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We Will Have Unity

Updated: Mar 29

Within the Messianic/Hebrew Roots congregations and groups around the world, there is a vast array of interpretations and understandings pertaining to nearly every aspect of the scriptures.  From a Midrash perspective it provides for lively debate that elicits eagerness to know more about the scriptures. 


However, ugliness has crept in over the years that have been tainting the true spirit of the Midrash and study of The Word.  What is that ugliness?  It is division, discord and disunity.  There are a number of different understandings that people follow which have caused significant division to the point that these understandings have become harmful to Elohim’s people as a whole.  It doesn’t take must to realize that we are not a unified house of Israel.

But there are prophecies that speak about unity for Israel.  Read this article to discover how that unity will be achieved within Elohim’s people and even when that will happen. 


The Prophecies


There is prophecy about the house of Israel being unified and of one accord. Thus we can feel comforted to know that about our future.  The main prophecy that comes immediately to mind is about the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph merging together to become one stick (Ezekiel 37).  Ironically most prophetic scripture pertaining to unity for YHVH’s people is found within the topic of division.  Scriptures such as Deuteronomy 30:1-5; Jeremiah 29, Isaiah 11:11-12; Ezekiel 20:41-42; Ezekiel 39:25-29 record the impact of being exiled into the four corners of the earth, a punishment levied upon the people because they were not of one accord worshipping Elohim.  We ought to be thankful that each of these prophecies end with the promise of YHVH gathering His people back to The Land.  Being brought back to The Land is not the full context of the prophecy, because that regathering can only happen if the people are of one accord – unified.  But how do we achieve that unity? 


To answer this with greater ease, we need to look at what is the opposite of unity – division.  Let’s use the example of the most high profile divisive point within YHVH’s people – which calendar to use.  Right now, there are at least 8 to 10 different calendars being touted as the one we all should follow. 


YHVH addresses the whole division/unity questions through the many prophecies that are listed above.  But there is one prophecy that goes further and answers HOW He goes about bringing unity to His people.  It may surprise you how simply elegant the solution is and how elegantly simple will be the requirements for us to do, so unity is achieved.  It is found in Ezekiel 39.


A future Passover and Ezekiel 39:21-29 reveal we will have unity    


Each spring as people begin to prepare for the spring festivals, their studies turn to searching for the truth about how to correctly observe them.  The question is asked every year; how do we really know when the 14th day of the first Hebrew month occurs so we observe Passover as Elohim wants us to?  At present, there are multiple variations of calendars from which segments of Elohim’s people choose to follow in an attempt to answer this question.  This means there are multiple dates by which these various groups observe Passover.  Having brethren observe Passover and the following Days of Unleavened Bread on different dates reveals just how un-unified we are as Elohim’s people. 


If we can understand how to navigate this particular division it will be useful for all the other divisive elements as well (see side bar #1 notes below).  


Passover has an important role in the end times, for it is at a future Passover that the Remnant takes part in an event known as a greater exodus described in Jeremiah 16:14-15.  The exodus out of Egypt happened at Passover, as did three other levels of exodus (see side bar #2 notes below)


So by following the pattern of our forefathers, it is clearly indicated that the upcoming greater exodus will also occur at a future Passover.  This is why being unified in our observance of Passover is so necessary.  The scriptures in Jeremiah 16 are singular in its statement about the remnant at this future event.  Therefore this adds proof that we will already be unified and of one accord before this future exodus occurs.  At present, it is very clear that YHVH’s people are divided into various groups observing different calendars which have Passover calculated on different dates.  To be part of this greater exodus is one of the main reasons why His people search out different calendars in the hope of finding ‘the one’ that will lead to the Remnant’s unity of observing Passover so we leave together.


But we do not need to search out calendars to find this unity.  The Ezekiel 39 prophecy answers the questions about how we will be unified and of one accord in all things, including which calendar to observe. 


