that the title for prince here is in lower case. This is in reference to someone else; someone who is considered as the prince of the people and as the one who stops the sacrifices and grain offerings.
· Daniel 9:27 "And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
Since the individual last identified before the pronouns of ‘he’ are used is the lower case prince, we can come to the understanding that this pronoun ‘he’ in verse 27 is referring to the lower case prince of the people, who is also known as the King of the North.
What does this boil down to? The Messiah is cut off after the 62 years within the 70 years prophecy of Daniel 9 because of the war between the King of the North with the King of the South which takes place in the land of Israel. The King of the North wins the battle and it is his people who remain and occupy The Land. They effectively cut of the Messiah from His people when they destroy the city and the sanctuary, even though the sacrifices continue (for a short time). The sanctuary is the House of the LORD, it is His dwelling place and when it is destroyed, the Messiah will not be living there any further - He will have nothing. The King James Version uses the phrase “and not for Himself”, meaning that when He is cut off, it impacts His people too.
To understand how there will be a House of the LORD in Jerusalem with an altar offering daily sacrifices and offerings please read the article “Gog/Magog – Results in 7 Years of Plenty?”
Point Two: The people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.
· Daniel 9:26 "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood' even to the end there willbe war/ desolations are determined."
This has just been touched on in Point One. The people of the lower case prince are also the people of the King of the North. They are one and the same. Due to the battle against the King of the South, Jerusalem will be over run and occupied resulting in destruction. A sure sign of post war occupation. That occupation is a result of world domination. Upon the defeat of the King of the South, the King of the North is now the ruler of the One World Order and he is about to set up all the elements of hasatan's style of government. Within the year, hasatan will give him his authority to rule for 42 months.
But we are getting ahead of ourselved here. We must first ask why will the people of the prince destroy the city and the sanctuary? This lays the groundwork for the next phase of the King of the North’s agenda - to destroy the concept of traditional religion. Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is considered the holiest place for the worlds three main and most populous religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. As part of the agenda of the King of the North, it will be required by all nations to worship him. This is when we see the transformation of the king into the beast entity of Revelation 13:1-8. For his agenda to ‘improve the state of the world’ he knows he must cause everyone to centralize their religious agenda's, so they speak one word of unity. This is the purpose of a new initiative within the religious world that is headquartered in London, England. It is called CoExist House, "...a global center to help TRANSFORM public understanding about the practices and perspectives of the world's faiths..." As the rule of the King of the North magnifies and he is given his power for 42 months by the dragon, the scripture clearly shows that the transformation of worship will eventually focus solely on him. Since all other aspects of politics, the economy and industry are becoming centralized; religion is the final aspect to be ‘centralized’.
He will accomplish the control of Jerusalem in stages by first destroying the city and the sanctuary (not the altar) which has been the pilgrimage destination for Christians and Jews since the Gog/Magog war happened nearly 14 years earlier (remember the Gog/Magog war removed Islam from the Temple Mount).
He will allow the altar on the Temple Mount to continue operations at this time because he uses the altar as a pilgrimage destination to continue to draw many people into Jerusalem (as the people of the prince). He sees these people as witnesses who can testify to the transformation of the King of the North into the all-controlling Beast.
Then in the midst of the week, he will destroy the altar when he sets up his own image.
Point Three: The 62 years ends with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.
We have to understand that the phrase ‘after the 62 weeks’ in Daniel 9:26 can also refer to the events that will happen in the final one week – since the final one week happens ‘AFTER the 62 weeks’. The flood is a clear reference to the event of the serpent attempting to kill Elohim’s people/the woman who are in The Land (see scripture below). The people of the prince have set up the abominations in The Land, which is a clear sign for Elohim’s people to flee (Matthew 24:16 / Mark 13:14). Thankfully, our Elohim saves those of us who are fleeing from Judea at that time.
· Daniel 9:26 "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined."
· Revelation 12:115-16 “And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth."
Point Four: And he (the prince of the people) makes a firm covenant with the many for one week.
