Presentation Five - The Last Elements of Yeshua's Battle Plan and the Start of the Millennial Kingdom
In the previous presentation we ended with the rapid fire succession of events from the 2nd Seal, the 6th Trumpet, the 1st Seal, the 3rd Woe and the outpouring of the first six bowls of plagues. From Yom Teruah onwards through the Ten Days of Awe, Yeshua remained at His headquarters in the clouds and commanded this finely tuned assault upon hasatan and his kingdom, weakening him significantly.
Now, we are nearing the end of the Ten Days of Awe. It is sometime in the midst of these days that He rides His white horse and descends upon the Mount of Olives cleaving it in two. While He does this, He carries the bow of righteous understanding and speaks with the sword of truth since He has the authority given to Him as denoted by the crown upon His head. From there He continues onward, leading His 200 million armies of heaven into the one and only decisive battle that conquers hasatan (as the Scarlet Beast) and his army.
Just before the Scarlet Beast is captured, it turns on the harlot woman ‘riding’ it and destroys her. Quite probably, the Scarlet Beast does this so that Yeshua won’t be able to get His hands on her. This woman is known as Mystery, Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth (Revelation 17:5). In verse 18 of Revelation 17 we are given the description of this woman, she is a great city (not a nation as some eschatology teachers say). Many people have speculated who this woman/city is upon the earth. But it has not been until Queen Elizabeth died that we can have a better idea of which city will play the part of Mystery, Babylon the Great. Check out an article on this website titled “What City Today is Mystery Babylon the Great?” . This article will explain which modern day city could very well be this prophetic mystery city. The clue involves the 70 year reign of the Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth and the scripture of Isaiah 23:15. This article also explores many others clues that give this one very prominent world city top spot as being this despicable city.
Then it is shortly thereafter that the Scarlet Beast is captured. For His final conquering act, Yeshua commands the 7th bowl of plagues to pour out, causing widespread destruction all over the earth that still hold to the deception of hasatan (the Scarlet Beast) and the false prophet. Now, all that had been hasatan’s on the earth is gone. Quite literally, hasatan’s kingdom is completely destroyed and so is his capital city that once ‘rode’ upon his back.
Actually hasatan’s kingdom had a name. It has been identified in scripture via the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 as being the feet and toes of iron and clay. These feet and toes are attached to the two legs which have been prophetically identified as the Roman Empire in its two parts. Thus the feet and toes are a clear representation of the revival of the Roman Empire. The capital city of this Empire is Mystery, Babylon the Great.
This Roman Empire revival is further described in Daniel 7 as the dreadful fourth beast. The little horn in the midst of this dreadful beast is the dominant ruler of this Empire. It is this prophecy that gives us the connection of this dreadful beast empire with its little horn ruler to Revelation 13. The little horn eventually transitions into becoming the beast from the sea while continuing to rule the revived Roman Empire through these various transitions. This is determined by the description that both have mouths that speak arrogant words and blasphemies. But the transition is not so cut a dry, there are stages in the transformation of this person/entity into the formidable beast from the sea of Revelation 13.
This chart should help in understanding the various transitions that take place for the beast. As well, there is an article on this subject titled “Understanding the Prophetic Beasts”. I have mentioned this article before and hope you can take the time to read it, for it does give a fuller scope of understanding the progression of hasatan’s right hand ‘beast’.
It is the connection of the Revelation 13 beast (that the world worships) where we are introduced to the mother of all harlots, Babylon. She is identified as a great city. This tells us that Babylon cannot be the name of hasatan’s kingdom, but it does tell us that this city is hasatan’s capital where all commerce passes through.
As hasatan’s kingdom nears destruction, this great city is destroyed first, but not completely by Yeshua. The ten horns of the revived Roman Empire that are part of the Scarlet Beast turn on its own capital as mentioned in Revelation 17:16.
As a quick side note we should figure out who are the ten horns mentioned in Revelation 17. They are not the same ten horns that are mentioned in Daniel 7 because three of those horns are uprooted by the little horn, thus there are only 7 horns remaining. When we transition to the beast from the sea in Revelation 13, the scriptures introduces us to another set of 10 horns. It’s interesting to see that the beast from the sea has 7 heads to support these 10 horns. In the article which I have mentioned earlier titled “Understanding the Prophetic Beasts” is a full section detailing who these 10 horns on the beast from the sea are. This set of 10 horns – or kings – are very different than what is normally taught and understood. The 10 new horns of Revelation 13 are an entity that has been working with the enemy (hasatan) for quite some time already but have been doing so in the shadows. Without belabouring the issue, these 10 new horns are a semi-secret spiritual force of beings worshipped as the Hierarchy in the circles of the occult and new age movement. They assist hasatan. The article explains how this is possible.
