Presentation Four - The Climax of the Tribulation Events
Recap of Previous Presentation
In the last presentation, details about the events of the transition from the 70 Years prophecy of Daniel 9 into the 3 ½ year tribulation were explained. This transition involves a period of 85 days. Then the events through the majority of the tribulation up to August 10/11, 2040 were also explained. In that presentation, the Seventh Seal and the Sixth Seal were opened with the explanation of why the opening of the Seals begins with Seal Seven instead of universally accepted order with Seal One. Then the First Woe occurs and the first, second, third, fourth and fifth trumpets sound. The presentation finishes with the ending of the 1260 days count for those who fled Judea and the end of the five months of torment by locust-like beasts from the bottomless pit. These locusts were taking their orders from the angel of the abyss who takes his orders from Yeshua. The 1260 days also heralds the end of the 42 months of the Beast’s One World Order rule. As already mentioned, these events end on August 10/11, 2040.
Details of Presentation #4
Now we are about to see the return of Yeshua and witness the intensification of His Battle Plan strategies. There is a 30 day period from August 10/11, 2040 of the events in the previous slide to Tishri 1 on September 7/8, 2040 in this slide. It is during this 30 day period that mankind witnesses the emergence of the scarlet beast (the possession of the beast from the sea by the red dragon) and the events in the sky that herald Yeshua’s return (Joel 2:30-31; Isaiah 13:10; Revelation 6:12-17). Meanwhile, the 144,000 are now sealed which means that the angel with the golden censer can soon remove himself so as to allow for the opening of the final four seals that will initiate the hurt to the earth and the sea - which describes the 4 horsemen.
At the end of this 30 day period is September 7/8, 2040 which is a very important date. This is Yom Teruah – the Feast of Trumpets and is considered as the day that begins the New Year in the Hebrew calendar. Many events of the tribulation happen on this day. For instance, the 1290 days count ends, as does the 1260 days count of the Greater Exodus and the Two Witnesses ends.
The Second Woe and the Two Witnesses
In the Second Presentation, pertaining to the prophetic numerical prophecies, there was a brief mention about the Two Witnesses because the counting of their days began at that time. Now that their time period has ended it is prudent to explain their testimony and how it affected hasatan and his kingdom.
These two individuals are given great power and authority during the 1260 days they are on the Temple Mount. They are a great disturbance to the beast and his people who clearly makes some attempts to destroy them but are themselves destroyed by the fire that proceeded from the witness’s mouths. What do they do that causes such great disturbance to the beast? And what is their purpose on the Temple Mount for this period of time?
Revelation 11:7 gives us a clue in the first part of the verse by saying, “When they have finished their testimony…”. What would their testimony be? The Greek word used for ‘testimony’ can also be translated to mean ‘witness’ or more specifically to mean ‘the office committed to the prophets of testifying concerning future events’. So the two witnesses are speaking about future events that will be unfolding. What events could that be? Well, it is a clear reference to Yeshua’s return and the events of His Battle Plan against hasatan and his kingdom. No wonder this causes a great disturbance to the beast – it is a forecast of his kingdoms destruction.
Then just 3 ½ days before Yeshua returns in the clouds, the two witnesses are killed by a beast that comes out of the bottomless pit. This beast is completely different from the locust-like creatures that exited the bottomless pit and just completed their mission of 5 months of torment under the direction of the angel, Abaddon. Instead, this beast does not answer to Abaddon but is a rebellious creature with the intent to wage war against Elohim’s messengers. Who is this beast? In the margins next to these verses, the translators have included cross references to other scriptures that tie in this beast with the Revelation 13 beast from the sea and the scarlet beast of Revelation 17.