Ezekiel 39:21-29 is a prophecy that occurs long before YHVH’s people take part in the greater exodus of Jeremiah 16 but it becomes foundational for our ability to be in that future exodus.  The verses before verse 21 speak about the judgments of destruction against Gog and Magog and their cohorts which causes a lot of ramifications upon this world and upon Elohim’s people.  The other Ezekiel prophecies of judgment recorded in chapters 25-32, 35 will also play out at that same time against the nations that surround and aggravate Israel.  This judgment also means that the land from where Gog and Magog came from will be in a political and economic vacuum.  It will be the perfect environment from which the beast with ten horns and a little horn will arise.  More information on this subject is detailed in the article “Understanding the Prophetic Beasts” .


However, after the prophetic judgments and destruction of Gog, Magog and their cohorts, the immediate results are what will be most profound for Elohim’s people.  YHVH tells us in Ezekiel 39:21-29 that three events will happen for His people. 


Event One: YHVH states that the whole house of Israel will KNOW Him – Ezekiel 39:21-22, 28


This event directly addresses the question about how we will eventually be a people who are of one accord in all matters, including the most obvious one about which calendar to use.


YHVH states that after the judgments against Gog, Magog, their cohorts and the nations that surround Israel, the House of Israel will KNOW Him (Ezekiel 39:21-22).  HOW will we know Him?  The answer comes from what YHVH (as Yeshua in the New Testament) did just prior to His final ascension after His death, burial and resurrection.  He is with the disciples, who are going through a huge amount of turmoil at the death of their leader and then seeing Him again as a living, breathing individual.  There is disbelief and confusion on how He could be alive in front of them after they had witnessed Him dying a horrible death.  In reality the disciples were only thinking from the physical perspective and not from a spiritual perspective.  This was their stumbling block.


But that perspective changed when Yeshua did something to the disciples; He opened their minds to understand the scriptures (Luke 24:44-49, specifically verse 45). From that moment onwards, the disciples KNEW the scriptures and understood all that Yeshua had been teaching them during the time they were together. That’s why Yeshua immediately speaks to them about the prophecies of His death, burial, resurrection and ascension.  At that moment, with their minds opened to the understanding of all that had been written, it enabled them to KNOW Yeshua and what His plans for mankind are.


That’s what will happen to the house of Israel after the Ezekiel judgments against Israel’s enemies.  We are going to KNOW YHVH because He will open our minds in the same manner that He did with the disciples.  After their minds were opened, what happened for the disciples from then on?  Just reading all the scriptures after Yeshua ascended, it is clear the disciples were of one accord on all that Yeshua had taught them.  Even in new controversies, the disciples (apostles) managed themselves as a unified group and resolved the issues of circumcision, etc.  We too are going to know the scriptures to the point that we are going to have all these elements of division resolved among us. 


Event Two: He will remember His people and gather them back to The Land – Ezekiel 39:25-29


YHVH states He will gather the house of Israel back to The Land.  In our state of unity and repentance because we have our minds opened and know Him, this means our exile and our shame will end as He leads us into The Land. 


The end result of the Ezekiel judgments is given as a simple overview of what happens to the house of Israel. Ezekiel 39:25, 27-28 describes how YHVH brings the house of Israel back to The Land, but other scriptures throughout the Tanakh give greater clarity and reveal that this will be a very significant event involving a massive influx of people from around the world.  It must be noted that the world is going to know the reason for this return of the house of Israel to The Land. They will know the history of how Israel rebelled and was exiled into the world, and that it is by the might of YHVH that Israel is able to return.


When this happens the world will already be focused on the events in The Land because of how the enemies of Israel are destroyed by the hand of YHVH.  This will cause the people of the world to know that the Elohim of Israel is real and very much alive and active. This is how the people of the world will know YHVH (Ezekiel 39:7). The impact on YHVH’s people regarding the world’s reaction to all this, will strengthen our unity and bond one with another because we are bringing glory to Him in our example.


