The following article adds context and depth of information concerning how the 2300 evenings and morning can be interpreted to add confirmation of Yeshua’s Battle Plan/Tribulation timeline. This is a sister article to “Shmita/Yovel Confirms Eschatology Timeline”.
2022/2023 is a Shmita year. The proper dates were from the Feast of Trumpets on Tishri 1 (September 25/26, 2022) to Elul 29 (September 15/16, 2023) which at sunset becomes Tishri 1 (September 15th) and begins the Feast of Trumpets.
Where is this year in the chronology of the counting of years for Jubilee/Yovel?
The Shmita of 2022/2023 is the 4th set of sevens in this particular 50 year count – which is of the 120th Jubilee/Yovel cycle.
The start of the counting of years for Jubilee/Yovel cycles began at creation but were not acted upon until the year when Israel entered the Promised Land at the end of their exodus from Egypt (Leviticus 25:1-2) because the people of Elohim are now in The Land.[i] (see notes below)[ii]
Biblical researchers/historians/archaeologists have established the date of the exodus out of Egypt to be in the year 1446 BC. (though there are other dates that are also cited as accurate, but as this study has discovered, the year of 1446 BC completely aligns with the end time prophecies of this tribulation timeline, which thus adds another level of confirmation to this timelines accuracy).
o Subtract 40 years for the wondering in the wilderness and we arrive at the date of 1406 BC for the year Israel enters the Promised Land. This is also the 51st Jubilee/Yovel since creation and becomes the 1st Jubilee/Yovel of the People of Israel in The Land.
The simplest way to describe how this has been determined is to start with the known dates of Biblical history. It is well known and accepted concerning the dates of the reigns of the kings of Israel, specifically one king.
o It is the reign of King Solomon that we need to focus on because of a specific scripture that ties dates of his reign to the time when Israel left Egypt in the first exodus.
King Solomon’s reign was from 970/971 to 931/932 BC, based on external sources other than the Bible (see extra notes below for details to see these sources).
Having a confirmed Gregorian date for Solomon has been the key to connecting the Biblical year to the Gregorian calendar. From this point we can add Gregorian dates to all the Biblical years and can calculate events into the end times.
1 Kings 6:1 "In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord."
From here, the math is simple. Solomon started his reign in 970/971 BC. Four years into his reign (when he started building the temple) is 966/967 BC. Then add 480 years to 966/967 BC and we come to 1446/1447 BC. This is when Israel began their exodus from Egypt and the 40 years in the wilderness.
To know when Israel entered the Promised Land we subtract 40 years from 1446/1447 BC which brings us to 1406 BC.
1406 BC is the start of the counting of the Jubilee/Yovel years for Israel as a nation –as commanded by Elohim in Leviticus 25:1-2 "The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the Lord."
Since the first year Israel lived in the land was established as a Jubilee/Yovel, we then begin our counting on 1406 BC and continue through the centuries until we come to our day and time.
Counting all the Jubilee/Yovel cycles from 1406 BC onward to our day and time we arrive at the year 2044/2045 AD as the 70th Jubilee/Yovel. (This is a huge confirmation point pertaining to the end of the 2300 evenings and mornings prophetic count).
The notes below that have been extrapolated and calculated forward to our time and based one the dates af Solomon and the exodus. We already know the Jubilee/Yovel cycles according to the Biblical years, but having the Gregorian calendar connection enables us to use the dates of Solomon and the exodus as a foundation to calculation Gregorian dates into the end times. This has revealed an accurate alignment of the Shmita and the Jubilee/Yovel cycles with other prophecies that also have Gregorian dates (see "The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9 Explained")
The calculations bring us to 2044/2045 AD as the 50th year (of that particular Jubilee/Yovel cycle). To determine the Shmita years within this cycle, we then count backwards in multiples of 7’s.
The 1st Shmita year was 2001/2002 AD (each of these years represents the end of a 7 year period)
The 2nd Shmita year was 2008/2009 AD
The 3rd Shmita year was 2015/2016 AD
The 4th Shmita year is 2022/2023 AD
The 5th Shmita year will be 2029/2030 AD
The 6th Shmita year will be 2036/2037 AD - ends as the 3 ½ years of tribulation begins in 2037
The 2300 evenings / mornings (days) is complete and the Holy Place is being properly restored (May 30, 2043). This is in the Hebrew year of 2042/2043.
The 7th Shmita year will be 2043/2044 AD
The 50th year/jubilee/yovel will be the following year, 2044/2045 AD
About the 2300 Evenings and Mornings…
There are many differences of opinion on how to interpret what exactly Daniel meant when he wrote “2300 evenings and mornings”. One thought is that this should literally mean 1150 days because it takes one evening and one morning to make a day, so 2300 divided by the 2 parts of the day equals 1150. This is the traditional thought that is accepted by eschatology scholars because as 1150 days the numerical value fits within the dates of the traditional tribulation timeline.
The second more literal thought is that Daniel did mean 2300 days. One evening and one morning does equal one day, and there are 2300 of them. As already mentioned, the problem arose in having this length of time fit within the tribulation timeline. With the traditional timeline’s this period of days far exceeds the completion of the timeline when Yeshua returns. For this reason, this interpretation has been discounted.
But should it?
Daniel gives us a clue that we do need to consider the interpretation to be 2300 days.
Daniel 8:14 "He said to me, "For 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the holy place will be properly restored."
