Prophecy is resplendent with descriptions of wars and judgments against a whole host of nations. Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Amos, Habakkuk, Isaiah, Zechariah and Revelation are just some of the Biblical accounts that detail these wars and judgments. With so many verses seemingly crisscrossing each other about this particular subject matter, it can become overwhelming and somewhat confusing.
Yet, there is a pattern to the information which our Elohim gives to us regarding these wars and judgments. Each war is a message to help us identify where we are in the prophecy timeline, and they act as bookends or definition points to outline the start and finish of segments of the end time prophecies. In other articles, they have been referred to as ‘bookends’. What does this mean? Let’s break it down.
First, we will start by identifying the wars and judgments that are involved within prophecy. These will be put in chronological order as understood by the end time’s timeline posted on this website. They are:
the Six Day War,
the Yom Kippur War,
the Ezekiel 25-32, 35 judgments against Israel’s neighbours,
the Ezekiel 38/39 judgment against Gog/Magog,
the King of the North/King of the South war,
the stopping of sacrifices, the mark of the beast,
the Revelation 20 final Gog/Magog war.
From here we need to understand that the events of the end times are broken into three periods of time; the first being the period of 70 years, which is immediately followed by a second period of 3 ½ years which is immediately followed by the thousand years. The 70 years is the manifestation of the 70 Weeks prophecy of Daniel 9, while the 3 ½ years is the tribulation period and of course, the thousand years is Yeshua’s reign.
Knowing this, and knowing what has happened in recent history, it is easy to determine that the end time prophecies have already begun.
The prophecies began back in 1967 with the Six Day War which triggered the start of the 70 Weeks/Years prophecy of Daniel 9. Many people believe that the 70 weeks/years prophecy began in 1948 and is now completed. However that can’t be the case since the end result of the prophecy is the stopping of sacrifices (v27). That did not happen 70 years later in 2017/2018 because an altar with sacrifices had not even been set up by that time. That altar must be set up and functioning in order for sacrifices to be stopped at the end of 70 years. Thus we know that 1948 cannot be the start of the 70 years prophecy. There is a lot more detail about this point that provides hard evidence that this prophecy actually began in 1967. It can be found in the article titled, “70 Weeks/Shavuots Prophecy of Daniel 9 – Overview Explanation”.
Did anything significant happen in 1967 that would indicate this is the start of the end time prophecies?
1 - The Six Day War (start of the 7 year period and start of the 70 years prophecy)
Yes, that is the year of the Six Day War where Israel conquered the Golan Heights, Samaria & Judea (aka the West Bank), the Sinai Peninsula and all of Jerusalem. Specifically, the Six Day War happened between June 5-10, 1967, seven days before Shavuot (aka; weeks) on June 17/18, 1967. During this time, the events that unfolded did fulfill the prophecy of Daniel 9 pertaining to the three points that the angel Gabriel described in Daniel 9:25:
A decree that went forth to rebuild Jerusalem with
plaza and
Within the month after the Six Day War, an announcement (decree) was put forth for the Old City of Jerusalem to receive much needed infrastructure support that involved upgrades to the streets and the water system. This included the expansion of the Plaza in front of the Kotel (Wailing Wall). This announcement was quickly enacted and Old Jerusalem was upgraded with functioning running tap water (instead of the wells they had relied upon) while at the same time, the Plaza was enlarged so that the influx of Jewish worshippers could be accommodated. And as verse 25 also states, this actually was done during troublesome times.
So now we have the start of the end time events as outlined in scripture. What is next?
The angel Gabriel gave more clues in Daniel 9 pertaining to the steps that will take place within the 70 weeks prophecy. He gave three sets of timing points;
a period of 7 weeks (v25) and
a period of 62 weeks (v25) and
a final period of one week (v27)
Gabriel gave these periods of time as further clues to use as evidence so we know the start of the end times prophecies. He is telling us to watch for an event to happen 7 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem has been made and then to watch for a further event to happen after the period of 62 years.
Did anything significant happen 7 years since 1967? Yes, it was the Yom Kippur War that took place October 6-24, 1973.
