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A Period of Struggle in the End Times

Writer's picture: elohimsperspectiveelohimsperspective

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

The following information is speculative right now but quite probable, so it is important to share.  Why?  For the same purpose as it was for Jacob with his beloved son.  Young Joseph had two unusual dreams which he shared with his family.  It is recorded in Genesis 37:11 that his father Jacob, ‘observed’ Joseph’s words (KJV) “And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.”  The sharing of the following information in this letter is meant for each of you to ‘observe these words’.  In other translations such as the NASB95 the verse reads “His brothers were jealous of him but his father kept the saying in mind.”  So, please keep this information in mind and observe events that will manifest this information as we progress through the years towards the upcoming tribulation.  The green man is rising (read through to the end of the article).

In the first half of 2023, a dreadful story emerged out of Kenya.  Authorities became aware of a ‘religious’ group of about 600 men, women and children who lived in isolation on a property of about 800 acres.   These people were drawn to the evangelical preaching of a man who spoke about the end times.  He espoused that they leave their worldly lives and live with him in isolation to remain as ‘pure’ as possible because he said the end times were coming very, very soon.   This group lived on this property for a number of years with their population growing quickly during the pandemic since more and more people connected the vaccine to end time events.  But something sinister manifested at the start of 2023.  The preacher/leader began to teach that the end was coming in 2023 and that Jesus would be arriving.  He then spoke about how intentional starvation to the point of death would be the only way for the people to meet Jesus.  Thus the group did as he taught.  Months later, when the authorities got involved (after being tipped off by a member who didn’t agree with the starvation), they recovered the remains of 403 bodies of men, women and children.  A number have also been discovered still alive, but they initially refused nourishment of any kind until after much convincing, some of them relented and took nourishment.  Some still refused and they died.

The preacher/teacher has been arrested and is now up on serious charges of mass murder, terrorism and crimes against humanity.  There are government officials in Kenya who are openly suggesting that this man’s evangelical and charismatic approach snared these vulnerable and susceptible people.  His preaching was the weapon which brought about their demise.   In an Associated Press article of July 18, 2023 the last paragraph expresses the feelings that are beginning to boil in that country, quote; “The president [of Kenya] had said what transpired in Malindi [the cult compound] was “akin to terrorism” and vowed to crack down on “those using religion to advance their heinous acts”.  

It is distorted individuals like this religious leader in Kenya who give the powers-that-be the justification to lump ALL religion into the category of ‘being harmful to society’.  The society will be the New World Order that supports a different version of religion that differs from the traditional religions we know today.

That is the focal point of this letter; in the near future the powers-that-be may very well begin to repeat the words of Kenya’s president that the “use of [traditional] religion IS for the purposes of advancing heinous acts”.  “Terrorism” and “heinous acts” will lead to what they will deem as justifiable reason to block and suppress traditional religious activities of any kind.  If and when this happens, our struggles truly begin.

The governments and leaders of this world are watching what is happening in Kenya.  Even though Kenya may seem remote to many people in other parts of this world, the new ideologies towards religion that are emanating from Kenya, fueled by this mass murder/suicide event may very well be a useful tool which world leaders will utilize towards the full control of the people. 

Now let’s apply this information to understanding end time events.  There is a period prophesied by the prophet Amos of a time of a famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai (Amos 8:11).  Amos is describing religious suppression.  Whenever there has been religious suppression, it means a time of struggle and persecution.

Can we know when that religious suppression might occur?  Yes we can.  We have two speculative time frames to consider.

Speculation #1

This speculation determines that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai begins in earnest in 2034/2035 and continues for a 7 year period to the year 2040/2041. 

How can we know this?  It all begins in 1967 with the Six Day War and Shavuot that occurs immediately after that.  This event heralds the start of the 70 Weeks (Years) prophecy of Daniel 9. 

If you want to know the evidences of how 1967 IS the start of the 70 Weeks/Years prophecy of Daniel 9 please read the article titled “70 Weeks/Shavuots Prophecy of Daniel 9 – An Overview Explanation”.

