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Beware the Evil Rulers

Writer's picture: elohimsperspectiveelohimsperspective

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” 

The following information may be unnerving to learn, but it is information we must know.  This information is pertaining to elements that are not flesh and blood.  We must become prepared because we are about to really wrestle with them.  The rest of Ephesians 6 explains how we prepare.  In the meantime, this article will reveal what we are up against.


It must be emphasized that this information is to inform…it is not to cause fear. 

This is the sounding of an alarm of things to watch for, so those of us who hear will act accordingly.


To start with, we must develop some background on those entities that are not flesh and blood.  That will involve exploring a society that is flourishing in this world with members who are mainstream lay people all the way up to world leaders in organizations such as the UN (including the Security Council) and its affiliates (UNESCO, NATO, World Bank, WEF, IMF, etc.).  This society has been operating since its inception in 1875[i], but they are deeply rooted in ancient mystic ways that have been active since before Noah’s flood. 


This society has determined that since 1825 certain entities they call ‘higher beings’ (spirit beings) have been working to establish a very unique and never before made connection (externalization) with mankind on this earth.  This society and its members are establishing themselves as the “World Servers” to help bring about the ‘externalization’ (revelation) of the ‘higher beings’ to the world.


As we learn about this society and the ‘higher beings’, etc. this article will explain how the teachings and actions by these ‘higher beings’ (and those who follow them on this earth) will apply to end time prophesied events that will finally connect the Daniel 7 beast to the Revelation 13 beast from the sea.  Let’s begin.




The Emergence of the ‘powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, the spiritual wickedness in high places’


The Gregorian year of 2025 will be a changing point in the end time events, but not initially of a Biblical prophetic standpoint.  The ‘powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, the spiritual wickedness in high places’ are about to emerge from the shadows in a more literal manner than they ever have before.  Their emergence will establish the foundation for many of the end time prophecies to manifest. 


How will this come about?  These ‘powers’, these ‘rulers of the darkness of the world’, these who perpetrate ‘spiritual wickedness in high places’ are evil spirit beings working with multiple thousands of people worldwide to bring about their emergence – which those who worship them label as their ‘externalization’.  How these spirit beings and those who worship them work together is through a method of meditation that requires the mind to be emptied of all physical thought.  This is to allow the ‘higher beings’ spirit thought (which the worshippers call ‘light’ and ‘knowledge’) to enter the person.  The many who worship these beings believe this level of connection with the spirit beings enables them to connect with all other people who are also meditating at the same time, so they can all become one and have one goal as directed by the spirit beings.


Establishing their kingdom on Earth


This may seem odd that these spirit beings would need the help of humans to bring about their ‘externalization’ to this earth and to mankind, because we know that evil spirits (which these beings are) have been moving to and fro upon this earth since before creation.  We have many Biblical accounts of evil spirits mingling and influencing mankind, right from the start with Adam and Eve; through the sons of God before Noah’s flood taking beautiful women to create abnormal offspring; through to Job who was attacked by hasatan; through to Yeshua being tempted by hasatan and more.  But there is a reason.  In all those Biblical accounts, it was hasatan and his minions (demons) who were making direct influence on individuals and events that were localized in their scope. 

This time – in 2025 onwards – these evil spirit beings will be attempting to establish their kingdom upon this earth and that requires pomp and ceremony.  Thus these humans who are opening their minds to these evil spirit beings are being used as the ‘door’ for a dramatic entrance by these evil beings as they bring in hasatan’s form of governance and begin to establish his version of a world kingdom.  According to the Theosophical Society, they are known as the New Group of World Servers.


