Let’s cut to the chase and answer the question posed in the title. Yes, Seal One is the Messiah. This article will explain how this is the true answer.
Furthermore, this article is meant to enhance the information discussed in an article published in 2023 on this website titled “The Seals of Revelation and Their Correct Order in the Tribulation”. That article is focused on explaining the order of the opening of all the seals in the Book of Revelation and provides the reason why Seal Seven is opened first and Seal One (the white horse and rider) is opened last.
However, that article does not go into detail about the horses and the riders of Seals 1, 2, 3 and 4.
So, in this article the focus shall be on Seal One about the white horse and its rider and how this one particular seal supports the understanding that the opening of all the seals begins with Seal Seven and ends with Seal One (the white horse and rider). Plus, this article will explain the connection of the white horse and rider of Revelation 6 with the white horse and the King of kings (Messiah) in Revelation 19.
Ever since John wrote the book of Revelation, people have been attempting to figure out what the four horses and riders in Revelation 6 represent. It’s relatively easy to figure out what the red horse (Seal Two), the black horse (Seal Three) and the pale horse (Seal Four) with their respective riders represent. Seal Two represents war, Seal Three represents famine and economic collapse and Seal Four represents death.
It is the white horse and rider (Seal One) that has become a point of contention in interpretation. The contention involves two theories that this rider represents either the anti-messiah or the Messiah. All this stems from the scriptures in the book of Revelation that records two different passages about a white horse and rider (Revelation 6:1-2 / Revelation 19:11-16). The description in chapter 6 of the rider wearing a crown and carrying a bow differs from the rider in chapter 19 who is crowned with many crowns while his eyes were like flaming fire and his vestures are dipped in blood. What these two descriptions reveal is the before and after of Yeshua being at war with the scarlet beast (aka the beast and the red dragon/hasatan).
Chapter 6 is describing Yeshua at His immediate return and has begun His campaign of “conquering and to conquer”, which means He is directing the war from His Command Post in the clouds. Chapter 19 describes Him after the battle, when He has conquered the beast and the red dragon/hasatan. We know this because of the information in Revelation 19 which describes Yeshua’s vestures being dipped in blood, meaning He has been at war and has become the victor. This indicates He now can fully claim the earth is His and all that is in it (Exodus 9:29 / Exodus 19:5 / Psalm 24:1 / 1 Corinthians 10:26, 28). Being the One with the authority of all the earth it would be rightfully so that He would be wearing multiple crowns of authority and now carrying a sword of righteousness.
By-the-way, the bow He holds at the start of the war signals to the world that He has the authority of power and strength and can change doctrine[i] [ii]. It is like a standard that identifies the leader of the army. This bow is different from the ones which the archers use for it does not need to be accompanied with arrows and it is quite probably a much more ornate piece. Conversely, the Bible describes the weakening of a nation and its leadership by stating that the bow has been broken (Jeremiah 49:35 / Hosea 1:5) or uses this symbol to describe the outcome of peace when Yeshua finishes conquering the beast, false prophet and hasatan (Hosea 2:18).
Even so, this information may not be enough to demonstrate that the two white horses and riders are truly one and the same. The established understanding of the order of the opening of the seal beginning with Seal One and moving forward to Seal Seven as the last to be opened has most people missing the above mentioned information. It is when we understand the true order of the opening of the seals, that we can confirm the above information about the white horse and its rider is correct.
The article mentioned above titled “The Seals of Revelation and Their Correct order in the Tribulation Timeline” explains how the order of the Seals must be from Seal Seven opened first, followed by Seal Six and so on until Seal One, which is opened last. Please read this article to understand how this has been determined. If the full information was given in this article, it would make this an overly long article.
Suffice it to say, the understanding of the order of the opening of the seals adds confirmation that the white horse and rider of Revelation 6 is the same horse and rider of Revelation 19 – only describing them at slightly different moments in the end time events. More properly stated, the end time events pertaining to the Seals, Trumpets, Woes and Vials/Bowls of the book of Revelation are describing Yeshua’s Battle Plan.
When He appears as the white horse and rider with the bow and the single crown, He is beginning His final assault against the beast, hasatan and the city of Babylon. The other horses and riders of death, economic collapse and war are at the same time wrecking havoc and destruction on the whole World, utilizing the seven Plagues/Vials/Bowls being poured out to completely collapse the governance of the final Roman Empire described in Daniel 2:31-43 (as being of iron mixed with clay). It is when the beast, the false prophet and hasatan are captured (Revelation 19:20 / Revelation 20:1-3) that the other horses and riders stand down from their tasks and we now see Yeshua described thusly in Revelation 19.
One last quick question to answer…WHEN will the four horsemen ride? Many would say the answer cannot be quick, but the truth of the matter is, it is a quick answer to a quick question.
These final Seals happen during the Ten Days of Awe between Yom Teruah (Rosh haShanah/Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Specifically, the four horsemen capture the beast, the false prophet and hasatan the day before Yom Kippur and the angel makes the declaration that Babylon (the capital city of the final Roman Empire) has fallen in one day (Revelation 18:8). This paves the way for the next day (which is Yom Kippur) to be celebrated as a day of true at-one-ment with Yeshua, and we finally have our prayers answered for we are now delivered from evil (Matthew 6:13).
(please check out the graphics below for understanding of timeline visuals)
Let this mind be in you that is in Yeshua, haMashiach. (Philippians 2:5)