· Daniel 9:27 "And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
This is the final one year of the Daniel 9 70 week’s prophecy. As the 62 weeks ends and the King of the North (potentially the WEF/UN agenda leader) has won the war against the King of the South, this King now moves into making a covenant with MANY . Who are the many? And what is the covenant pertaining to? At this time we do not know but we will eventually know as the time draws nearer and the events in the world coalesce with prophecy. Normally a covenant is made between two or more parties so they will work together with a common purpose and goal. Therefore, we can anticipate that the covenant which the King of the North makes with many will be something where the signing parties will work together to continue the King of the North’s WEF/UN agenda. What is clear is that this covenant will be a FIRM covenant and it will be for one year. Those two clues will help us to know for sure that we are watching the prophetic words happen in real time. When we see this happen, we will finally come to know who ‘the beast’ is.
Point Five: In the middle of that final year, this prince will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering.
· Daniel 9:27 27"And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
Now we have a moved forward beyond the end of the 62 weeks portion to the midst of the final one year. The firm covenant is in place and a lot of prophetic events are happening. The King of the North has control of the Middle East area of Israel and has caused his people to bring destruction upon the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary. He is making sure that religion is under his control just as the other aspects of the world are. To solidify that, the King of the North (prince of the people) stops the sacrifice and grain offering. The stopping of sacrifice and offering will be those give to Elohim. Instead the beast will use the altar as his own place of worship and set up the statue of him to centralize the religion. He needs the daily sacrifice to continue until a very specific moment when he feels he can transition the people from worshipping Elohim to himself. The beast will need a good reason to do this. What would cause him to stop the sacrifice and offering, even though the city and the sanctuary are being destroyed? There is another prophecy that ties into this time period. It is the prophecy about the prince of the people/King of the North/ the beast being fatally wounded.
· Revelation 13:2-3 “2 And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority. 3 I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;”
· Revelation 13:12 “12 He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed.”
· Revelation 13:14 “14And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life.”
Could the supposed assassin be someone from Israel? Could the stopping of the sacrifice and offering be in retribution for this? Quite possibly. And there could be other reasons as well. Take note of this; verse 3 of Revelation 13 makes an interesting observation with two small words “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been slain”. “As if” it had been slain? What does this mean? Could this mean that the second beast/false prophet (verse 11-12) fabricates a story about the first beast being slain and ‘miraculously’ resurrected? Could there be some serious spin doctoring happening which is brilliantly executed in deceiving a lot of people around the world (Rev 13:12, 14). For the beast to truly experience resurrection and come alive, that can only be done by Elohim. Hasatan (the dragon) does not have the power or the authority to resurrect – that is for Elohim only (John 11:25-26 / Romans 8:11 / John 6:40 plus many more scriptures). Therefore, it is most likely that the ‘fatal wound’ and resurrection of the beast is a fabricated story.
Another reason how the altar is stopped could be that the beast considers himself to be the Messiah. Just a few short years earlier, the Gog/Magog war had taken place in which Elohim brought about their destruction. With the power vacuum created by Gog and Magog’s defeat, this became the open door for the little horn to manifest through. Not only does he utilized the vacuum and fill it, but he also makes use of something else that is far more sinister. He gets everyone to believe it was he who destroyed Gog and Magog and has now manifested himself in physical form – as the Messiah. Since the world is looking for the Messiah, they will be easily duped by this. In his role as the (false) Messiah, the little horn will consider himself to be the defender of all faiths. In this capacity he will not challenge the Jewish people as they set up the altar and build the Third Temple. Most likely he will relish this as though they are doing it for him. That is why the altar and the Third Temple will remain operational through the 7 years of famine of the hearing of the word of Adonai. It is during the 7 years of famine that the little horn manufactures the plot for one of his kings to be ‘wounded AS IF it had been slain’. The outcome of this deception is brilliantly executed when the whole world marvels as the head is healed. What do the people do? They now follow the little horn believing him to be the Messiah. Only those who truly know the scriptures and have Yeshua’s mind in them will know he is actually the anti-Messiah. In his physical form he will easily transition from the little horn into the King of the North. With the defeat of the King of the South, he will amass an even larger number of followers which then identifies him as the prince of the people. Through it all he is the anti-Messiah, but the world will not know that – until Yeshua as the real Messiah arrives.