The one problem with using Revelation 13 as the identification of this beast from the bottomless pit is that the authority to rule for this beast from the sea (the Revelation 13 beast) has just ended. It does not have the power to wage war and to kill. However, what is plausible is that at this point, hasatan (aka, the red dragon) possesses the beast from the sea, becoming the scarlet beast of Revelation 17 that rises up and kills the two witnesses. This rings with further truth when we read in verse 8 of Revelation 17 that the scarlet beast ‘was and is not’ – a clear reference to the merging of the dragon with the beast from the sea (who now becomes the ‘was and is not’). What ties this all together is another part of Revelation 17:8 that explains where the beast comes from; “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Here we have the identification of the beast that kills the two witnesses.
Therefore, when the two witnesses are killed, it is done by this scarlet beast. There is a lot of detail about who this scarlet beast is and where it comes from but there isn’t enough time to delve into it here. For more information on the prophetic beasts, check out this article “Understanding the Prophetic Beasts” – it details information that is not explained anywhere else and enables the whole end time timeline to make sense.
Suffice it to say, this scarlet beast is more than just a physical beast. It represents the full spiritual authority and administrative force of hasatan. Over the course of the just finished 1260 days (for those in Judea who fled), hasatan has been angry with the two witnesses but it is not until their testimony is complete at the end of their separate count of 1260 days are they killed. Clearly, Elohim provided protection for them during that time period and only when their task was completed could they be killed. Revelation 11 describes a jubilant atmosphere in Jerusalem, the place where Yeshua haMashicah was crucified - which is characterized as Sodom and Egypt because the attributes of these two wicked places help to quickly describe the attributes of Jerusalem at that time.
However, their jubilant revelry is short lived because the two witnesses still have a task to fulfill. After the three and a half days of their deaths are complete, the dead, exposed bodies of these two individuals come back to life and they stand up and ascend into the heavens, causing great fear among all the people. Even in death there is glory given to Elohim with their resurrection. We must remember that all the people who just witnessed the resurrection to life and ascension of the two witnesses are the same people who believed in the death and resurrection of one of the heads of the beast that happened 3 ½ year earlier when the tribulation started. With that great deception, they gladly followed the beast believing this was something only a god could do, or it was sanctioned by a god. But now, they have witnessed an even more profound death and resurrection scenario because the two witnesses’ bodies were on full display – everyone could see their dead bodies lying exposed in plain sight. This no doubt will cause many to compare these two events and to recall that they did not actually witness the supposed death and supposed resurrection of the head of the beast (because it was an ‘as if’ they were dead event). The Slide One Presentation gave the details about that particular event.
Meanwhile, an hour later while the people are still trying to make sense of what they witnessed, a great earthquake hits the city which kills 7000 people and destroys a tenth of Jerusalem. What do the people do? They finally come to their senses and give glory to Elohim. The event with the Two Witnesses for the 1260 days that culminates with this earthquake is the Second Woe.
If you remember from Presentation 3 that the 1260 days for those who fled Judea ended on Elul 1 which is August 10/11, 2040. This is one month before Yom Teruah on Tishri 1 which is September 7/8, 2040. It is during this time that the many people who had fled Judea 1260 days earlier are making their way back to The Land. Quite possibly they are aware of the completion of their days of fleeing and know it is safe to return to The Land. However, they will know not to return into Jerusalem since there is to be a great earthquake that kills 7000 once the two witnesses have ascended. When the two witnesses ascend, this is another confirmation that Yeshua is returning and taking charge of His city.
What is the purpose of the earthquake? Isaiah 29:6 gives us a clue; “Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.“ Adonai will ‘visit’ those who are in the city. The earthquake is a powerful consequence that is to be paid for their disobedience and it is done as Yeshua returns (‘visits’).
Another element of the timeline ends at the same time as the death of the two witnesses. According to Speculation #1 (pertaining to the details outlined in Presentation Page One), the 7 years of the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai that began in 2034/2035 ends. This is yet another signal that Yeshua is returning for He is the Word and the world will hear Him.
When the two witnesses ascended, they do so after hearing a loud voice from heaven saying, “Come up here.” Have you ever wondered where they went?