One of the evidences that prove 1967 is the start of the 70 Years prophecy is the division of years that Gabriel gave to Daniel.  He stated there will be 7 shavuohs, 62 shavuohs and a final one shavuoh.  So how do we measure time when Gabriel only used the Hebrew word “shavuoh”?  Is this word capable of providing us with a way to measure time?   Shavuoh means ‘week’ or ‘period of seven’.  Ironically, as most of you know, there is a High Sabbath named Shavuot or Feast of Weeks.  It is thusly named because in order to know when this High Sabbath is to be observed, we must count 7 Sabbaths (a Sabbath acts as the highlighted end day of a period of 7 days – which altogether is called a shavuoh) plus one day to equal fifty (50) days after the morrow of the weekly Sabbath after Passover.  The High Sabbath of Shavuot happens only once per year.  Thus we can translate the word of “shavuoh” for ‘weeks’ in Daniel 9 to Shavuot (the once per year High Sabbath) and thus we have the way to measure the times of Daniel 9 in our modern world. 

The first piece of evidence involves the 7 years portion of Gabriel’s clue.  Why would Gabriel divide the 70 Shavuot’s prophecy into these segments?  The answer is that Gabriel was giving a clue to help us identify when the 70 Shavuot prophecy begins.  Events are to happen at these timing markers.  In this case it will help us know whether the year 1967 is the right year or not.   All we have to do is to follow Gabriel’s clues and begin with the first clue and count 7 years from 1967.  The calculation brings us to the year 1973.  A dramatic event actually did happen that year - in October 6-24, 1973, the Yom Kippur War occurred when Israel was at war against their Arab neighbours for a second time.  This time Israel was caught off guard, but still was able to rally and defeat the larger attacking army.  Clearly, this victory was done with Elohim’s help for the purpose of maintaining the clues pertaining to the 70 Shavuot’s prophecy.   Even though the Yom Kippur war did not happen around the time of Shavuot, it did occur in the 7th Shavuot year.  You see, in order to understand the 70 Shavuot’s prophecy, the calculations for the years begins and ends at a Shavuot.  The 7th Shavuot year occurred from June 9/10, 1973 to May 25/26, 1974.  The Yom Kippur war happened in the midst of that Shavuot year. 

So, this acts as a powerful clue that 1967 is the actual start of the 70 Weeks/Years prophecy of Daniel 9.  And this now gives us Gregorian dates we can use for upcoming events.  [From this point forward I will use “70 Years Prophecy” just to keep it simplified.]

By calculating 70 years forward from 1967 we arrive at the year 2037.  At that Shavuot on May 24/25, 2037 is the completion of the 70 Years and the prophecy.  But we know that within that 70 Years prophecy so much happens.  Right now we are in the midst of the 62 year segment which Gabriel also spoke of as part of the division of the 70 years.  From 1973 we count forward 62 years which brings us to May 31/June 1, 2036.  Upon the ending of the 62 years, we have the one final year that ends on Shavuot, May 24/25, 2037.

It is in this final one year that the prince of the people will make a covenant with many and in the midst of that year (2037) he will stop the sacrifices and the offerings (Daniel 9:27).  That triggers the start of the tribulation.  We know the tribulation itself is a period of 1290 days (3 ½ years / time, times and half a time) which brings us to the year 2040/2041, the year that Yeshua returns. 

This is the year that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai will end.  Yeshua is the Word and His arrival means that the words of the Word will now be heard.  The seven years of religious suppression and persecution will be over.

Speculation #2

This speculation determines that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai begins in earnest in 2030/2031 and will continue for a 7 year period to the year 2036/2037.  As with Speculation #1 above, the same information and dates about the 70 Years prophecy up to the year 2036/2037 applies to this speculated time frame as well in order to determine a start point for the years of famine.  It is from the final one year of the 70 Years prophecy (2036/2037) that Speculation #2 differs.

By calculating 70 years forward from 1967 we arrive at the year 2037.  At that Shavuot on May 24/25, 2037 is the completion of the 70 Years and the prophecy.  But we know that within that 70 Years prophecy so much happens.  Right now we are in the midst of the 62 year segment which Gabriel also spoke of as part of the division of the 70 years.  From 1973 we count forward 62 years which brings us to May 31/June 1, 2036.  Upon the ending of the 62 years, we have the one final year that ends on Shavuot, May 24/25, 2037.

Armed with this information, we can now begin to use dates to determine when the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai will take place.

We will do so with the following reasoning.  In the midst of the final one year prophecy spoken by Gabriel in Daniel 9 involves the prince of the people stopping the daily sacrifice and desecrating the holy place.  When this happens the brethren in Judea are told (by Yeshua in Matthew 24:16) to flee into the mountains.  We know that this group is considered to be the woman who brings forth the man child that is described in Revelation 12.  What happens to her?  She is nourished for 1260 days.  This means no more famine since the woman is being nourished.