In his role as the (false) Messiah, he will only tolerate the altar for so long before his environmentalist/humanitarian views conflict with the altars daily sacrifices. His views of world salvation involve saving the environment so humans can have a strong foundation from which to live upon. The altar will be in conflict to that and the outcry from the people who follow him will be great. Once he has completed the false flag event of one of his heads being ‘assassinated’ but then healed (with the world marveling at what he does), he will now consider himself to be is a very strong position to make his move against the altar and to set up his image in the Holy Place – which in his mind is justified since he is exalted by the world as the Messiah.
Do we have an idea of what the date may be when the sacrifice is stopped? Yes, there is a strong probability we can know this. Here’s how. Yeshua employed antiphrasis[7] (the speaking in opposites) to make a most unusual statement in Matthew 24:20 “Moreover, pray that when you flee, it will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.” This is clearly code for those who have an ear. The code refers to one event, those in Judea who witness the abomination set up in the Holy Place must flee immediately. Yeshua is telling them when that time to flee will be. “Not in winter or on a Sabbath” is code (parable/opposite) to mean that the date will actually be in winter and on a Sabbath.
As mentioned, the final one week/shavuot/year of the Daniel 9 prophecy is from Shavuot, 2036 to Shavuot, 2037. Anytime between these two Shavuots can be considered as “in the midst of…” The only ‘Sabbath’ that is in the winter during this one year period is Purim. Purim is not an official Sabbath, but it is honoured with the same level of regard. Using Yeshua’s code to extrapolate this clue, we can determine that the sacrifices will be stopped at or around Purim, 2037. This is the signal for the start of the tribulation and the prophetic numerical counts of Daniel 8 (2300 evenings and mornings); Daniel 12 (1290 days and 1335 days); Matthew 24:16 (1260 days for those in Judea to be nourished); Luke 21:24 (1260 days for the times of the Gentiles). Thirty (30) days after Purim is Passover which is the well understood start of the prophetic event of the Greater Exodus which has its own count of 1260 days. Five (5) days after Passover is the Wave Sheaf Offering which begins the counting of 7 Sabbaths plus one day (50 days) to Shavuot. This Shavuot on May 19/20, 2037 finishes the 70 weeks/shavuots/years prophecy of Daniel 9. The first stages of the tribulation are upon us and it will be this period of time which completes the requirements of Daniel 9:24 “…to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.”
The tribulation is Yeshua’s Battle Plan that finishes the transgression, ends sin, makes atonement for iniquity and brings in everlasting righteousness, completes the visions and prophecies and eventually anoints the most holy place (which has been defiled by the abomination).
With Purim, 2037 as the starting point we can use the prophetic numeric counts to determine the dates when these prophecies end and when Yeshua will return. Without getting into the fine details that are used to arrive with the dates, it is determined that Yeshua returns on September 7/8, 2040 (Tishri 1) – which is the start of the 10 days of Awe, ending on Yom Kippur. During these 10 days is when Yeshua completes His destruction of hasatan’s kingdom and the city of Babylon with the final five seals (that includes the four horsemen), two woes, two trumpets and seven plagues. Then five (5) days after Yom Kippur is the start of Sukkot. We still are counting two final prophecies of days. One is the 1335 days which began on February 28/March 1, 2037 and will end on October 23/24, 2040. This is Cheshvan 17 the day that Noah and his family and the gathered animals entered the Ark, shut the door and the flood began. The Flood cleansed the earth in Noah’s day. In 2040, this day will be a blessed day (Daniel 12:12) because the injustice done against Elohim’s people will be complete and the earth will be considered cleansed (Zechariah 14:16). From this time, all the prophetic numerical counts are completed except for the 2300 evenings and mornings (which is completed on June 14/15, 2043).