Yet all that was hasatan’s is now ended. In short order, hasatan is exorcised from the Scarlet Beast, re-emerging as the red dragon and put into the bottomless pit to be watched over by the angel or warden of the abyss known as Abaddon or Apollyon. He remains held there for one thousand years and cannot influence or deceive while he is restrained. Meanwhile the newly un-possessed beast and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire.
At this moment, the 10 days of Awe are completed with the observance of Yom Kippur. It is interesting to check out the scriptures in Leviticus 16 to understand the lay out the procedure of observance regarding Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Each aspect of the worship service points to this very day – which is Tishri 10 on September 16/17, 2040, with the victory by Yeshua and the defeat of hasatan. Yeshua now returns to the clouds where His command center is and where His tent of abode is.
Having hasatan removed from the face of the earth now opens the door Yeshua to turn His attention back to His people. In actuality, His people should be properly described as His betrothed. All through scripture there is the language of love and marriage between Yeshua with His betrothed. Who is His betrothed? That would be the people of Israel – which should not be confused with the geographical and political nation the world knows as Israel. The people of Israel are those who have stood firm in agreement with Yeshua’s way throughout the whole time that hasatan has been attempting his coup of the earth. These are also the people who ‘have this mind be in you that is in Messiah Yeshua’, Philippians 2:5. Some have experienced death because of their steadfastness to His way or their patience in waiting (such as our forefathers), while others have experienced a time of being nourished during prophetic periods of time through the tribulation.
Both now come together in one glorious union with Yeshua when those who have died in Messiah are resurrected and ascend into the clouds and those who endured to the end ascend into the clouds as well. Here they are made incorruptible according to 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 and as 1 Thessalonians 4:17 states, they will always be with Adonai Yeshua. On this day they become at-one with Yeshua.
While all this is happening the 7th Trumpet is sounding and declaring that the kingdom of this world has become the Kingdom of Elohim and our Messiah and He (Yeshua) will reign forever and ever. This is known as the Last Trump which fits exactly with the procedure of Yom Kippur for it is on this day that the trumpet is sounded for the last time at the end of the 10 Days of Awe. This trumpet officially concludes this 10 day period.
Now there is a period of 5 days before the start of Sukkot on Tishri 15. It is unclear what transpires during this time but one can speculate that those who ascended into the clouds to be with Yeshua are enjoying a wonderful private period of time together with Him. Much like the consecration of a marriage perhaps? One activity that will most likely be taking place will be the building of the altar, so that when Sukkot begins on Tishri 15, the altar dedication ceremonies can begin.
Tishri 15 which falls on September 21/22, 2040 begins the eight day celebration of Sukkot which is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, signaling that Yeshua is now ruling as the KING of kings and LORD of lords. This is also the time of the wedding feast to celebrate the marriage of Yeshua with His betrothed Israel. As part of the inauguration of His reign, the eight days of dedication of the altar begin.
The dedication of the altar gives us a clue to the reason for the prophetic numerical count of 1335 days. This specific count began on the same day that the 3 ½ year tribulation began on February 28/March 1, 2037, which was Purim that year. Daniel 12:12 states that those who wait this period of time will be blessed, but there isn’t any information about what the blessing will be. However, with the understanding about how the altar is dedicated, we get a very good idea of what will happen when the 1335 days are completed.
Let’s break down the clue. We know from the descriptions in Leviticus 9 with Numbers 7:10-89 plus Ezekiel 43:18-27 and 1 Kings 8:62-66 about how the altar is to be dedicated. There is a specific period of 8 days for the consecration of the altar. Then, according to Numbers 7, the princes of each tribe are to bring offerings, one tribe per day. This means a further 12 days are observed in which the leaders of each tribe brings offerings of honour and dedication. It is only after these 12 days that the general population is invited to make their offerings on the altar.
This information can be applied to the dedication of the altar at Yeshua’s return. From the start of Sukkot on September 21/22, 2040, the dedication of the altar by the priesthood takes place for the full eight days of the Feast, which will then be followed by a further 12 days for the leaders of the tribes to give their honour. When that is completed, the date will be October 10/11, 2040. The end of the 1335 day count is on October 23/24, 2040 meaning we are 13 days short of making a connection between the altar dedication ceremonies and the outcome of the 1335 days of those who wait being blessed. Or are we short those days?