The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and the Theosophical Society (TS)


Who are the New Group of World Servers who are working with these evil spirit beings?  They are men and women of all walks of life who hold to a belief called Theosophy (study of god-wisdom – from ancient religions utilizing the mystical arts) and desire to achieve a heightened level of ‘enlightenment (knowledge)’ and become the connecting ‘door’ between the spirit world and mankind.  A housewife, a factory worker, a scientist, a politician, a minister in another religious organization, or a CEO of a major corporation – in other words anyone can be a practicing Theosophist because this Society does not have any boundaries for membership.  They state that their purpose is to bring enlightenment (knowledge) of all the aspects of life whether physical or spiritual and it does not interfere but instead enhances conventional world religions.  The NGWS will be meeting this year from July 23-29 to transfer to their disciples the ‘knowledge’ which was given to them via the ‘higher beings’ back in May 12th, 2025. They call these meetings the World Congress.  The theme for this World Congress has a very interesting title: “Towards Insight and Wholeness: Our Role in Shaping the Future”[ii].   Shaping the future is exactly what these ‘higher beings’ are attempting to do, but we know they will not succeed.


A quick musing:  many may be wondering if there is any connection to the Illuminate and the Free Masons to the Theosophical Society.   From our earthly perspective there does not seem to be a connection, unless we step back and look as the bigger picture.  Hasatan is attempting to establish his version of a world kingdom on this earth – to usurp Yeshua’s rightful place as King.  What does a kingdom need that enables it to rule the land and the people?  There are two parts: 1) a priestly styled organization – the Theosophical Society; 2) a government styled organization – the Illuminate and Free Masons.  Just like ancient Israel had the priesthood and the king, hasatan is mimicking this form of government with the intent to dupe and deceive the people of the world.  Right now, the Illuminate and the Free Masons are a very secret society compared to the Theosophical Society.  This is a strategically important purpose by hasatan.  His plan involves the deception of the people by snaring them with a false form of religion that promises to give answers to mankind’s deepest questions about life.  Much of mankind will be uneducated about how false his religion (the teachings by the Theosophical Society) will be and will be easily swayed into accepting these teachings (including that hasatan is the supposed true ‘messiah’).  Once that is accomplished, this provides hasatan with a mandate of power that enables him to introduce his method of governance to the world – enter the practices of the Illuminate and the Free Masons.  That is when the sacrifices in Jerusalem will be stopped and the Holy Place will be violated with abominations.  And since the Free Mason’s use marks in their rituals for identification and authentication[iii], they will implement something similar on the economic level with the mark of the beast.  We won’t get into the Illuminate and Free Masons in this article because their emergence is not for a while yet.  But they will secretly add their services with the Theosophical Society to help pave the way for the attempted establishment of hasatan’s kingdom on this earth.  How is this done?  Read on.


Spiritual Conclave in 2025 and their ‘plan for humanity’

So, why is the year 2025 of importance?  According to the Occult/Theosophical world there is a spiritual conclave of ‘higher beings’ that occurs once every one hundred years.  To quote from one of their website pages[iv], The planetary spiritual Hierarchy meets every 100 years in Shamballa, at the turn of the first quarter of each century, to revise the Plan for humanity.”  Another website adds more information; “The year 2025 is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will meditate and precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. This is the centennial “great download”.[v] 

There will be a spiritual conclave held this year in 2025. The Plan for humanity is loosely explained in a compiled book of so-called spiritual teachings titled “the Secret Doctrine” (or SD) – derived from a Buddhist ‘Master of Wisdom’ known as DK who telepathically transcribed them (sic) to a woman named Helena Blavatsky who then founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.  The ‘plan for humanity’ is said to offer enlightenment and ascension to those who are worthy.  The purpose of the conclave is for these ‘higher (evil) spirit beings’ to meet and assess the events that occurred in the past one hundred years and make adjustments (if necessary) so their plan for the next one hundred years can be achieved.  Apparently, the Hierarchy achieved their goals from the past 100 years.  There is a threefold project that will be manifesting in 2025[vi]. It is within this threefold project that the ‘higher evil spirit beings’ are planning to come out of the shadows and be revealed (externalization) to mankind.  This externalization began at the 1825 conclave and was significantly boosted after the 1925 conclave and is said to climax in the 2025 conclave.  They will ‘externalize’ themselves through a downloading process into the minds of those who mediate to connect with them.  It is called the vivid light (aka enlightenment/knowledge). 

The Hierarchy

Who are these spirit beings that will be meeting this year in 2025?  The Theosophical Society (TS) calls them “The Hierarchy”.