Another confirmation about when the altar is shut down is to take the numeric prophecies and work them backwards from a future Yom Teruah (Trumpets), which is when Yeshua returns. It should not come as a surprise that after checking the calendar well into the future for Yom Teruah's, the only year that fits is 2037 at Purim. It should not come as a surprise that the only year that fits is 2037 at Purim.
One other point, the scriptures are very clear and reveal who is the one to stop the sacrifices. Daniel 7; Daniel 8; Daniel 12; John 17:12; 1 Thessalonians 2:3; 1 John 2; 1 John 4; 2 John 1; Revelation 12; Revelation 13 all confirm it is the individual who is known by the many titles of:
· the prince of the people
· the King of the North,
· the little horn,
· the beast,
· anti-messiah,
· son of perdition/destruction
Point Six: On the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction.
· Daniel 9:27 27"And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
As a result of the abominations, we will have the confirmation of who is the beast (will come one who makes desolate), because some kind of an image will be set up of him in the Holy Place of Elohim, of which the world is to worship. The false prophet hasn’t been mentioned yet, but it is this person who give the image the ability to come alive and speak (Revelation 13:14-15) thus causing much destruction. It is the false prophet who also spin doctors the storyline about the supposed assassination of the beast.
But there is consolation. The beast can only make desolation UNTIL a complete destruction. The wording of “even until” also shows us that the beast will fight for his cause even to the bitter end. This indicates he will be attacked and his system destroyed. How can this be accomplished? Our attention is directed to the coming of Yeshua haMashiach, Who removes the abominations and brings complete destruction to the ‘one’ who makes desolate. From there Yeshua builds His kingdom out of that destruction.
Point Seven: This is a decree that is made on the one who makes desolate.
· Daniel 9:27 27"And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
In other words, Elohim decrees a complete destruction to be poured out on the one who makes desolate. This is Yeshua Battle Plan which takes place during the tribulation period. The 7 seals, the 7 trumpets, the 3 woes and the 7 plagues/bowls are elements of Yeshua’s Battle Plan which is made clear in the article “The Seals of Revelation and Their Order in the Tribulation Timeline”.
Summary: The 70 Weeks (years) prophecy of Daniel 9 begins on Shavuot, June 17/18, 1967 and ends on Shavuot, May 24/25, 2037. During these 70 years, we will see wars that bookend each segment of this prophecy. With the King of the North and King of the South war acting as the first bookend of the final one year, it will be the tribulation and Yeshua’s war against hasatan and his Babylonian kingdom that acts as the final bookend, not only for the final one week for also for the full 70 weeks (years) prophecy.
When this 70 weeks (years) prophecy ends, we will see the elements of Yeshua’s Battle Plan unfold which culminates with His return. When is His return? We have the prophetic numerical counts given to us in Daniel 12, Revelation 12, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Zechariah 14 – specifically the counting of 1335 days, 1290 days and 1260 days, plus the 42 months and the time, times and half a time count. These counts* begin at the time the altar is stopped at Purim, February 28/March 1, 2037 (the midst of the final one week). When these counts are complete, Yeshua is upon this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords.
*(except the 1260 days of the Greater Exodus which begins at the following Passover)
When did Israel leave Egypt? Video LINK part one
When did Israel leave Egypt? Video LINK part two
[1] The decree and the information about the plaza and moat are discussed in this abstract published in the Journal of Urban History in 2011. [2] After early defeats, Israel regained its footing and eventually captured even more of the Golan Heights. [3] [4] This is the report of the inaugural 2017 Sustainable Development Impact Summit which is the spearhead entity of the Great Reset that has the support of the United Nations. [5] The WEF apparently experienced some setbacks by the pandemic, but it appears they have found a way to make these setbacks help their cause surge forward with even greater impact. [6] Pharaoh Neco (King of the South) [7]