2 - Yom Kippur War (end of the 7 year period and start of the 62 year period)
The outbreak of the Yom Kippur War becomes the evidence that the 7 year period which Gabriel gave as a clue has been fulfilled. This also acts as a further confirmation that the start of the 70 weeks/years prophecy of Daniel 9 has actually begun and we are in the midst of this prophecy right now.
The first period of 7 years began with the Six Day War and ended with the Yom Kippur War in a time period from 1966/1967 to 1973/1974.
We now have fixed dates to use to calculate the prophecies of the end times.
To calculate the dates correctly for the 70 years prophecies, the start and finish of each prophetic year occurs at Shavuot. Since Gabriel gave the clues using the Hebrew word for weeks (H7620 – ‘shavua’), it is a further clue that the counting of these years must be done from Shavuot to Shavuot. And since there is only one High Sabbath of Shavuot each year, this means that the word ‘weeks’ can be converted to ‘years’.
Clearly, the usage of war involving Israel is the delineation between the periods of time which Gabriel gave us.
Since the Yom Kippur War happened in 1973/1974 and acted as a confirmation to end the 7 year period, it also acts as a confirmation of the start of the next 62 year period. This means we are in the midst of this much longer period of prophecy. At the time of this writing (Shavuot year 2023/2024), we are in week/year/Shavuot 50 within the 62 years period and week/Shavuot 57 within the full 70 years prophecy.
Since we have fixed dates about the start of the 70 years prophecy, we can also determine fixed dates for the rest of the 70 years prophecy, including the 62nd period. The end of the 62nd year will be in the Shavuot year 2035/2036 (counting Shavuot to Shavuot). At the end of the 62nd year there will be another war, which we will get to in a moment. But first there is another war; actually it is more of a severe judgment that must take place within the 62 year period.
The Shavuot year of 2023/2024 is a jubilee year of sorts for we have reached the point of being 50 years since the Yom Kippur War. Something significant may very well take place at this time. Could we witness the judgments against the neighbouring nations surrounding Israel finally occur? Could we witness the destruction of Gog and Magog?
3 - Gog, Magog and cohorts judgment (in the midst of the 62 year period)
4 - The judgment against Israel’s neighbouring nations (in the midst of the 62 year period)
There are prophecies recorded for us in Ezekiel 25-32, 35, 38-39 and in Jeremiah 49 pertaining to the judgments which YHVH will levy against the nations of Ammon, Moab, Mount Seir, Philistia, Esau, Egypt, Gog, Magog, Meshach, Tubal, Persia, Libya, Gomer, Ethiopia, Togamar, Edom, Tyre, Damascus, Kedar and Hazor and Elam. The language used by YHVH towards these nations is very similar to the language used in the more familiar prophecy about the judgment against Gog and Magog. This is a big clue showing us that YHVH is tying the prophetic judgments of all these nations together and will have them happen at the same time. So, when we see the evidences about Gog and Magog descending upon the northern part of Israel, we will know that YHVH will also be making ready to judge these other nations surrounding Israel.
There are multiple reasons for these judgments:
The judgments are against these nations for the despicable ways they treated Israel
The judgments will destroy these nations
The judgment will make way for the ingathering of the people of YHVH (Ezekiel 39:25-29)
The judgments will cause the people of YHVH to KNOW Him (Ezekiel 39:22, 28-29)
The judgments will cause the survivors of Ammon, Moab, Mount Seir, Philistia, Egypt, and Gog to KNOW Him.
The judgments will cause the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon YHVH’s people (Ezekiel 39:29).
The judgments will pave the way for the building of the altar and the performing of sacrifices.
The judgments will pave the way for the building of the third Temple.
The judgments lead to a period of 7 years of relative peace/plenty for Israel (2023/2024 to 2029/2030) (Ezekiel 39:9).**
The judgments begin the manifestation of the final leg of the end time events as described in this timeline.
The judgments will result in a political and economic vacuum in the land of Magog (Europe), enabling the rise of the 10 horns/kings (Holy Roman Empire) whose foundation has been upon the dreadful beast (Roman Empire) during the 7 years.