Here is a speculation; what if the twelve tribes were given two days each to make their offerings of honour? The precedent for this speculation involves the counting for the 144,000 as described in Revelation 7. Twelve thousand from each tribe are sealed. The only other example of a similar count involves the selection of warriors for the battle against Midian in which one thousand from each tribe were selected as noted in Numbers 31. Since the end time event of the 144,000 involved an increase in the number from the Torah account, then it just might be probable that the altar dedication may involve an increase in the number of days for each tribe to bring offerings. Quite probably it could be an offering on one day for the altar and on the second day an offering to honour the start of Yeshua’s reign. This will fall right in line with the teaching about the double portion being gifted to the first born son and to those who are worthy. Well, Yeshua fulfills all those aspects to perfection, so it would be completely right for the tribes to present their offerings for two days each.
So, from the end of Sukkot, we can count a further 24 days instead of the original 12 days, which brings us to the date of October 22/23, 2040. This is one day prior to the completion of the 1335 days. Have we missed the mark with this count as well? No we have not because October 22/23, 2040 means that the dedication by the tribes wraps up on that day and the next day (which is the final day of the 1335 day count) is when the people who have waited for all the dedications to be completed are now blessed because they can now come forward and make their offerings and sacrifices.
October 23/24, 2040 is Cheshvan 17 which is historically known as the start of the 40 days of Noah’s flood. And in the Book of Jubilees it is also considered as the day when Adam and his wife disobeyed Elohim and chose to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil after listening to hasatan. Clearly, Cheshvan 17 has had a huge negative impact on mankind from the very start and it would seem poignant and fitting that Elohim would remove that negative impact by turning this very day into a blessing for the people.
From this point forward, each year that follows until the year 2044/2045 has a significant event that occurs.
The following graph should help in understanding the sequence of events during the 5 years from Yeshua’s return.
Up to this point, we have been focused on the events pertaining to the year 2040/2041.
Now, in the year 2041/2042 the Metonic 19 year solar/lunar cycle is completed. This method of observing the times and seasons is a necessity in order to balance the lunar cycle so it remains in sync with the seasons of the solar cycle, otherwise the lunar months would rotate throughout the year. If this was allowed to go unchecked, the months associated with the Fall Festivals could end up in the season of spring and vice versa. This would then not allow the proper observances of the Holy Days, which clearly cannot happen, since we know that the Festivals outline Elohim’s plan for all of mankind. Thus the Metonic cycle is highly significant for that reason and acts as a strong point of confirmation.
In the year 2042/2043 is the completion of the much discussed count in Daniel 8 of the 2300 evenings and mornings prophecy. This count continues for a further 965 days after the 1335 days count ends. As mentioned in the second presentation (that explained the beginning of this particular count), the understanding of how to interpret the term ‘evenings and mornings’ does refer to 2300 actual days. Interpreting the evenings and mornings as a day tracks perfectly with the timeline because the date when this count is completed is the day after Shavuot of June 13/14, 2043. As Daniel 8:14 states “And he [a holy one] said to me, “For two thousand three hundred days: then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.” KJV
The point of the counting of 2300 days is to know when the Holy Place is cleansed and thus restored. June 14/15, 2043 – one day after Shavuot that year - would be the most apropos day.
What is meant by restoring the Holy Place? The term ‘Holy Place’ has been denoted as the place where Adonai dwells or interacts with His people. That interaction takes place in the Temple. Therefore, it is quite probable, this is when the Temple is restored and becomes a functioning part of the lifestyle of the people in Yeshua’s millennial kingdom.
Historically, it has been noted to take 7 years to build the First Temple and even longer to build the Second Temple. Are we to consider that it would take that same amount of time for Yeshua to build the Millennial Temple as it did for Solomon to build the First Temple?
The answer requires us to remember what took place during the first 7 years of ‘plenty’ after the destruction of Gog and Magog. With the people of Israel now in control of The Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, they had erected and dedicated the altar (which later was stopped by the prince of the people). It was during that 7 year period when it would be relatively peaceful in The Land that it would be conceivable that the Third Temple was built. It would be appropriate to consider this since the abomination is set up in the Holy Place – which clearly means a temple has been constructed. Then there is a 7 year period of ‘famine’ that follows, which is more accurately a time of refinement for the people of Elohim. During this period it could be conceivable that the Third Temple is not maintained to full standards but not totally destroyed. Even during the 3 ½ years of the tribulation, the temple could potentially still stand in one form or another. So when Yeshua begins reigning as King of kings, He does not need to begin from the foundation upwards, since that would already be in place. This means that the construction and completion of the Millennial Temple could be done in a quicker timeframe. That means the completion of the 2300 days count on June 14/15, 2043 could be a fitting time frame for the Millennial Temple to be established.