Clearly, it was somewhere in heaven or at least into the clouds in the sky since they were commanded to “come UP”. That is interesting, because at the time when these two witnesses are resurrected, that is when Yeshua is returning and these two are actually hearing His voice commanding them to come to Him in the clouds. This means Yeshua has returned on the date of Tishri 1 or September 7/8, 2040 - but only to the clouds – for now. From the moment of His return in the clouds begins the very intense period of the Ten Days of Awe. Remember, Tishri 1 is confirmed as Yeshua’s return because it is 1290 days since the start of the tribulation on February 28/March 1, 2037.
Scriptures pertaining to Yeshua’s return initially happening in the clouds.
It is widely believed by eschatology scholars that Yeshua immediately descends to the earth and sets His feet upon the Mount of Olives on Yom Teruah. Instead, this timeline determines that He remains in the clouds for the purpose of finalizing the strategies of His Battle Plan as military leader of His vast army (Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 24:30, Matthew 26:64, Mark 13:26, Mark 14:62, 1Thessalonians 4:17, Revelation1:7). The clouds are His military headquarters, His canopy, His pavilion, His tent (Job 36:29, Psalms 18:11-12, Psalms 68:34, plus many more scriptures). In Acts 1:9-11 two angels inform the disciples that as Yeshua ascended into the clouds, He will return in the same manner (to the clouds). It is only after His Battle Plan strategies involving the remaining seals, trumpets, woe and plagues are finalized, will He set foot on the Mount of Olives and lead His army against those with hasatan who challenge Him at Armageddon.
It is sometime in the midst of these ten days of awe between Yom Teruah on Tishri 1 and Yom Kippur on Tishri 10, that Yeshua will descend from the clouds and touch His feet on the Mount of Olives along with the 144,000. It must be clearly explained that these Battle strategies of the final seals, woe, trumpets and plagues plus the battle of Armageddon take place before Yom Kippur because the Last Trumpet is sounded on this Appointed Time. This last trumpet announces the destruction of Mystery Babylon, the harlot city. Also at this time the beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire while the red dragon/hasatan is cast into the bottomless pit. This small piece of information clearly indicates that hasatan no longer possesses the beast from the sea. Either he left voluntarily or was exorcized. So now there are two separate entities again; the beast from the sea and the red dragon (hasatan). This is why we don’t have any scriptures pertaining to the destruction of the scarlet beast, but we do about the beast from the sea. On Yom Kippur, we will witness that Yeshua’s Battle strategies are successful.
We’ll get into detail about Yom Kippur and the last trumpet in the next Presentation on Slide 5, but for now we’ll return to Yom Teruah when Yeshua makes His return in the clouds. We have already addressed the reason why Yeshua stays in the clouds and does not yet touch the earth with His feet. It is in the clouds that He is also receiving the Two Witnesses who obeyed His command to “Come up here.”
​The Fifth Seal is opened third.
At this point, it is announced that the harvest of the people is ripe. This is a good news announcement for it means that He will be gathering in His people – as the harvest – very quickly. In preparation for this harvest, Yeshua opens the Fifth Seal, which allows the martyrs to cry out for their blood to be avenged by Yeshua. This is clearly something meant for hasatan’s ears and those with him, but it is also meant for Yeshua’s people to hear. Why? He is announcing His next move. Yeshua now proceeds to apply the full force of the final elements of His Battle Plan upon hasatan’s kingdom and Mystery Babylon the Great harlot city, resulting in their complete destruction. When this happens, it now frees the way for the harvest of His people to begin and the blood of the martyrs to be avenged.
​The Four Horsemen
The final assault begins with the four horsemen.