How many spirit beings are in this Hierarchy?  According to occult websites, there are 10 spirit beings in the Hierarchy[vii].  They are identified as 10 kings who rule 10 kingdoms which the TS liken to a ladder with 10 rungs.  Each kingdom is an ascending rung on this ladder to enlightenment and knowledge of which the TS believe that understanding divine wisdom is the key to understanding nature and human nature[viii]. Theosophy is a philosophy that believes the universe is a reflection of a single divine Absolute, who utilizes the spirit beings in The Hierarchy to influence mankind to its will (they do not use male or female pronouns).  One of these spirit beings is the leader in the Hierarchy called the World Teacher[ix].  Keep this number of 10 spirit beings and the World Teacher in mind as we progress through the following information that ties all this into prophetic end time events; for this number of beings is very important to note.

World Teacher

Who is the World Teacher?  According to Wikipedia this World Teacher goes by the name of Maitreya[x]; In TheosophyMaitreya or Lord Maitreya is an advanced spiritual entity and high-ranking member of a reputed hidden spiritual hierarchy, the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. According to Theosophical doctrine, one of the hierarchy's functions is to oversee the evolution of humankind; in concert with this function Maitreya is said to hold the "Office of the World Teacher". Theosophical texts posit that the purpose of this Office is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about the true constitution and workings of Existence to humankind.” 

Could this be hasatan still functioning in his role as the serpent offering the transfer of higher knowledge to mankind as he did in the Garden of Eden?  It is quite probable. 

The Theosophical society also believe that Maitreya (as the World Teacher) came to Earth and incarnated Jesus Christ at His baptism (sic).  Worshippers are encouraged to pursue “the Christ principle” that focuses on each person’s personal divinity (Christ within)[xi], while the person of Jesus Christ is considered as a great teacher.  

This World Teacher/Maitreya is part of the Hierarchy that will be externalizing themselves to mankind in the Earth through the ‘door’ that the New Group of World Servers open.

How is the ‘door’ to be opened for the Hierarchy to enter into the Earth?

The TS teaches that the Hierarchy are actively communing spiritual secrets to specific members of mankind so that they can come together and speak certain sounds which unlocks a ‘door’ through which these spirit beings can ‘externalize’ (reveal) themselves within the Earth[xii].  This process is known as “The Externalization of the Hierarchy”[xiii].  This Hierarchy and its NGWS disciples are working to create the path for the ‘World Teacher’ to return – which is interesting because it smacks of messiah-like actions on the part of the so-called World Teacher. 

As mentioned above, the Hierarchy do not need ‘servers’ to enable them to enter the Earth, but they do require them for the purpose of pomp and ceremony and supposed legitimacy as they gain a foot-hold on Earth to establish hasatan’s usurping kingdom. 

Who is the leader of the Hierarchy?

It is compelling to note that this Hierarchy claims to be governed by Christ, the Grandmaster of Love/Wisdom (the Christ principle).  Apparently, the Theosophical Society says that this Christ will also appear at the same time as the externalization of the Hierarchy.  What is interesting to see as one studies into a bit of the teachings, is that the Theosophical Society uses multiple terms to identify one entity.  In this case, the ‘World Teacher’ is also known by other names.  The following excerpt explains the many labels of this ‘World Teacher’: He’s known and expected by people in a number of different world religions, including Buddhism. They expect the Bodhisattva. That’s the Buddhist parallel for the Christ, sometimes called the Lord Maitreya. Some of our listeners might know that term. He’s the one that’s looked for by devout Muslims who know him as the Imam Mahdi and Hindus expect this entity as the Kalki Avatar [Krishna]. Jewish people look for the Messiah. “[xiv]

Which is not uncommon considering the Messianic/Hebrew Roots movement also uses multiple names to help new people with their understandings of Hebrew thought.  For example, to help people transition from Christian thought to Hebrew thought, we use word association.  The name of Yeshua is combined with the name Jesus, so we say Yeshua (Jesus) and Messiah (Christ).   However, the Theosophical Society is attempting to tie all religions and gods into one spirit being that is simply known by many different names.  This goes totally against the teachings in Torah about ‘having no other gods before Me.” (Exodus 20:3)  In fact, Exodus 23:13 gives us very specific instructions; “And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.”

