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The Prophetic Nature of Joseph's Crowning

Updated: Mar 15

After Joseph was taken into Egypt, this young man experienced so many levels of their culture and lifestyle. He initially experienced being a humble low-level servant. Then he rose in rank to become the top servant in the household of the top military commander of Egypt under Pharaoh. After that, he experienced having the world pulled out from under him upon his arrest and tenure in prison. He knew what it was like to be in the household of one of the highest ranking families in Egypt and now he knew what it was like to be part of the lowest echelons of society in Egypt. At this point, what else could he experience? There was more. He eventually became the second most powerful man in all of Egypt and quite probably of the whole known world at that time. He surpassed his experiences as the top servant in the service of a high ranking family for now he was the highest ranking member in Egypt except for Pharaoh himself.

What happened at that transition when Joseph went from prisoner to second in command of Egypt? There are a lot of details that are not brought out into the open, but which will be made know in this article.

Joseph had been living in Egypt for 13 years before he is crowned Viceroy of Egypt. He rose to this rank because of the divine skill given to him by Elohim to interpret Pharaoh’s two dreams. Joseph revealed to Pharaoh that there will be a time of plenty and a time of famine, each being 7 years in length. But Joseph didn’t just interpret the dreams, he went further and advised Pharaoh to immediately put someone of integrity in charge to get started on preparing Egypt for the upcoming hardship of the famine. Clearly, Pharaoh and his advisors had not thought about making plans for Egypt to weather the famine and they were deeply impressed with the advice that Joseph gave.

They put Joseph in charge, but Pharaoh went a step further. Upon seeing how Joseph’s heart was for the people, he knew that this young man would be the best man to act as his second in command. Pharaoh crowned him Viceroy of Egypt. Actually, in the Egyptian language the title is known as Djat, but we will continue with the English term, Viceroy.

That is when the clock started ticking and the 7 years of plenty began.

When the 7 years were completed and the 7 years of famine began, this is when Joseph encountered his family. It was in the first year that the brothers came into Egypt to buy grain and Joseph began the testing of his brothers to determine their heart for their father, Jacob. Without getting into the details of the account, it was into the second year of the famine that Joseph learns the extent of the heart of his brothers towards Jacob and then makes himself known to them.

This means that from the time Joseph was crowned as Viceroy until the moment he revealed himself to his brothers, 9 years had passed.

Since Joseph was the second most powerful man of Egypt, why didn’t he send word to his father that he was alive and well?

He didn’t – for a reason.

If Joseph had sent word to his father, then his brothers would have known about him. The ability to test the brothers and to help them learn to have a heart for their father and for each other would not have been achieved. Joseph was sent to Egypt to deliver his family from the famine, but he was also sent to Egypt to be placed in this position of power so he could also teach his brothers.

From the moment Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, word was sent back to Jacob along with an invitation to move to Egypt to be closer to Joseph. Jacob did just that. The family came under Joseph’s protection for the rest of Joseph’s life.

Is there a prophetic application of this 9 year period that transpired from the start of the 7 years of plenty to the time Joseph revealed himself to his brothers?

Yes, there is and the prophetic parallel has to do with the crowning of Yeshua as the King of Israel and when He is revealed to His people.

In the composite timeline of end time events that is available on Elohim’s Perspective’s website, the account of Joseph with the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine has been incorporated because the elements of these two events has a pivotal aspect to the end time events. How the dates and the reasoning for the 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine on this timeline are addressed in detail in the article: “70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9 – Overview Explanation”.

In this article the years represent the 'week' from Shavuot to Shavuot. This is done because the elements presented in this article are within the 70 Years (Weeks) Prophecy that take place in the end times. Since the prophecy begins at a Shavuot, it is prudent to keep the other elements within the prophecy counting through the same time frame.

Let’s look at the details of Joseph’s account and apply them into the end times with Yeshua. Since the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine are easily determined as end time events, it makes sense that the other aspects that occurred for Joseph during these periods would also apply to Yeshua and the end times. The parallels will be made evident.

It is well known that Joseph was a Messiah type – representing an aspect of what Yeshua as our Messiah will do for us.

- Joseph is crowned just before the start of the 7 years of plenty. -Yeshua will be crowned before the start of the 7 years of plenty and peace that takes place after the Gog/Magog War in 2023/2024. His coronation will most likely happen during the Fall Festivals of Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot, which is also known as the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles respectively. Understanding how this date of 2023/2024 has been determined, please read the articles; “Gog/Magog War Results in 7 Years of Plenty?” and “Noah’s Flood and the Gog/Magog War”. It is Yeshua as newly crowned King Who puts hooks into Gog’s jaws and draws him and his cohorts into The Land to destroy them.