​Sadly, with the lack of prophetic understanding in our midst, there is so much confusion about when these horsemen ride which has been causing significant harm in our ability to understand end time prophecy. For decades, prophets and eschatology teachers have uttered predictions saying that the 5th trumpet has sounded, or that seal one has been opened or that the first woe has taken place and so on. They take one or two prophecies and tie them in with current events to make their predictions. People listen to these words and do their best to prepare for the end times, all the while not fully grasping what they have been told. The people have questions but the answers seem allusive. Quite honestly, a vast number of people feel as though they ought to know (since so many prophesies has been given) but are frustrated that they can’t clearly understand. So many symbols and numbers and events, what do they mean and how they should to be put together, are just some of the surface questions that people ask. It is clear that prophecy teachers do not know the sequence of events that are to take place in the end times or when they are to happen, otherwise they wouldn’t be making predictions that don’t manifest.
As people see these predictions fall by the wayside they realize that even those who are supposed to know and understand prophecy don’t know any more than they as lay people do. In many ways, people now rationalize that if they can’t make any sense of the end time prophecies, then it means these prophecies are still closed up, which in-turn leads to the thought that we are not in the end times yet. With this type of thinking, many just go about living their lives as they want to. The only time they consider the end time prophecies is when something significant occurs that has a prophetic tone to it, such as the inventions of new technologies that could be used as the mark of the beast, or a war that could be the Ezekiel 38/39 war, etc. Since their knowledge base about prophecies is sporadic at best, and there isn't a firm understanding about how the tribulation is to unfold, events like these cause trepidation and panic. As they attempt to make prophetic sense of what has occurred in the world scene they realize their limited information does not line up with other prophecies. Then they become frustrated again and walk away, repeating the cycle once again. After a few cycles, people give up any hope of having a clear understanding of when these end time elements manifest because it seems impossible to connect all the prophetic dots.
Regrettably, most people use the interpretations of others when reading the prophecies and don’t make the effort to read the prophecies in an unfettered manner and let the scriptures speak for themselves.
It is important to note that this series of presentations are meant to be unfettered and to convey how the scriptures are speaking and showing us the sequence of events and when they are to happen.
This is the reason for this timeline presentation. By connecting the prophetic dots (the scriptures), it shows with clarity just how organized the end time events are and when they are to occur. We can know Elohim’s will regarding the end time events. We can know what our role is in the midst of all that will be happening. We can have confidence and certainty about the future through the tribulation. We can have a well founded faith with our house built upon the Rock. No longer do we explain away that our lack of understanding requires what is known as blind faith which is the belief that whatever Elohim’s will is, that is for Him alone to know and we are to have a stiff upper lip and persevere all the while wondering what He intends to do. We are able to stand firm with His whole armour on, because our Elohim has given us the knowledge and understanding necessary to do so. Yet it must be stressed that until prophecy manifests and becomes the official confirmation, this presentation can only be considered as a theory and a supposition of the scriptures. The intent is to offer encouragement through the knowledge and understanding given here so we can stand firm. Knowing what will be happening is a powerful source of resolve within our hearts to help us face the events of the end times. This is why Yeshua will find faithful when He asks at His return.
The Fourth Seal is opened fourth – The Pale Horse and Rider
To start the final assault against hasatan and his kingdom and all that is associated with him to bring them to destruction, Yeshua opens the last four seals in a near simultaneous manner – beginning with the Fourth Seal. This is the most well known part of the tribulation scenario that people are familiar with – the four horsemen.
The Fourth Seal Yeshua opens involves the ashen (pale) horse and it’s rider of death. They are given authority over one quarter of the earth to kill in whatever fashion they desire. But Revelation 6:7-8 does not mean that one quarter of mankind dies. Let’s read the wording of these verses to clarify this point. Revelation 6:7-8 says “When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come!” 8 I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and the one who sat on it had the name Death, and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, and famine, and plague, and by the wild animals of the earth.” Notice how it is not specifically saying that one fourth of mankind dies, but instead just says that the killing takes place over “a fourth of the earth”. How many and who dies is not known, just that it happens in a regional area that is the size of one quarter of the earth.
What this brings to mind (as speculation) is that the one fourth of the earth that is being targeted will be the area where hasatan has his seat of power. It would make sense that Yeshua would set this horse and rider to attack hasatan instead of a random area on the earth.