There is another point to consider with the 7 years of ‘plenty’ and the further 7 years of ‘famine’ that began in 2023 and ended in 2037. When those 14 years were completed, the 3 ½ years of tribulation began. There is another parallel of 14 years to consider that echo’s the account of Joseph. This is the account of his father Jacob, who worked for Laban for 7 years to marry Rachel and then a further 7 years for his marriage to Leah. What happened after Jacob completed these 14 years? He remained for an additional 6 years building his wealth with spotted sheep and goats and then left his uncle Laban and headed back to the land promised to him through his father Isaac and grandfather Abraham. To follow the pattern of Jacob, the year 2037 ends the 14 years in the end time scenario and we simply add six more years to arrive at the year 2042/2043 – the same year that completes the final prophetic count of the 2300 days. It’s fascinating how the prophetic numerical counts are being confirmed with the accounts of our patriarchs.
Then the next year of 2043/2044 is the observance of the 7th Shmita – the year of rest - which completes a 49 year cycle of 7 sets of 7 years. This Shmita is very significant because it is the last Shmita within the prophecy which Elohim spoke in Genesis 6:3 about only striving with man for 120 years (Yovels/Jubilees).
What this means is that the next year of 2044/2045 is the completion of four powerful counts pertaining to the Yovel/Jubilee cycle:
There are 40 Yovel/Jubilee cycles from Yeshua’s death, burial, resurrection and ascension to His descent (return)
The 50th year of that Yovel/Jubilee cycle
There are 70 Yovel/Jubilee cycles from the time Israel entered the Promised Land
The 120th Yovel/Jubilee cycle since the creation of mankind
These dates have been determined through a spreadsheet program that calculated the 120 Yovel/Jubilee periods based on a 50 year cycle of 7 sets of 7 years (which equals 49 years) plus one more year to equal 50 years total. Then the following year becomes year one for the next cycle. The spreadsheet was calculated from the year of creation being year one up to the 6000th year of creation to determine the final Shmita and Yovel/Jubilee years.
In the article titled “Shmita and Yovel Counts Confirms the 2300 Evenings and Mornings” archaeological information is presented that provides two specific events in Biblical history that allow us to align the Gregorian calendar dates to the Biblical dates. That information involves Abraham with two prophecies given him and King Solomon with the building of the First Temple.
1) Two prophecies involving Abraham that confirm the archaeological dates
Firstly, this is done by determining the genealogy of the patriarchs from Adam to Abram/Abraham. Abram/Abraham is pivotal in determining the years of genealogy from his life forward to the exodus and onward to King Solomon because of a 400 years numeric prophecy which Elohim gave him regarding how his descendants would be afflicted. The counting of this numeric prophecy could not start until his descendant(s) began to be afflicted. This happened when Isaac was weaned and Ishmael was caught mocking him. From that year which the spreadsheet has established; count 400 years forward and we arrive at the Biblical date of the exodus out of Egypt.
The second confirming numeric prophecy is revealed to us by the scripture noted in the book of Exodus as the children of Israel leave Egypt. We are given the numeric prophecy of 430 years - which were completed "to the selfsame day" as they left Egypt. What happened 430 years before Israel left Egypt? Backtracking with the use of the spreadsheet brings us to that event, which was the exodus of Abram and Sarai out of Chaldea. The 430 year prophecy is about Elohim's chosen people (Abram/Abraham, Sarai/Sarah and later on their descendants) making their own respective exodus’s and heading to the land promised to them. Abram/Abraham’s exodus to The Land bookends the start of the 430 year prophecy and the children of Israel’s exodus bookends the finish. Of course, this is again confirmed with the calculations of Isaac’s weaning 30 years later and how that fulfills the other prophecy to Abraham involving the 400 year count.
These two numerical prophecies provide us with the Biblical year that Israel left Egypt. Through the genealogies of the births of children listed all through the book of Genesis, we are able to calculate the year Abram/Abraham was born and when he left Haran (430 years before the exodus out of Egypt), plus we can calculate when Isaac was born and weaned (400 years before the exodus out of Egypt). The Biblical date when Israel left Egypt is crucial to help correspond the Biblical year to the Gregorian calendar. For more detailed information please read “Israel Was Not in Egypt for 400 Years”
The following graphic should be helpful in understanding these two prophecies for Abraham.