Event Three: He will pour out the Holy Spirit upon the whole house of Israel – Ezekiel 39:29.


This action is profound.  Remember what was written in Luke 24:49? It says, “And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”  Ten days later, the disciples received the promise of the Holy Spirit which was also known as the Comforter in John 14, 15 and 16. 


Even as a promise it was an extremely powerful event for it enabled the disciples to be clothed with power from on high.  Paul tells us that this promise enables us to see and hear, Acts 2:33, “Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of Abba the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has shed forth this [the promise of the Holy Spirit], which you now see and hear”. 


What will transpire in Ezekiel 39:29 will be far more powerful than what transpired for the disciples, because this time it won’t be the promise of the Holy Spirit but the actual outpouring of the Holy Spirit in complete fullness (see side bar #3 notes below).


What did the disciples do once they were clothed with power from on high?  All through their writings we see how these men and women were powerful in guiding the growing number of brethren they shepherded.   So much so that the ruling powers that be were afraid of their influence, just as they had been fearful of the influence of Yeshua before He died.  That is why the disciples, who were now known as apostles because of the power given to them, were persecuted so readily. 


So the pattern is the same; the disciples had their minds opened to the scriptures and they came to know Yeshua.  They gathered in Jerusalem as commanded by Yeshua. Then ten days later, the promise of being clothed with power from on high (the Holy Spirit) was given to them.  That is the same pattern that is recorded in Ezekiel 39.  First, we will KNOW YHVH (Yeshua), then we gather in The Land, then we will receive the Holy Spirit.  As already mentioned, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at that time will be far more powerful than what the disciples experienced. 


Unity is needed for what comes next.


Having the fullness of the Holy Spirit is very necessary because of what is to come after this these three events.  As is recorded in Ezekiel 39:9-10, there will be seven years of ‘plenty’ when the utensils from Magog and the cohorts plus the neighbouring nations will become useful for the inhabitants of Israel to such an extent they will not need to use their own resources for that period of time.  As explained in the article “The Prophetic Time of Plenty and Time of Famine” Ezekiel 39:9 hints at a prophecy about a future event much like what occurred for Joseph in Egypt.  At that time, he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream about a seven year period of plenty followed immediately by a seven year period of famine.  The events that transpired during these first fourteen years of Joseph’s command in Egypt are prophetic of what will happen again.  Ezekiel 39:9 connects the aftermath of events of the Ezekiel judgments to Joseph’s prophecy.  Both record a seven year period of plenty.  But Ezekiel 39:9 does not mention anything about a time of famine.  It is in Amos 8:11 that addresses the famine.  Even though Amos does not give a time frame, we can extrapolate this will be a time period of seven years as well, when we take the example of Joseph into account. 


What is entailed with the famine mentioned in Amos 8:11?  It will be a famine of the hearing of the words of Elohim.  That will be devastating.  But it won’t be an extinction event for YHVH’s people if we remember that we will be fortified with the Holy Spirit during this time.  It is when the seven years of plenty first begins, that YHVH pours out the Holy Spirit upon the house of Israel – us.  As described earlier, this outpouring is a more powerful event than what the disciples experienced when they were given the promise of the Holy Spirit because we will actually receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  We will be clothed with far greater power than the disciples.  This is how we will get through the seven years of famine.  Then after that period, this power will help us endure to the end through the tribulation while we are experiencing the greater exodus.  This power enables us to become those who are saved.  Yeshua gives us the power to accomplish this.


Summing it up


Now circling back to the focus of this article about the people of Israel being united and of one accord, you can see from what has been written in this article that the answer to how and when we have unity as the people of YHVH is made clear. 


It will be YHVH Who brings about that unity through the three events that are prophesied to the house of Israel in Ezekiel 39.  It is YHVH Who opens our minds so we KNOW Him; it is YHVH Who makes it possible for us to gather back to The Land; and it is YHVH Who causes the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon us.  The unity is not by our hand, but by the hand of YHVH, our Messiah.  We are to do nothing to accomplish this.  Well, we do something; we must patiently wait with prayer and fasting. 