​The Third Seal is opened fifth – the Black Horse and Rider
Then immediately, Yeshua opens the Third Seal of the black horse and rider that brings economic collapse. Revelation 6:5-6 says “When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come!” I looked, and behold, a black horse, and the one who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.”
We know that each of these final four seals have different functions but yet they coordinate with each other as well. This third seal involves economic collapse upon the whole of the world. Our purchasing power for everyday items such as groceries and gasoline will be severely shackled as prices climb to the point that it will require one days wage to purchase a quart of wheat. The parable of the labourers in Matthew 20:2-13 documents the worth of a denarius as being a day’s wage. For some modern perspective, a quart of wheat would be the equivalent to 4 cups of flour. If the quart is of whole grain wheat this would yield about 5 ½ cups of flour. It takes between 4 to 6 cups to make one loaf of bread. Since a day’s wage would be used up buying the wheat, it would mean that this one loaf of bread would need to sustain those who rely upon it. That would probably mean more than one person is reliant upon that bread. Meanwhile, a person could get three quarts of barley for the same price as one quart of wheat, so it would provide more bang for your denarius. However, will this be readily available since even today in our affluent society whole grain barley (not pearl barley) is not that easy to find.
It’s interesting to note that the horse and rider are commanded not to damage or harm the oil and the wine. On the surface, this indicates that there will be oil and wine for the people. Yet, Yeshua has another deeper meaning behind His command. The plants that grow the (olive) oil and the wine are not as hardy as is the grain of the field, so Yeshua specifically instructs the rider and the black horse to be extra careful around these items. This instruction is necessary because this seal is a clear reference that the three elements of grain, oil and wine – which are part of the altar and in the Temple service – are used to collapse hasatan’s kingdom.
The Second Seal is Opened sixth – the Red Horse and Rider
On the heels of Seals Four and Three, Yeshua opens Seal Two. Revelation 6:3-4 says “When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come!” 4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that people would kill one another; and a large sword was given to him.”
The removal of peace could very well be the result of a build-up of anxiety and frustration amongst the population of the world who have been constantly pummeled by Yeshua’s Battle strategies. Yet hasatan will still be deceiving the masses, who still believe him to be the Messiah since he had been so-called “resurrected” through the beast from the sea. From the start of the reign of hasatan through the beast and the False Prophet, the most egregious deception they will perpetrate upon the people will be to state that hasatan is the true Messiah and this entity from the sky is the anti-Messiah, who must be destroyed. As they twist the scriptures to fit their narrative, it will cause the people to become so duped into believing they are acting righteously in their stand against the attacks being leveled upon them by this entity from the clouds (whom we know is the real Messiah).
The Armageddon Battle
With his eloquent deceptions, hasatan will whip up the blood lust of the people and amass a large army via a special call that is described in Revelation 16:13-14 as being delivered to the world leaders by three unclean frog-like spirits, “And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; 14 for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the entire world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.” With the red horse and rider taking peace from the earth, it will not be hard to understand that anything and anyone standing in the way of this army will be killed. This army could quite literally be of sufficient number to meet the 1/3 of mankind which the next part of Yeshua’s battle plan manifests. By this time, there has already been so much death that the population of the earth has been drastically reduced. Thus when we think of how many people would be 1/3 of the world’s population at this time; we cannot calculate it based on today’s 8 billion people.
Where is this army mustering for battle? Revelation 16:16 tells us “And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon.”
Geographically speaking, that is the vast valley in the northern part of Israel which stretches for miles in all directs, interspersed with hills and mountains. The map shows the valley area (in green) stretching from the Mediterranean Sea eastward into Syria. Clearly, it is massive and could easily hold a vast army willing to do hasatan’s bidding. The red pin indicates where Har-Magedon (the Tel of Mageddo) is located - 126 kilometers (or just over 78 miles) north of Jerusalem using Highway 6.