-What did Joseph do during the 7 years of plenty? He built the program and support structures for the preservation of food for the upcoming famine. -Yeshua will build the altar and the Third Temple in Jerusalem. The altar will be built right away and after the appropriate dedication, it will be and operating altar. Remember, there must be an altar in operation in order to fulfill scripture about the King of the North/prince of the people stopping the sacrifices in the future (Daniel 11:31; Daniel 9:27). As well, the construction of the Temple will most likely be within the 7 year time frame of the time of plenty since it is recorded in 1 Kings 6 that the First Temple in Solomon’s time took 7 years to complete. -What did Joseph do during the first two years of the time of famine? He tested his brothers to determine their heart for their father Jacob and to the family as a whole. This time of testing was the catalyst that opened the brother’s minds to understanding how to be proper and true sons. -Yeshua will test us as His people, Israel to determine our hearts for our Father, Who is in heaven and for the whole family. That testing will involve the overly controlling aspects of the WEF as they inaugurate the Fourth Industrial Revolution at the onset of their Great Reset. We will come to learn what it is within each of us that must improve. The result will enable us to stand firm and not waiver for our hearts will be focused on our Abba and Yeshua. Thus we will prove ourselves worthy. The Great Reset will begin in the year 2030/2031 (all dates listed here are according to the Hebrew Civil Calendar). -It is now 9 years since Joseph was crowned, with the 7 years of plenty and the first two years of the famine behind him. He now knows the humble hearts of his brothers and he makes himself known to them. Through this time of testing, his brothers also learned about themselves and develop humility. His brothers and eventually his father, Jacob finally knows what has happened to Joseph and that he has been crowned as Viceroy. -Yeshua has now tested His people for two years and knows our hearts – and we know our humility as well. He makes Himself known to us at this time. We finally come to know what has been happening with Yeshua since His ascension and we know He is crowned as King of kings. This happens in 2031/2032. -Joseph invites his family to move to Egypt, so he can protect and provide for them through the famine and for the rest of his life. -Yeshua will invite us as His people to be with Him, though our move will manifest a little differently. It will be different because this invite and our response will be on the spiritual level. Our move will be with our hearts and souls to join with Yeshua. This spiritual level of protection from Yeshua will enable us to ride out the final 5 years of the time of famine of the word of Elohim and onward through the 3 ½ years of tribulation until we actually see Yeshua return upon the earth in 2040 between Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

Since it has been determined that in the year 2023/2024, Yeshua will be crowned as King of kings, specifically at the very start of that year during the Fall Festivals (September 15/16 – October 6/7, 2023), it is poignant to note that another coronation takes place just four months earlier; the crowning of King Charles III.

Is this significant for us to understand as we learn about end time events? It is very significant.

The monarchy of Great Britain and the Commonwealth of nations has a very long history. This family can trace their lineage through all the generations’ right back to Adam. They know who they are and where they came from. They are of the tribe of Judah.

Many millennia earlier, Jacob gave his blessings upon his sons. In Genesis 49:10 Jacob decreed The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,…”. This means that Judah holds the station of royalty and the lineage of kings for the whole nation of Israel. That station will not depart from Judah. It is important to note that this blessing was given to Judah himself, so it means he held both the scepter and the ruler’s staff. However, his immediate heirs involved twin boys who were both equal in worthiness (unlike Esau and Jacob). Upon Judah’s death, the scepter went to Pharez and the ruler’s staff to Zerah.

The royal family of Great Britain know they are from the lineage of Judah through Pharez and his twin, Zerah because they have the documents to prove it. They know the scepter and the ruler’s staff will not depart from their lineage, because of Genesis 49:10.

When Judah entered Egypt with Jacob, these two boys went with him. Years later during the exodus out of Egypt, Pharez went with Israel into the Promised Land. However, it is widely understood that Zerah did not; instead his descendants set out across the northern part of the African continent and made their way to the island we know today as Great Britain. It is roughly over two thousand years later when the kingdom of Judah is finally defeated by the Babylonians that Jeremiah takes the daughter of the last king of Judah in an act of preservation and travels to the island of Great Britain. There the descendant of Pharez (the princess of Judah – Tia Tephi), meets and marries the descendant of Zerah (the prince of the scarlet thread [Zerah] – Herremon – Genesis 38:30). The scepter and the ruler’s staff are reunited. From their union is the united lineage that leads to the current monarch in England – King Charles III.

But Genesis 49:10 is not finished. It goes on to say; “until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his.” This is a clear reference to Yeshua. Yeshua is the rightful King and there will come a time when the stewardship of the scepter and the ruler’s staff will be handed back to Yeshua.

It appears the relinquishing of the scepter and the ruler’s staff will take place four months into the reign of King Charles III when Yeshua is crowned during the Fall Feasts. Yeshua is "he to whom it [the scepter and ruler's staff] belongs"and He will claim it. Thus, King Charles III will no longer have the authority to rule as king representing the lineage of the kings of Judah. Once he is stripped of this station, it sets the stage for King Charles to transition into the entity we will eventually come to know as the little horn/the King of the North/the prince of the people/the beast from the sea/the son of perdition/the anti-messiah. More information on this is found in the article “Other Names of the Anti-Messiah (anti-Christ)”.

To complete this article, we must address the scriptures that describe Yeshua as our crowned King.

In Revelation 14:14 it says, I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.”

Revelation 11:15 “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.”

Daniel 7:13-14 “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man (human being), coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

Many use the placement of these scriptures in the visions of John and Daniel as the evidence to determine WHEN Yeshua is crowned. For example, Revelation 14:14 is recorded after the completion of the 2nd Woe, thus many who study eschatology conclude that this is when He is crowned. But these scriptures only reveal that He is wearing a crown at the time of the various events that are detailed in the surrounding scriptures. They do not define WHEN He is crowned.

The account of Joseph provides far more conclusive evidence to answer the question of WHEN Yeshua is crowned as King of kings.

Clearly, there is significance to this little known time period of 9 years that begins at the same time as the start of the 7 years of plenty, especially in the end times.

Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah Yeshua.

The graph below showcases the points of the article to offer additional visual understanding of the connection between Joseph's life and what will transpire for Yeshua in the end times.

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