2) There is a confirming numerical count involving King Solomon and the building of the First Temple.
It has been archaeologically determined that King Solomon began his reign in the year 970 BC[i]. Taking that information and including the scripture of 1 Kings 6:1 which states that in his 4th year of reigning, Solomon started building the temple 480 years after the children of Israel left Egypt. Since we have the Biblical year that Israel left Egypt and we have brought that forward to the time of King Solomon, we can now match the Gregorian year of 970 BC to its corresponding Biblical year. From this point we can calculate back to Adam and calculate forward to the end times.
Having these foundational time pieces in place enables us to pinpoint and calculate dates throughout the timeline from creation onward into the future. The information presented via Biblical birth records on the spreadsheet about Abraham confirms the date of Israel's departure from Egypt from a future event perspective. The information presented about Solomon and the bulding of the First Temple via archaeological records confirms Israel's departure date from Egypt as an historical event perspective. You might say that both sides of the coin confirm when Israel left Egypt.
In regards to the 40th Yovel/Jubilee cycle from Yeshua’s ascension to His return, this is based on knowing when He was upon this earth. It is well known and documented that Yeshua was born shortly before the transition from BCE (Before Common Era) to CE (Common Era). According to the spreadsheet, Yeshua’s life upon this earth occurred in the 80th Yovel/Jubilee cycle. Following the pattern of Moses at Mount Sinai who ascended and then descended 40 days later, Yeshua will descend (return) 40 Yovel’s later. The Yovel cycle that completes His 40 Yovel’s is the 120th Yovel/Jubilee.
In regards to the 50th Yovel/Jubilee, the start of this particular 50 years cycle began on 1995/1996 and will end on 2044/2045.
In regards to the 70th Yovel/Jubilee ending in 2044/2045; this set of Yovel/Jubilee cycles is specific to Israel and the Promised Land. It is understood from the calculations of the spreadsheet in accordance with the archaeological information (that allows us to know the Gregorian date of Israel’s arrival into the Promised Land), we simply calculate the yovel/jubilee cycles from the year of their return to 2044/2045. When Israel entered the Promised Land they did so in the year 1406 BCE. 70 Yovel/Jubilee cycles brings us to 2044/2045. The 70th Yovel/Jubilee relating to Israel is not a well know prophecy, but it is a prophecy nevertheless based on the writings of Jeremiah regarding the 70 years of exile the Judeans experienced.
In regards to the 120th Yovel/Jubilee; Elohim introduces us to this set of time. In Genesis 6:3 Elohim stated that They would not strive with mankind because man is flesh. So it has been decreed that the life of man will be 120 years or more specifically 120 Yovel/Jubilee cycles. So, from the first year of creation, the spreadsheet calculated 120 Yovel/Jubilee cycles, which completes in the year 2044/2045. At this point, Elohim no longer will be striving with man in the flesh.
What this means is that the spreadsheet (which is the resource of aligning the Biblical years with the Gregorian years for the timeline chart) shows a high accuracy rate in detailing the events of the end times and the first five years of Yeshua’s reign upon this earth. Yet I must stress that all this has a +/- ratio of at least 2 to 5 years.
So, this completes the explanation of the composite timeline of end time prophecies. This timeline is actually a simplified overview that comes out of a much larger and more detailed timeline which includes nearly all of the end time prophecies. This shorter and more concise timeline has been developed because that larger timeline is too difficult to publish – at least at this time. Therefore, it is hoped this more concise timeline will prove to be a blessing to all who view and learn from this video series.
As mentioned at the beginning, the purpose of these presentations and the publishing of this composite end time timeline is to enable Yeshua’s betrothed to be fully aware of what Yeshua will be doing. He is not leaving his betrothed in the dark about His plans. Since Yeshua gives warning to those who are disobedient to Him, then it would be totally necessary for Him to let us as His people know what is going to happen. Revelation 1:3 is very specific in the opening of the message that we are to know what is happening because the angel states to John that “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.”
What the messenger angel is saying here is that the reading and hearing the words of the prophecy is meant to bring heeding, which is understanding what is about to happen. With that kind of understanding we know Yeshua’s mind in these events and can act accordingly. The only people who will find that Yeshua comes as a thief in the night will be those who are not aware and are not prepared. That can be anyone, even those who profess to be Elohim’s people, IF they have not read and heard the words of the prophecy as John recorded and heeded them.
If you find this information helpful and enlightening, feel free to share. All glory and honour is given to our Elohim in heaven.
Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah, Yeshua.