​The Sixth Trumpet Sounds
Meanwhile, Yeshua is deploying the next level of His battle plan against hasatan. The 2nd Seal comes with extra fire power in the form of the 6th Trumpet. In response to the military build-up by hasatan, Yeshua loosens four angels from the Euphrates River, which is located laterally east of the valley of Har-Magidon where hasatan’s army is mustering. These four angels are commanded to kill 1/3 of mankind – which could very well be the number of the army which hasatan has amassed.
Revelation 9:13-16 “Then the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would kill a third of mankind. 16 The number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them.”
Will it only be the four angels who come against the whole army of hasatan? Actually these angels have a massive 200 million army of horses and riders at their command spewing fire, brimstone and smoke from their mouths. But they do not kill 1/3 of mankind without their Commander in Chief giving the word - which is done when the 1st Seal is opened. It is clear they know the hour and the day and the month and the year when they are to be released from the Euphrates River. But they are not actively killing one third of mankind – yet. That comes next.
​The First Seal is Opened seventh - The White Horse and Rider
As the hour, the day, the month and the year finally come to its peak with the sounding of the 6th Trumpet, hasatan is situated as the commander in chief of his army. Hasatan’s army is now poised for battle.
This is when Yeshua opens Seal One, the final seal as described in Revelation 6:1-2. Yeshua is the rider on the white horse wearing a crown and carrying a bow going forth conquering and to conquer as evidenced by the battle that is about to begin in Har-Megidon. The bow has a very profound scriptural meaning as described in Isaiah 5:28; Lamentations 2:4; Habakkuk 3:8-9 and many more scriptures[i]. The context within these scriptures indicates that the bow refers to the doctrine of truth – which is what Yeshua is bringing. He is now going to clean away the deceptive lies that have been perpetrated by hasatan and his minions. No longer will the prince of the power of the air subject the people to his evil frequencies.
He is also described to be wearing a crown which symbolizes authority and kingship. It is only a monarch who can wear a crown. As mentioned in Presentation One, there are two speculations; Speculation #1 offers the perspective that Yeshua will be crowned in 2027/2028 during the Fall Festival season as the 7 years of plenty begin (after the Gog/Magog invasion has been destroyed). Alternatively, with Speculation #2, Yeshua was quite probably given His crown by Abba in 2023/2024 during that years Fall Festival season, which is just prior to the start of the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine.
The account of Joseph gives us this probable clue. Yet, it takes 17 years from His crowning for Yeshua to become the rightful King. In a few moments, we will get into the details about why Seal One is NOT describing a false Messiah riding this white horse.
In Revelation 19:11-16 we are given a second description with a bit more detail of what Yeshua’s return will look like. Yeshua is riding the same white horse as mentioned in Revelation 6, though now we are given the additional information that He will be judging and waging war. Remember, He is still carrying the bow of the doctrine of truth. We are also given further descriptions of the 6th Trumpet 200-million armies of heaven made up of horses and riders who are following Him. The horses are white and the riders are clothed with white robes. However, Yeshua’s robe is dipped in blood but we are not given the identity of whose blood is on His robe. We can speculate that the blood is that of all the people who have died, no matter if the blood is that of saints or enemies. When Yeshua died on the cross at His first coming, He died for ALL mankind, thus it would be most conceivable that the blood on his garment is that of all these people.
When He makes His appearance on the white horse, this is the climax of His Battle Plan for now Yeshua Himself is revealed to the world as the rightful King as noted in Revelation 19, verses 15 and 16 having a two edged sword from out of His mouth and the title of King of kings and Lord of lords on His robe and thigh. Yeshua is now about to conquer hasatan (as the scarlet beast joined with the harlot called Babylon) and the world is now seeing the true Messiah.