Each of these three events in Ezekiel 39:21-29 will strengthen our unity one with another and of great importance; our unity with YHVH.  We will finally understand what it means to “let this mind be in you that is in Messiah, Yeshua.” (Philippians 2:5).  Thankfully, our waiting is only until after the Ezekiel judgment prophecies are fulfilled.  


So it is clear that we will know which calendar to use to be ready for that future Passover.   Even though the people involved in the greater exodus are not in The Land, the Holy Spirit will have been poured out upon them too at the same time as for those who do gather back to The Land.  Ezekiel 39:29 clearly states it, “Neither will I hide my face any more from them [Israel]: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith Adonai Elohim.”  Notice that the outpouring is not specific to only those who gather into The Land, but it is to the HOUSE of Israel – which means everyone who is Israel no matter where they are.


What can we do to navigate division right now?


Knowing what we now know about our unity, when we see or experience division within our ranks, do not be dismayed and do not add to the division.  Using the controversy with the calendars again as an example, if someone makes the choice to follow one calendar but your studies lead you to a different choice of calendar...let that person's choice be his/her own, as your choice is your own. The opportunity to make choices is given to us by YHVH for our edification and growth towards Him. That is why Moses admonishes us to choose life, goodness and blessing (Mt. Gerazim) instead of death, evil and curse (Mt. Ebal).

Therefore be patient, using words of peace (Matthew 5:9; Galatians 6:1; Titus 3:2, 9-11).  And be comforted by remembering that YHVH will be unifying us soon and all these differences will be cleared up.  Yeshua is our example of this; when Judas left the group during the Passover or Last Supper, Yeshua did not confront him with divisive words but spoke to him as One Who knew that the outcome would be righteous.  We too ought to do this with our fellow brethren.  The outcome will be righteous and bring glory to Elohim.


Thankfully, we know when YHVH will bring about this unity – it will happen after the judgment of the enemies of Israel as described in the Ezekiel prophecies.  At the time of the writing of this article (March 2024), we are in the midst of potentially seeing these prophecies manifest before us, so we wait with anticipation.  




Side bar notes:


1.       Other points of controversy within Elohim’s people include: 

  • How to properly say the Holy name(s);

  • Round Earthers or flat Earthers;

  • The 49 year Yovel or the 50 year Yovel;

  • Which Bible version to use (KJV, NASB, etc.);

  • Who is Ephraim, who is Joseph?

  • The teachings of Paul – heresy or truth?

  • Which calendar should we use; covenant, Zadok, Enoch, new moon, lunisolar (Hillel), other solar, fixed, etc.

  • The list could continue.


2.       The first exodus involved Abraham out of the Mesopotamian region.  Lot made his exodus out of Sodom and Gomorrah at a Passover and there is possible evidence that Jacob made his exodus from Laban during this same time of year (Jabbok River (Zarqa River)                                                                            The only time to easily cross the Jabbok river, especially with herds and children would be in the dry period of spring and summer.)  This gives us an indicator that Jacob may have left the land of Padanaram where Laban lived at the time of the Passover but since his caravan was slow, he probably didn’t reach the Jabbok until much later in the spring when the river was low.  


3.       Right now, none of us have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  In actuality, it is the promise of the Holy Spirit that comes upon us at this time (Luke 24:49; Acts 2:33-39).  And as we know from the scriptures, even having the promise is very powerful.  How do we know if we are receiving this promise?  The apostles wrote extensively about having faith instead of works to receive the promise of the Holy Spirit.  One example is found in Romans 4:13-14 “For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.  For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void and the promise made of non effect:” What promise is Paul referring to here?  It is the promise of the Holy Spirit.  Remember, the promise is about a future time when we will be receiving the Holy Spirit in its fullness and that future time happens at the end of the Ezekiel judgment prophecies.


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