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The Hooks Revealed in Real Time

Writer's picture: elohimsperspectiveelohimsperspective

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

November 7, 2023 (updated: August 3, 2024)

Shalom everyone,

This letter is a further update concerning the probable upcoming manifestation of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecies and to address Cheshvan 17.

It was originally believed that Gog, Magog and their cohorts would literally ‘flood’ into The Land on October 31/November 1, 2023 which is the Hebrew day of Cheshvan 17. So we ask the question; why is Cheshvan 17 considered to be a prophetic date of significance?

Ezekiel 38 and 39 describes how the Gog and Magog invasion will take place. As Gog, Magog and their cohorts are drawn into The Land; the verses describe this event as being like a storm perpetuated by YHVH, much like in Noah’s flood which began on Cheshvan 17. Thus the consideration was that on Cheshvan 17, the armies of Gog and Magog and their cohorts would ‘flood’ into Israel. A complete write-up explaining this date can be found in the article “Noah’s Flood and the Gog/Magog War”.

However, since this date has passed without any evidence of Gog and Magog and their cohorts ‘flooding’ or ‘storming’ into Israel, it was prudent to revisit the prophecy.

As part of the revisiting of this prophecy, there is a point we need to consider. Prophecy has been sealed until the end times – this is a concept we are all familiar with. But what causes the prophecies to be sealed? It is due to a lack of a specific type of understanding, which for centuries and millennia has not been made available to mankind. Thus the prophecies remained sealed all this time. This form of understanding does not require a scholarly degree or for someone to become an eschatology student. Instead, this form of understanding requires being alive and witnessing real time events that pertain to end times prophecies. One of the first things we say when scripture or prophecy is understood is, “Why didn’t I see that before?” Well, sometimes it requires a real time event to open one’s eyes to see.

Only in the end times can these prophecies be unsealed. One of the reasons we watch for the manifestation of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war, is to have Biblical and undeniable proof that we are in the end times. Right now, we have a heightened interest in the events in Israel because we are seeing the preliminaries of that proof.

But, to see it properly, we needed to witness the real-time events that took place on Cheshvan 17 in hindsight, in order to understand how this prophecy has started unfolding. When we read Ezekiel 38 and 39 with this in mind, the wording of the first few verses offers a new perspective about how this prophetic invasion will unfold.

According to Ezekiel 38:1-6 and Ezekiel 39:1-2, this invasion will unfold in three stages:

  • Stage one: hooks in the jaws.

  • Stage two: drawn into The Land by YHVH.

  • Stage three: Gog, Magog and their cohorts are destroyed in the northern mountains of Israel.

The first stage is that YHVH will put hooks in their jaws. Cheshvan 17 began the first stage. It was the first stage of the casting of the hooks into the jaws that we were supposed to watch for on Cheshvan 17. My previous letter jumped the process and asked that we watch for the second stage pertaining to Gog, Magog and their cohorts ‘flooding’ into Israel to happen on that day. But of course that stage did not materialize on Cheshvan 17 whereas the first stage did.

YHVH purposely used the word ‘hooks’ in Ezekiel 38 and 39, which reminds us about fishing. When we think about fishing it is just natural to know the stages involved with fishing. How does a fisherman put hooks in the jaws of a fish? He/she puts bait on the hook and drops it into the water and then waits for the fish to bite. The waiting portion of time is calm and peaceful, but the moment the hook is in the jaw of the fish the peaceful environment suddenly erupts with the fish thrashing and splashing while the fisherman works his line to draw in his catch. We’re not at the thrashing and splashing stage – yet, but it was on Cheshvan 17 that the hooks with the bait were put in the water.

So, what DID happen in Israel and Gaza on Cheshvan 17 that identifies the first stage which will lead to the hooks in the jaws of Gog.

October 31/November 1, 2023 (Cheshvan 17) was the day when people other than HAMAS terrorists began to die in greater and more widely reported numbers under more dramatic circumstances. This was the day that aerial bombardments hit refugee camps and other supposed civilian sanctuaries in the Gaza Strip. According to HAMAS’s Health Ministry, the death toll of Palestinians (that most likely includes terrorists) is now at the ten thousand mark – though this information cannot be verified.

The two bombardments of the Jabalya refugee camp north of Gaza City on Cheshvan 17 and the death of civilians was the turning point in the world’s perspective toward Israel. As the world learned (from the unverified information coming from HAMAS’s Health Ministry) of the ‘hundreds of innocent women and children’ killed in these two bombardments (and subsequent bombardments) the world began to drop its support and quickly shift to verbally attacking Israel. Even the leaders in this world are openly attacking Israel with words such as ‘war crimes against humanity’, ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’. An significant up-tic in anti-Semitic language and actions began on this day.