The clue is in the answer to the question; what we are to look for that ends the 2300 days? The underlined segment of the verse above gives us the answer. It is the restoration of the Holy Place (note that it does not refer to the altar). The prophetic count of 2300 days begins when the sacrifices are stopped and the Holy Place is desecrated. The Battle Plan/Tribulation Timeline details that the sacrifices are stopped on February 28/March 1, 2037. On that day, we begin to count 2300 days. This takes us to Shavuot, June 14/15, 2043, three years after Yeshua returns on 2040.
But the clue mentioned in Daniel 8:14 explains something which has not been considered yet. At the time when Yeshua returns in 2040 the altar can be quickly set up and become operational, but the building of the Holy Place and all the parts with it, will take time to create. Since the 2300 days ends almost 3 years after Yeshua returns, it is a probability the building/restoring of the Holy Place will be completed at that time. Just like the construction of the First Temple, the construction period for the Millennial Temple could be 7 years. The article "Unless Those Should Be Shortened" explains more about the timing points for the tribulation.
A point to consider; could it be that the Ark of the Covenant is found and becomes part of the restoration as well? Since the destruction of the First Temple in Solomon’s time the Ark of the Covenant has not been seen and no one knows its whereabouts. When Yeshua returns, He will restore the Ark and the sacred Seat of Mercy upon its top.
The 2300 days is the very last of the prophetic numerical counts to be completed and it happens one year before the 7th Shmita year of 2043/2044 and two years before the 120th Yovel/Jubilee cycle ends. How poignant that the year 2042/2043 (one which the 2300 days ends) is the 6th year from the start of the tribulation – which is actually a time of transition from the worldly lifestyle to Elohim’s lifestyle. This is much like the 6th day of creation transitioning from nothingness to the physical.
Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah, Yeshua.
When did Israel leave Egypt? Video LINK part one
When did Israel leave Egypt? Video LINK part two
[i] [ii]
___________________________________________________________________________ The dates for these events, as with most biblical chronological estimates, are debated. Scholars cited in this answer date the crossing of the Jordan at 1406 BCE, 1260 BCE, or 1451 BCE, and the first year of Jubilee to be immediately after or some time soon after those respective dates. Here is a (lightly edited) elucidation on the method of the calculation of the date of 1406 BCE from The Pattern of Prophecy: We know this [date of 1406 BCE] from a key chronological marker recorded in the book of Kings. The year Solomon began to build the Temple is given both in terms of the exodus from Egypt as well as the year of Solomon’s reign: 1 Kings 6:1 And it came to pass in the 480th year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD. It was established in Thiele’s Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings that the fourth year of Solomon corresponds to 966 BCE. Therefore the date of the Exodus must be 480 years prior to 966 BCE, or 1446 BCE. Since the Crossing of the Jordan took place 40 years later, that dates it to 1406 BCE.
This commenter on the Seder Olam, a traditional Rabbinic text of chronology, disagrees with that date. He also gives a date of 1268 BCE for the first year of Jubilee. Bracketed comment's are this author's, and the text has been reformatted:
When did these counts start? The Biblical text states: When you come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the Lord. This means that the first cycle to be counted was when they will come into the land and this first count was a Sabbatical year. This first Sabbatical took place when the first tribes took possession of their inheritance, East from the Jordan River, when Moses was still alive. He gave that territory to the tribes of Reuven, Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh (Numbers 32:33). This took place before the death of Aaron (Numbers 33:38-39) in Hebrew year 2494 [1266 BCE].
After the conquest, the land of Canaan was also divided and given as inheritance to the other tribes. The final inheritance was given to Caleb from the tribe of Judah after he made a plea to Joshua: Caleb was then 85 years old. He must have made his plea just after the end of the first Jubilee, so that a count of 50 years will be fully available to him and his tribe. Therefore the First Jubilee was counted when Caleb was 84 years old. This was in Hebrew year 2500. And the first Sabbatical year was counted 8 years earlier (1 year as the Jubilee year + 7 years for a full Sabbatical cycle), therefore this was in Hebrew year 2500-8= 2492. This indeed was at a time when Aaron was still alive and he performed the first celebrated Sabbatical year. But both he and Moses died before they could celebrate the first Jubilee year in 2500 [which corresponds to 1260 BCE].
In a more Scholarly approach in his book Old Testament Chronology: A Return to the Basics (pdf), Dr. Floyd Nolan Jones gives yet a different date for the crossing of the Jordan supported by previous scholars, and also identifies the first year of Jubilee as 1395 BCE (parenthetical notes are Jones'):
The year Moses died and Joshua entered the land was long ago determined by Ussher, Bishop Loyd, Nicholas Toinard, William Wiston, and now independently confirmed by this author [Jones] as 1451 BC. However, the year of Jubilee did not have to do with merely being in the land but with its actual possession and cultivation (Lev. 25).
After seven years of conflict with the Canaanites, the wars ended at the close of 1445 BC (c. April 1451 - 1445 = 7 years inclusive). From the base camp at Gilgal, Joshua then gave the tribes of Judah and Joseph their portions. Early in 1444, the tabernacle was moved to Shiloh. The rest of the land west of the Jordan was then divided among the remaining seven tribes, and the men from the two-and-a-half tribes east of the Jordan returned home.
Until this, Israel had lived off of the crops of the Canaanites, volunteer crops and supplies from the eastern two-and-a-half tribes (Josh. 24:13). Israel's tillage thus began in 1444. Hence, fom this year are reckoned the Sabbatic and Jubilee years (1444- 49 = 1395 BC, the first Jubilee. See p. 289 ff).