What is happening here orchestrated by the Theosophical Society is the amalgamation of the world religions into one supposed cohesive level of belief because they are not transitioning a person’s thoughts from one belief to another (converstion) but supposedly enlarging them to encompass all belief (knowledge).  We know right now there is a strong movement headquartered in London, England called CoExist House[xv] that has the purpose of harmonizing all the religions of the world together under the banner of peace and love with the purpose of exploring all thoughts to establish truth. 

It appears that a large group of Theosophical/Occult believers from around the world (even in high places) will and are probably already in daily meditation to bring about the climax of the conclave of the Spiritual Hierarchy in 2025 for the purpose of opening the door to allow the spiritual Hierarchy to enter into this world.  Sadly, for those of us who are learning to think with the same mind as Yeshua (Philippians 2:5), we can see these believers are being duped into believing they will receive enlightenment and wisdom and purity and thus they make a concerted effort to commune with the spiritual Hierarchy.

Also, as mentioned above, these occult believers are working hard to influence and infiltrate all levels of world groups (wickedness in higher places).  They openly state in a benevolent way; “These groups [World Servers] range from exoteric organisations in the fields of politics, religion, education, the United Nations, NGO’s, science and the arts – to the more subjective esoteric groups, and evenly loosely organised organisms.[xvi] 

All that has been mentioned so far is a very condensed overview of what is about to happen on the evil side of the prophetic coin.  Let’s understand how the ‘World Teacher’ and these 10 ‘higher beings’ called the Hierarchy will be part of the end time events.

The Hierarchy and the World Teacher in Biblical End Time Prophecies

Eschatology students and scholars are baffled by the depiction of the beast of Daniel 7 that shares remarkable similarities with the beast from the sea of Revelation 13 as well as with the scarlet beast of Revelation 17.  There are so many similarities between these three descriptions that there must be some sort of connection with all three accounts.  For instance, between all three accounts there are 10 horns/kings.  Then between the two accounts of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 there are the descriptions of the 7 heads on the beast from the sea and again on the scarlet beast.  And for an extra bit of baffling information, the Revelation 12 red dragon also has 7 heads and 10 horns.  But the most perplexing hang-up involves trying to connect the Daniel 7 beast with the Revelation 13 beast from the sea.  No connection has yet been established to explain the potential connection between these two accounts.

However, there is an explanation that does show the connection of the beast of Daniel 7 with the beast from the sea of Revelation 13 and then further onward to the scarlet beast of Revelation 17.  It involves the horns and the red dragon.

Let’s explain.  Daniel 7 describes a dreadful beast with iron teeth and feet that stamp the residue.  Upon its head are 10 horns, which are explained as being 10 kings.  In the midst of this group of 10 horns/kings arises a little horn that speaks ‘great things’.  This little horn uproots 3 of the 10 horns/kings, so now there are 7 horns/kings plus the little horn on the head of the dreadful beast. 

It is at this point that eschatology students and scholars become baffled because this beast of Daniel 7 now only has 7 horns/kings while the beast from the sea of Revelation 13 has 10 horns/kings.  But it has 7 heads.  Many say that the 7 horns/kings of Daniel 7 are the 7 heads on the beast of Revelation 13 – and they are correct in that.  But they can’t explain the meaning of the 10 horns on the Revelation 13 beast from the sea.  That is the hang-up.  There is an answer to this.

The Daniel 7 beast and the Revelation 13 beast CAN BE connected. 

Without getting into detail in this article, the little horn of Daniel 7 grows into such stature and speaks ‘great things’ to the point that it becomes the body of the Revelation 13 beast from the sea (characterized by the leopard, bear and lion that describe the past three world kingdoms).  The remaining 7 horns/kings of Daniel 7 become the 7 heads of the Revelation 13 beast from the sea (as many have surmised).  The details about all this is found in an article titled “Understanding the Prophetic Beasts”

It would be quite feasible to understand that the little horn is heavily influenced by the World Teacher (aka hasatan) who has become externalized onto this Earth by then.  It is through this level of influence from a spirit being (that is evil) that will enable the little horn to speak great things. And it is through this little horn that hasatan in the role of the World Teacher will be attempting to set up his usurping kingdom on Earth.