This is what HAMAS wants. World opinion against Israel is just as damaging as any rocket launched from Gaza. However, their strategy has only facilitated the hooks into the jaws of Gog. How? The dire circumstances in Gaza are the bait on the hook intended to motivate Gog and Magog to act.

UPDATE (August 3, 2024): Since the original writing of this article much more has happened to bring Gog closer to the hooks. We now are awaiting a response from Iran and its proxies since the death of the HAMAS political leader Ismail Haniyeh IN Tehran. Tensions are very high in The Land and within the surrounding Arab nations because of this very strategically operated surgical strike. Iran has been made a mockery because it can't even provide protection within its own borders.

If and when Iran attacks (with its proxies), this will not be the manifestion of the Ezekiel 38/39 invasion - instead this will be a very significant event to literally draw the hooks into Gog's jaws. Ezekiel 38:4 clearly says: "And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into they jaws..." YHVH will be putting the hooks into Gog's jaws!! The continued events in Gaza and now the increase in tensions with Iran and its proxies could very well be the final straw that causes Gog to bite the hooks. We wait and watch and pray.

Now, back to the original and still poignant article.

YHVH has instilled a heart within the Israeli people to once and for all remove HAMAS. The Israeli military's uncompromising action to achieve this goal is like YHVH putting the bait on the hooks. As the bait wiggles on the hooks it will catch the eye of a rather large fish - Gog, Magog and their cohorts. As Israel destroys more HAMAS strongholds and the HAMAS Health Ministry tells the world of more civilian deaths, this will motivate Gog, Magog and their cohorts to move against the ‘genocidal actions perpetrated by Israel’. So, every time we read of the ‘atrocities’ perpetrated by Israel against civilians (who are not really innocent) in Gaza, we are witnessing YHVH’s bait becoming that much more enticing to bite.

At this writing, the waters are calm but it is obvious, with the governments of this world acting and speaking as they do; it won’t be long before we will witness the eruption of movement by a vast army as it is compelled by an all powerful force (YHVH) to come into The Land.

To summarize: real-time events have shown us that the first stage of this prophecy has occurred on Cheshvan 17. Now we watch for the second stage, when Gog, Magog and their cohorts get the hooks in their jaws when they take the bait and are reeled in. The third stage is their destruction at the command of YHVH.

Ezekiel 39:7-29 details the end result of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war, which quite likely includes an expansion of Israel’s borders now that their enemies have been judged and destroyed *** (see info and link at this article's end). With all this land, the in-gathering of His people from the four corners of the world will happen (the Aliyah) and the outpouring of the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit) will be upon His people. The inhabitants of Israel will be able to use the spoils of this war instead of using the local natural resources for a period of seven years (Ezekiel 39:9). It will be very much like a time of plenty during these upcoming seven years and a good opportunity for His people to store up their knowledge and understandings of how we are to truly live, be blessed and experience that which is good – according to His words. This righteous outcome is something we ought to focus on if we are feeling frightened by this prophecy.

We are going to need those store houses to be full by the time the 7 years of plenty are completed, because there is also a future 7 years of the famine of the hearing of the words of Elohim (Amos 8:11) to live through. This is when we will really need to stand firm and have His whole armour on (Ephesians 6). The concept of a 7 year period of plenty and a further 7 years of famine is a fascinating portion of the end time timeline that most timelines do not consider. To understand the yet future time of plenty and time of famine, please read “The Prophetic Time of Plenty and Time of Famine”.

This letter is written one month into this war between Israel and HAMAS and seven days since Cheshvan 17. It looks dire for Israel. Yet, we can take heart in knowing that the name “Israel” means “God prevails” and is taken from the words of Genesis 32:28 which says “for as a prince hast thou power with YHVH and with men, and hast prevailed”. YHVH will show the world that He and Israel will prevail.

Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah, Yeshua.

Susan Hooge

***The judgment of Gog and Magog is itemized in Ezekiel 39, but what about the cohorts of Libya, Ethiopia, Persia, Edom, Gomer and Togarmah? What about Ammon, Moab and Egypt? Read this article to understand that at the same time as Gog and Magog are judged, so will there be judgment against the surrounding nations. This is why the border of Israel will expand and the in-gathering of YHVH’s people can take place. “Judgment of Esau During the Gog and Magog War”.

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