Within the 7 years, the fallout from the judgments will result in the rise of the little horn/king in the midst of the 10 horns/kings.
The fallout from the judgments will enable the little horn/king to transition into the King of the North during the next set of 7 years which are of a famine of the hearing of the words of Elohim (Amos 8:11).
Since the Six Day War in 1967 which started the 70 Year prophecy, we are now capable of calculating future dates for end time events. But it doesn’t take this level of information to know that the 2023/2024 Shavuot year is the 50th year since the Yom Kippur War (which started the 62 year period). However, knowing this additional information about when the 70 Year prophecy began and when the 62 year period began adds confirmation that the 50th year is highly probable as the year for the Gog and Magog judgment as well as the judgment against Israel’s neighbours.
The additional confirmation comes in understanding the 7 years of relative peace and plenty in Israel after the Gog and Magog judgment. For a more detailed understanding about the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine, please read the article “The Prophetic Time of Plenty and Time of Famine”. For convenience, here is a quick overview about this information.
As mentioned above with the asterisks**, there will be a 7 year period of relative peace and plenty. Reason being stems from the scripture in Ezekiel 39:9 where Israelis will go out of their cities and for 7 years they will set on fire all the weapons from Gog and Magog and cohorts as spoils of war. This could not be done if the inhabitants were under fire from an enemy. Thus we can say that the period of 7 years of Israelis being able to leave their cities and create these fires can be considered as a time of relative peace and plenty.
These 7 years of plenty within Israel reminds us of the account of Joseph. He helped Egypt stock up because their Pharaoh had a prophetic dream about a forthcoming dreadful 7 years of famine. And then a 7 year period of famine actually did happen. This leads to a question.
If we are seeing a 7 year period of relative plenty within Israel after the Gog and Magog judgment, is this telling us to be watchful for a period of 7 years of famine just like it was in the days of Joseph? Amos 8:11 tells us that in the end time’s there will be a famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai. Amos does not give dates or times, but it is not difficult to connect the prophecy of Joseph with the prophecy of Ezekiel 39:9 and with Amos 8:11. We can extrapolate that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai will be a further period of 7 years – just like it was in Joseph’s account.
Taking this information and applying it to the dates we have been able to calculate already; if the Gog and Magog judgment happens on the 50th year since the start of the 62nd year portion of the 70 year prophecy of Daniel 9 and lasts for fourteen years (7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine), we find out something very astounding.
1967 begins the 70 years prophecy and the first period of 7 weeks/years which ends in the Shavuot year 1973/1974.
Shavuot year 1973/1974 begins the 62 year portion of the 70 years prophecy.
At the 50th year within the 62 year portion Gog/Magog judgment occurs which starts the 7 years of plenty followed by the 7 years of famine. This is the Shavuot year of 2023/2024.
Add 14 years to 2023/2024 and we arrive at Shavuot year 2036/2037 – the end of the 70 year prophecy and the start of the tribulation.
Thus by having these concrete dates we are able to make confirmation that the Gog and Magog judgment and the judgment of the cohorts have a high degree of probability to happen in this Shavuot year of 2023/2024.
5 - The King of the North/King of the South War (ends the 62 year period and starts the final one week period)
During the period of 7 years of peace and plenty within Israel (2023/2024 to 2029/2030), the rest of the world will be going about their business as well. This includes the former lands of Magog, which suffered a severe amount of destruction resulting in a power and economic vacuum to exist. At this time 10 kings step in to stabilize the region. Since we know from the prophecy of Daniel 2 that this alliance will not mix well (iron and clay), we know that these 10 kings will not work well together.
It is about the time when the 7 years of peace and plenty in Israel ends that the little horn/king enters the picture. It is at this time that there will be yet another period of 7 years, but this time it will be 7 years of famine of the hearing of the words of Elohim. This famine happens during the years starting with 2029/2030 to 2035/2036 and is considered to be the time of hasatan’s one world government (aka the Great Reset).
This is also the time when YHVH will test His people, Israel and have His house in order first, before judging the world. But remember, YHVH’s people will have had 7 years of peace and plenty to store up what they have been given during those years; the Holy Spirit and the time to know YHVH.