And since the woman is being nourished through the tribulation, it means that the tribulation portion of end times cannot be the time of famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai.


Since 2037 is determined as the start of the tribulation and the woman begins to be nourished, that means the start of the tribulation actually ends the famine.  In this speculation, the conclusion is that the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai occurs before the tribulation.

How do we know the famine of Amos 8:11 is seven years long?

For both Speculation #1 and Speculation #2 we still have a slight problem since Amos 8:11 does not tell us the length of time for the famine.  Already through this article we have been calculating the period of famine as a 7 year period.  How did that come about?  This is when we look at another clue.

That clue is in Ezekiel 39:9, with the prophet Ezekiel recording the words of Adonai Elohim, Who states that He will defeat Gog/Magog and their cohorts.  This results in 7 years where Israel utilizes the spoils from Gog/Magog.  Utilizing the spoils of war without the need to use their own supplies cannot be done if the nation is at war.  This is also supported by other activities that will be done after the victory, such as burying the dead for 7 months, which is something that cannot be done if the nation is at war.  Therefore this is a time of relative peace.  What else does that indicate?  This is a time of plenty (utilizing the spoils of war).  With YHVH’s victory over the invaders, this means that Israel’s borders are enlarged, which then means more people are needed to live in these lands.  Thus there will be a very strong surge of people making Aliyah (return) to Israel, whose borders quite probably will extend from the Euphrates to the Nile at described in Genesis 15:18 when YHVH made the promise to Abraham. 

So now we have a 7 year period of plenty but it doesn’t seem to be answering the question about how long the famine will be as described in Amos 8.  Or does it?  This 7 year period after the Ezekiel 38/39 war reminds us of the account of Joseph who helped Egypt through the 7 years of plenty followed by the 7 years of famine. 

For deeper understanding about the account of Joseph being instrumental as an end time clue there is an article titled “The Prophetic Time of Plenty and Time of Famine”.   The information in that article reveals the account of Joseph is a prophetic event that will again manifest in the end times based on the principle that what happens to the fathers will happen to the descendants.  Since we have a time of plenty which we know is 7 years long and correlates as the same amount of time as the account of Joseph, we can then apply Joseph’s 7 years of famine as the amount of time for the famine described by Amos. 

Having this added piece of information can help us figure out more details for both Speculation #1 and Speculation #2

What pivotal events happen at the start of the famine for Speculation #1?

For Speculation #1, we go back to the year that Yeshua returns and the famine of the hearing of the words of Adonai (the Word) ends.  From 2040/2041 we count back 7 years, to the year 2034/2035.  This is the beginning of the 7 years of struggle. 

What significant event might happen in that year to cause the 7 years of struggle to begin?  This is possibly when the war between the King of the North and the King of the South may occur.  Or at the very least, this will be when the “little horn” transitions into the King of the North and begins to vex the King of the South to take action.  Either way, this year of 2034/2035 accelerates the domination of the One World government that is being organized by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and propels their Great Reset idea of a Fourth Industrial Revolution into a worldwide experience. 

This type of revolution will suppress religious worship in its current state and require that any form of worship must only be towards the one known as the King of the North.  We can figure this out because when he wins the war against the King of the South, the people will be impressed with him and he will become even more powerful with their new support.  This is when he transitions again and becomes the prince of the people and eventually stops the sacrifices and offerings in Jerusalem.  We merely need to draw from the original time when a leader invaded Jerusalem and stopped the sacrifices.  It happened in 167 BCE when Antiochus Epiphanes IV stopped the sacrifices and defiled the Holy Place with a statue of the Greek god Zeus, requiring all worship to be towards the Greek gods.  All other worship would be dealt with severely and most often with death.  All that Antiochus Epiphanes did is a prototype of what we can expect in or around the year 2034/2035.  We will be suppressed and experience great struggles.  

What pivotal events happen at the start of the famine for Speculation #2?

For Speculation #2, we go back to the start of the tribulation in 2037 (which we know is the end of the famine) and count back 7 years, this brings us to 2030/2031.

What is significant about 2030/2031?  Well, this is when the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the elites aligned with the WEF have made their declaration of the Great Reset which inaugurates the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  It’s easy to find so many articles and videos about this upcoming event.  Not surprisingly, we are also experiencing and witnessing the foundational implementations of this Reset right now.  When 2030 arrives, our lives will be greatly curtailed.  By then, freedom of speech and religion will be heavily controlled.  We know this because we are witnessing the start of these curtailments right now.  We also know this because it is prophesied.