A quick side note:  what ‘great things’ will the little horn speak?  Quite probably, it will be along the lines of presenting itself as the returned messiah or having knowledge about who is the so-called returned messiah that mankind has been waiting for, for 2000 years.  That will play into the next level of events that involves the little horn transitioning to the position of King of the North.  What would cause the King of the South to challenge the King of the North?  Could it be these ‘great things’ that the little horn/King of the North speaks is about a messiah in the manner of the World Teacher/Christ?  Could this upset the King of the South because he too has been proclaiming a messiah in the manner of the Islamic Mahdi?  Time will tell.

So, after the little horn transitions into the King of the North (who defeats the King of the South), it becomes identified in Daniel 9:26 as the prince of the people who begin to desecrate Jerusalem and stop the sacrifices and set up the abomination in the Holy Place.  This is when the numerical prophecies begin of the 1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days and the 2300 evenings and mornings, plus a whole number of other prophecies that we won’t get into in this article. The level of power this little horn/King of the North/prince of the people has now transitions it into becoming the body of the beast from the sea and the 7 horns/kings transitioned into the 7 heads of the beast from the sea.  But Revelation 13 describes a new set of 10 horns!!  What are these?

This is where the externalization of the spiritual Hierarchy comes in.

The ‘externalized’ spiritual Hierarchy at work

When describing the spiritual Hierarchy, the Theosophical Society states they are 10 kings of kingdoms.  Therefore, when the spiritual Hierarchy reveals themselves at or shortly thereafter the upcoming ‘externalization’ conclave in 2025, it will be as 10 kings.  It will be these 10 spirit kings of the Hierarchy who will rest upon the 7 heads of the beast from the sea (that formerly were the 7 horns/physical kings of Daniel 7).  These 10 new kings/horns will be providing occultist support and guidance to the little horn/body of the beast from the sea and its 7 heads/physical kings.  This means that the former little horn and the former 7 horns/kings of Daniel 7 are steeped in the Occult (the wickedness in high places) if they openly receive support from the spiritual Hierarchy.

But there is more. 

Enter the red dragon.

There is also yet another entity that has 7 heads and 10 horns.  It is the red dragon of Revelation 12.  This chapter not only describes this dragon but also tells us its identity as that of hasatan.  Hasatan is the ultimate head of the Occult, though the Theosophical group won’t ever acknowledge that, instead they say the highest being is called the Buddha or Krishna or the Christ or the single divine Absolute.  We have already covered how the Theosophical Society uses multiple names to represent one entity and that is what is happening here regarding the names they use for hasatan.

 As already mentioned above, the upcoming revelation of the World Teacher (Maitreya) could be hasatan as the red dragon masquerading as the Christ[xvii] and attempting to pass itself off as the one true messiah.  His 7 heads and 10 horns represent his form of government in which the 7 heads point to the occult belief in 7 rays and the 10 horns point to the occult belief of the Hierarchy.  We know what the Hierarchy are but what are the 7 rays?

According to theosophical websites, these 7 rays govern our consciousness[xviii].  These rays are energy that is emitted by the Hierarchy to control the outcomes of all that mankind does (or so they believe).

These rays are:

1st ray – the energy of Will, Purpose or Power (Divine Will)

2nd ray – the energy of Love-Wisdom (Divine Love)

3rd ray – the energy of Active Intelligence (Divine Intelligence)

4th ray – the energy of Harmony through Conflict

5th ray – the energy of Concrete Knowledge or Science

6th ray – the energy of Devotion or Idealism

7th ray – the energy of Ceremonial Order

So hasatan (‘World Teacher’/’the Christ’/ Mietreya) identified in scripture as the red dragon shows his governing system with the 7 heads/rays that govern consciousness and the 10 heads/Hierarchy that facilitate the influence of hasatan upon mankind. 