During these years, the little horn/king transitions into the role of the King of the North. As is documented in Daniel 7, when the little horn/king rises up, he uproots three of the original 10 horns/kings. This means he takes their authority which gives him controlling interest in the alliance of the remaining seven horns/kings. This is his way of stabilizing the alliance. We can determine that when this happens, he will speak great things in such a manner that the King of the South will consider his words to be a threat to his kingdom. The King of the South will challenge the King of the North and in the end; the King of the South will lose the war. At present, there is no way to establish a fixed day and month for this war, but we can know the year (keep reading to find out).
When the King of the North wins this war, he transitions into his next role as the people’s prince (Daniel 9:26) by confirming a covenant for one year. The people in this case are those whom he has already been ruling over in “the north” but also now include the people of “the south”. It is in these two roles (as King of the North and the people’s prince) that he stops the sacrifices (Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:31).
As Daniel 9:27 states; the stopping of the sacrifices takes place “in the midst of the week” which is actually in the midst of the final one year of the 70 years prophecy.
The stopping of the sacrifices is considered to be the start of the 3 ½ years of tribulation of which a multitude of events happens. For content purposes, we won’t delve into them here.
The final one year begins at Shavuot, 2036 and ends on Shavuot, 2037. Since the tribulation begins when the sacrifices are stopped in the midst of that year, this means there is a time period of 85 days where the 70 years prophecy overlaps with the tribulation prophecies.
6 - The Stopping of Sacrifices/Implementing the Mark of the Beast (ends the final one year, ends the 70 years prophecy and starts the tribulation)
When the tribulation begins in the midst of the final one year of the 70 years prophecy (2036/2037), the King of the North/people’s prince makes another transition, this time he becomes the beast from the sea (Revelation 13) because now, hasatan becomes more open with his involvement and grants this beast to have authority for 42 months. It is at the start of the rulership of the beast from the sea that he implements the mark of the beast so everyone will need that mark in order to buy and sell or even to move about. The oppression will be very intense.
The start of the tribulation is also the time when the 7th Seal is opened and Yeshua makes ready His battle plan against hasatan and his ‘kingdom’. This will be done when the seven angels with trumpets stand at the ready to announce the various levels of His perfect battle tactics.
The events of the tribulation are well documented. It is a time of great upheaval and anguish throughout the whole world. But through this period, the people of YHVH will be nourished and protected from the judgments levied against the world. Some will be nourished in the wilderness after fleeing from Judea (Matthew 24:16; Mark 13:14; Luke 21:21), while the remnant will be nourished during an event that will be greater than the exodus of His people out of Egypt (Jeremiah 16:14-15). This is not a rapture event for we will be witnessing YHVH’s judgment upon the world and upon the government of hasatan.
As scripturally documented, the events of the 3 ½ years of tribulation involve 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 3 woes and 7 plagues. These represent the battle plan which YHVH (Yeshua) will use to conquer hasatan and his evil government.
We know the tribulation is a 3 ½ year period because of the numerical prophecies pertaining to when the sacrifices are stopped and when they resume (1290 days – Daniel 12:8, 11). Also, the time of nourishment for those who flee from Judea is 1260 days which is also defined by the phrase, “time, times and half a time” (Daniel 12:7; Revelation 12:14). Both this time periods identify the length of time for the tribulation.
The end of 3 ½ years culminates with the battle of Armageddon which ironically takes place in the same location as did the Gog and Magog judgment 17 1/2 years earlier.
7 - Armageddon War (ends the tribulation and begins Yeshua’s thousand year reign)
During the majority of the tribulation (February 28/March 1, 2037 to September 7/8, 2040, Yeshua has unleashed Seal # 7 and Seal # 6 as well as Trumpets #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the first Woe. It is only when He returns in the clouds on September 7/8, 2040 (Yom Teruah) that He unleashes the remaining elements of His battle plan. Then it is during the 10 Days of Awe (between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur) that Yeshua commands the second and third Woes, the 6th Trumpet, and Seal #5, Seal #4, Seal #3, Seal #2 and Seal #1 be activated. Hasatan and his kingdom are pummeled to near extinction and it is at this time that hasatan, the beast and the false prophet send forth frog-like demons to perform wonders as a call to arms for the remaining kings of the earth (Revelation 16:13-14).