The devastating event that happened in Kenya could very well be one of a number of triggers that leads to the curtailment of religion. The words ‘terrorism’ were used for the first time against a ‘Christian’ organization; a word that until 2023 had only been associated with zealots of Islam.  Now, it will not take much for the powers-that-be to label any person anywhere as zealots especially if people do not believe as they believe.  The result will be the worldwide curtailment of religion.

And it will initially be subtle.

Even today it is not too difficult to see that our current ability to worship is being altered.  Governments are increasingly becoming heavy handed with religious groups citing how harmful their perspectives are to the whole society.  However, it wouldn’t be too difficult to see religions capitulate under the duress.  If religious organizations wish to remain operational then they will be required to alter their teachings and align with the belief system of the worldly powers-that-be.  It will only be those who do not align their teachings and beliefs who will become targets.   The real truth and words of Elohim will be as Amos spoke of, a famine to the ears of all the people worldwide because the words will either be altered or suppressed.  Mankind will truly be struggling.  So, in 2030 that famine will begin and the people of Elohim will experience suppression and oppression.  Many will fight for the right to worship freely and they will quite probably be killed.  Many more will experience imprisonment and eventually die as well.  And this will go on throughout the 7 years of famine of the hearing of the words of Elohim because many will not bow to worship strange gods (just like Daniel and his three friends).  Those who die during this period become the souls of those under the throne of Elohim who cry out for Him to avenge their spilled blood (Revelation 6:9-11; Revelation 16:6). 

Is this 7 year period of struggle the actual tribulation?

Some people believe the tribulation to be a 7 year period.  This period of famine and the hardships that Elohim’s people experience might be perceived as that tribulation.  However, we know from the many prophetic timing points in the scriptures (1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days, etc.) that the tribulation is a 3 ½ year period in which is the half way point of the period of famine (Speculation #1).  Or the tribulation happens AFTER this period of famine (Speculation #2). 

From Elohim’s perspective, Their people will experience trials (struggles) of cleansing and strengthening through these 7 years – that is the purpose of these years of famine – to remove the tares from the wheat.  How we can go through this and succeed is given in Ephesians 6 and other scriptures which tell us we are to stand firm, no matter what.  The result is that we will see the salvation of our Adonai.  That is what Adonai instructed Moses when the people murmured at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:13).  The Egyptian army was racing towards them and imminent death seemed certain, but Adonai delivered His people through the crossing of the Red Sea.  The people were strengthened by this act of salvation.  We too will have our Red Sea in the form of fleeing into the mountains away from Judea or by taking part in a greater exodus.

As mentioned, there will be those who die by the sword and those who are imprisoned and die.  Their blood will be avenged by Yeshua.  We know this because it is the Mystery Harlot of Babylon who is drunk with the blood of the saints meaning she is the instigator of this suppression and oppression.  As Revelation 18 reveals, she is eventually destroyed and the blood of the saints is avenged.  In the article titled; “Mystery Babylon the Great??”, London is identified as this Harlot.  The city of London will be the center of this suppression and oppression.  And this is also the center from which we have a sitting monarch whom many are closely watching; King Charles III.  Did you know that on the invitations to his coronation, is a depiction of the head of a green man?

See the head of the Green Man at the bottom of the invite?

His coronation invitation was created with many symbolic elements and the most striking was the head of what is known in Scottish history as the Green Man.  This Green Man refers to a character involved in an annual summer worship festival that is held in Edinburgh, Scotland called the Beltane Fire Festival.  The official website openly states this is a festival that is resurrecting the rituals of the ancient Gaelic/Celtic peoples, who worshipped a god called Bel or Ba’al.  Sound familiar?  The worship of this empty god involves child sacrifice and the pursuit of all things to satisfy the physical appetites AND – more importantly, to connect the people to the earth.  All this is done in the name of fertility and bountiful harvest.  However, in modern times there is a substitution for child sacrifice; now children dance with ribbons connected to a May pole.

The Green Man goes through a death and rebirth process in the rituals and unites with the May Queen to light the huge bonfire which becomes the focal point for the wild revelry and idolatry or as the website states “the May Queen and the Green Man spark the birth of summer by lighting a huge bonfire.”

What caught my attention was what happens to the Green Man.  According to another official website, he represents the earth and goes through a death and rebirth process at the hands of the May Queen.  The May Queen repents of killing the Green Man and restores his life, which represents the salvation of the earth.  Once he is reborn, they join together and ignite the bonfire (which they believe represents cleansing and healing) as a symbol of the new earth.  This is the core of environmentalism.