At this point in Revelation 12 and Revelation 13, we have two separate entities;

  1. the beast from the sea that is the former little horn with 7 heads/kings and 10 members of the Hierarchy and

  2. the red dragon with 7 heads/rays and 10 horns/members of the Hierarchy.

You can now see the connection of the beast from the sea with the red dragon’s kingdom through the 10 horns of the Hierarchy.

By the time we get to Revelation 17, hasatan’s attempt to establish his kingdom upon the Earth is in near shambles, due to the intense assault of Yeshua and His Battle Plan with the seven seals, seven trumpets, 3 woes and 7 plagues/bowls.  So…where does the scarlet beast come from?  It seems like it suddenly appears in prophecy.  This is when hasatan as the red dragon merges/possesses the beast from the sea creating the new form of a scarlet beast.  Since both the beast from the sea and the red dragon each have 7 heads and 10 horns, when they merge, they become the scarlet beast that is described with the same 7 heads and 10 horns.  This time, the scarlet beast is operating more so as a spiritual entity within the physical realm. 

Yet, we know the outcome.  Yeshua and His army destroy hasatan’s system and his army led by the scarlet beast.  Clearly, hasatan is exorcized from the scarlet beast which then reverts back to being the beast from the sea and is captured with the false prophet and thrown into the lake of fire.  Hasatan is jailed in the bottomless pit with the angel Abaddon/Appolyon acting as warden of the jail.  Abaddon is not a demonic entity as most of Christianity teaches.  Instead, he is one of Yeshua’s angels whose job is to administer all that happens with the bottomless pit and those within it.

As another quick side note:  the Occult/mystic teachings pertaining to the prophetic false prophet of Revelation 13 (beast from the land) involves yet another entity who has been given great powers by the Hierarchy through the 7 rays.  This entity could very well be a powerful religious personality, such as the Catholic pope.  The Catholic pope is of great interest for this role because for centuries the Church has made declarations of jubilees that coincide with the dates of the Hierarchy conclaves.  This has been going on since 1425.  On December 24, 2024, the Catholic Church commenced a Year of Jubilee from that date through the full year of 2025, ending on January 6, 2026[xix].  The Pope will be opening 4 ‘holy doors’ during this jubilee.  The opening of doors is exactly what the TS with its world servers are doing for the Hierarchy. It is also during this period of time that the Theosophical Society is holding many of its conferences to prepare for the Spiritual Conclave and then have more conferences afterwards to disseminate what was ‘downloaded’ from the conclave so they can spread it to the world.

Our hope and course of action

We are wrestling with entities that are not flesh and blood just as it says in Ephesians 6:12.  But our Elohim does not leave us hopeless at this prospect.  Instead, Ephesians 6 continues with some valuable information on how we can deal with these entities.  Put on the whole armour of Elohim and stand (firm).  To stand means to continue being the fervent servants of Elohim even in the face of attack, something we will be able to do with the whole armour of Elohim upon each of us.    

Ephesians 6:12-18:

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”


We truly are wrestling (standing firm) with that which is not flesh and blood. The point of this article is to provide awareness of what is happening in the underworld of hasatan through the Theosophical Society (and the Illuminate and Free Masons) that will soon manifest into Biblical prophecy. We are no longer asleep and thus cannot be taken by surprise as we stand firm.

As well, this article also explains the prophetic points how the horns described in Daniel 7 connect to the heads and horns of the beast from the sea in Revelation 13 and again in Revelation 17 with the scarlet beast. 


Let this mind be in you that is in Yeshua, Who IS the true King of kings and the true Messiah.  


[i] origin of the Theosophical Society

[ii] held every 7th year.  2025 marks the 150 anniversary of the TS.

[iii]   Free Mason’s mark – the forerunner of the mark of the beast

[vii]   There are 10 spirit beings/kings in the Hierarchy that is for this world.

[viii]  10 rungs of a ladder of life each ruled by a member of the spiritual Hierarchy – therefore there are 10 kings of this Hierarchy.

[xv]  Interfaith  and multi-faith understanding organization

[xvii]  under the section “Maitreya's manifestations”

[xix]  Catholic Church declares a Jubilee Year for 2025

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