This is the moment that’s detailed in Zechariah 14 when Yeshua descends from the clouds and places His feet upon the Mount of Olives, splitting it in two so that one half moves to the north and the other half moves to the south, creating an east-west valley as a passage directly to the Temple Mount. With Him will be the 144,000, who will most likely provide protection for those who had fled Judea over 1260 days earlier and who have now returned to Jerusalem (which is also known as Mount Zion). Yeshua then continues onward to face the vast armies of hasatan at Armageddon, for the purpose of conquering and to conquer them. It is clear that Yeshua’s army is now situated east of the Euphrates River with the four angel generals who have now risen from the River because the direct assault against hasatan and his army takes place after the 6th bowl of plagues is poured out to dry up the Euphrates River. Isaiah 27:12 adds further confirmation of this by stating that Yeshua begins to thresh from the Euphrates and moves towards Egypt.
​The First Six Plagues (Bowls / Vials)
The first 5 plagues attack hasatan’s supply lines to weaken his army. Each plague is quite explanatory on its own and it is easy to understand how they weaken hasatan’s armies using disease and extraordinary weather. It is the 6th plague that will once and for all defeat hasatan and his forces.
When the 6th plague is poured out to dry up the Euphrates River, Yeshua now gives the command for His army to attack. The direct assault begins as the angel armies of heaven spew fire, brimstone and smoke from their mouths as described in Revelation 9 at the 6th Trumpet. This is when the prophecy about killing 1/3 of mankind is fulfilled. The fire, brimstone and smoke represent the plagues of Revelation 16. At this point, hasatan’s army is gone, he is helpless. In the next presentation we will learn what happens to him, along with the beast from the sea and the false prophet.
In regards to the rider on the white horse that is mentioned in Seal One, the above description of events shows that this individual cannot be the false Messiah as is traditionally understood and taught. A false Messiah can only make deceptions, but he cannot conquer, as Matthew 24:24 indicates “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Let’s take a quick look at the word “conquer” in the description of the rider on the white horse of Revelation 6. Again, this is about Seal One. The Greek word for conquer in Revelation 6:1-2 is G3528 which is used fourteen other times in the book of Revelation but translated to the English word ‘overcome’. There are 24 verses in the Brit Chadeshah (New Testament) that use G3528 and 21 of these verses refer to the saints overcoming evil. This gives a clear definition that the one riding on the white horse conquering and to conquer is the true Messiah overcoming evil. And since we know what the bow in His hand means, it becomes very clear that this rider is not a false Messiah.
Revelation 6 introduces us to what the true Messiah will be doing, with the second account in Revelation 19 giving us the finer details and descriptions. Both these chapters provide us with two separate evidences that Yeshua is the rightful rider on this white horse and thus the true Messiah. This is in accordance with the Torah principle of requiring the evidence of two or more to make a matter known. Clearly, Yeshua’s messenger wanted this to be made very clear to John and to us in the end times that this rider is the Messiah and not a false entity.
Altogether, the events from the 2nd Seal, the 6th Trumpet, the 1st Seal, the 3rd Woe and the 7 bowls of plagues all happen in rapid succession if not simultaneously. All these actions take place in one day or maybe two days at the most, because we must remember that these events are still within the 10 Days of Awe between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. Overall, this shows Yeshua’s bow and sword cutting a lightening swift death blow to hasatan’s plan to rule the earth. Yeshua makes is very clear that hasatan’s attempted coup results in his ultimate defeat. The next presentation will begin with details about the final day before Yom Kippur and then onward into the millennium.
This completes the presentation on the fourth slide. There is one more slide that will wrap up all the final events of the tribulation with the 7th plague and the 7th Trumpet, but also provide information about what happens beyond the tribulation when Yeshua is reigning as our King.
Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah Yeshua.
Note: The graphic at the top of this presentation reflects Speculation #2 showing that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai had ended on February 28/March 1, 2037 (Purim), 1260 days after it began when those in Judea fled and had been nourished in the wilderness.
Below is the graphic for Speculation #1 to reflect the end of the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai when Yeshua returns in the clouds on September 7/8 in 2040/2041 (Tishri 1). (golden arrow)