And environmentalism is what King Charles espouses.  He is considered the foremost figure for environmentalism and is driving the process through the Great Reset to bring mankind into the mindset to do all that can be done and ought to do to save the earth. 

He wants planet earth (the Green Man) to be reborn and no longer ‘struggling’ to support life.  This is why he identifies with the role of the Green Man and why he has the face of the Green Man on his coronation invitation (as seen in the above picture). 

This whole worship of planet/earth that is perpetrated with the May Queen and the Green Man is not Biblical, but it is something to be aware because this is hasatan’s version, this is his bible (so-to-speak).  He is making his own declaration upon this earth as to what he intends to do and it appears he intends to do this through King Charles III.  Everything he intends to do will be to mimic what Yeshua has declared in the scriptures.  His mimicry will be so devious that many will fall for his tricks.  We have the example of the sealing of the 144,000.  Many will consider the mark that the beast will impose to be the sealing of the 144,000 and willingly take it.  Their ignorance will cost them.

Even though Charles is 73, he will not be encumbered with old age for he will go through a “death” of sorts and be reborn as the saviour of this earth as does the Green Man.  He will be renewed and have increased energy, thus his advanced age will be of little consequence to him.  People will marvel at his renewed health.  But there is something to define here; Charles will make himself out to be the saviour of this world meaning planet earth.  He believes that by saving the planet, he will be saving mankind from certain total destruction.  This is the mantra of the new religion that is now arising which will go on to suppress and oppress any other form of religion.

How will his “death and rebirth” come about?  We don’t know that part yet, but it will be subtle to the rest of the world.  Only those who have wisdom will understand and act accordingly.  Thus, I send this information to all of you, so that we are not caught unawares of events that are significant to the implementation of world events and end time events. 

Who is the May Queen?  Since this character is the one who provides the supposed life giving to the Green Man, it very well could be hasatan himself.  In Revelation 13 is the account where one of the heads of the beast of the sea is wounded as if to death and then ‘miraculously’ resurrected.  But this is a trick on the part of the beast from the sea in collaboration with the beast from the earth (aka the false prophet) as they work in conjunction with the red dragon (who gives the beast his power).  The wounded head is most likely an act put on to create a false flag so that it looks as though the beast has great powers even to cause life in something that had died.   Yet we know that hasatan does not have the power to cause that which is dead to have life again – only our Elohim has that power and authority.  Thus it will be a smoke and mirrors events, as is depicted with the May Queen and the Green Man. 

The devastating events in the first half of 2023 in Kenya have opened our eyes to understanding what is up-coming on hasatan’s side of the end time agenda.  We can now see the rising of a new religion focused on planet earth (environmentalism) which will eventually suppress and oppress all others in the name of terrorism and crimes against humanity (as that seed sprouts in Kenya).  And we can see that this process will be lead by one man, who in the role of the Green Man will act as the so-called saviour of the world. 

One further point; the 7 years of famine are specifically described by Amos as being of the ‘hearing’ of the words of Adonai.  This tells us that we will still be able to be somewhat nourished and sustained – quite probably by seeing the words of Adonai in our Bibles.  Or, through the memory retention we will have of the scriptures – even if we retain only one or two verses.  John McCain did that when he was imprisoned at a Viet Cong POW camp.  He attributes the few verses he could remember as the strength to keep on living, even through such incredible torture and hardship.  He literally put on the whole armour of Elohim. 

We can too.  As we remain aware of events (small or great) we can know what to righteously do. The struggle we go through during the 7 years of famine before the tribulation will make us strong.  This will be the time when we are truly having the whole armour of Elohim girded upon us.  Because of this, we are enabled to survive and become part of those who flee from Judea (and are nourished), or those who are part of a greater exodus and are nourished and protected too.  How we know that the vast majority of Elohim’s people will not perish during the 7 years of famine (as many worry will happen) comes down to simple calculations.  The number who survive the famine and go on through the tribulation will be a very significant number of people.  How many will that be?  See the article titled “Number of the Remnant in the Last Days”.  

All told, Yeshua rescues us and we are no longer under the harsh task masters who claim we use religion and worship for the purpose of harm to the society (their society), and conduct "heinous acts” and “terrorism”. Innocent and righteous worship will no longer be under their suppressive society, for that society will be destroyed by the Messiah.  From that point onward, our struggles are over for we are free with Yeshua.

Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah, Yeshua. 

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