The response they get means that a vast army gathers in the valley of Armageddon in support of hasatan and the beast and they do harm to Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:2) This is where and when Yeshua and hasatan literally face each other in a final decisive battle for supremacy (Zechariah 14:3, 12-15). This is when all seven of the plagues will be poured out upon hasatan and all those with him. The power of Yeshua’s battle plan will be too much and hasatan will not stand, his capital city of Babylon will fall and his kingdom will be destroyed. In the end; he is captured and jailed in the bottomless pit, while the beast from the sea and the beast from the land (the false prophet) are captured and thrown into the lake of fire. The 7th Trumpet sounds the end of the war and the tribulation.
Many other events of significance happen during this time period but they are not included here for simplicity sake. As noted at the beginning of this article, the point being made in this article is to show how wars and judgments define the various periods of the end times.
It is now that Yeshua’s rulership begins with the celebratory feast called Sukkot and the saint’s reign with Him for one thousand years.
8 - The Final Gog and Magog War (ends the thousand years and begins the New Earth and New Jerusalem)
There is a second Gog and Magog conflict that arises which Yeshua steps in and crushes. The second one occurs AFTER the thousand years of Yeshua’s reign. Two short scriptures record it is at that time that hasatan is released from the bottomless pit and once again attempts to overthrow Yeshua. He successfully deceives the nations in the four quarters of the earth – which would seem unbelievable since they had experienced one thousand years of true and righteous rulership under Yeshua. Yet, hasatan easily deceives a great many. How he does this, we are not told. When these nations are gathered, there shall be a significant number of them to battle against Yeshua. Those who gather with hasatan are called Gog and Magog (Revelation 20:8-9).
The giving of the names of Gog and Magog to this final battle is to tell us the nature of this army. It tells us to harken back to the Gog and Magog judgment that took place in the Shavuot year, 2023/2024. What were the characteristics of that army? They were a people who acted like sheep but were actually wolves. As these verses document, this second Gog and Magog army compasses the camp of the saints and the beloved city to do harm (battle). This time the destruction of hasatan’s Gog and Magog army is just as devastating as before. This time, hasatan is cast into the lake of fire and we are not given any further information about him. It is his end.
It is immediately after that the scriptures record the White Throne Judgment of those who are part of the second and third resurrections. When the judgments are completed, the earth is cleansed and New Jerusalem descends (Revelation 21).
So, this final Gog and Magog war acts as the defining point between the one thousand year physical rulership that Yeshua has upon the earth with the eternal spiritual rulership He will have with New Jerusalem.
Interestingly, this war is the eighth war that defines the end time elements that began in 1967. The number eight represents new beginnings and that is exactly what will happen with the new heaven, the new earth and New Jerusalem.
Knowing that wars and judgments define the segments of end time events, opens up our ability to understand how the events in these segments are laid out in prophecy.
The key to understanding the sequence of these wars and judgments comes by knowing when the prophecies begin. The segments of end time’s prophecies start with the 70 weeks/years prophecy of Daniel 9 followed by the tribulation and then the thousand years of Yeshua’s reign. Within these segments are the wars and judgments to define the events that scripture gives us, for our benefit.
Since it has been determined that the 70 Weeks/Years prophecy of Daniel 9 began in 1967, with the Yom Kippur War adding confirmation 7 years later, we now can use these start dates with great confidence to calculate the dates of the future segments of end time events.
From this information, we are able to see the pattern of these wars and judgments especially how they outline/frame each segment of the end time events. This also widens our perspective about other prophecies so we can make determinations about how these prophecies will unfold as well.
We can know what is to happen between now and when Yeshua returns. Our Elohim is keeping us informed with Their plan for mankind so we can prepare and act righteously, just like the 5 wise virgins. Clearly, we are in the end time’s and now the information is being unsealed (Daniel 12:9).
Please feel free to share this information. It is freely given so it can be freely received.
Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah, Yeshua.