Is the prophetic war described in Ezekiel 38/39 with Gog and Magog the same war described in Daniel 11 with the King of the North and the King of the South?
Many people are confused about when these wars occur and many also believe they are one and the same, due to both prophecies referring to the invasion into Israel coming from the north.
Let’s look at the characteristics of each war to determine if they are one and the same… or are they two distinctly separate wars.
Ezekiel 38/39 – Gog/ Magog War
Ezekiel 38:1-5 as well as Ezekiel 39:1-2 describe this war as being initiated by Elohim, Who puts hooks in their jaws to draw Gog, Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer and those with him, Togarmah and those with him in the north quarters to come down and invade Israel.
Then in Ezekiel 38:15 we are told of the direction from which this vast army will come from (as like a storm and clouds) – they come from the north.
In verse 16, Elohim reinforces the battle is initiated by His design (this is an important point).
In Ezekiel 38:21-23 Elohim declares how He will bring about the destruction of the invading army. Elohim will send all forms of natural disasters that will only befall the army of Gog/Magog.
Ezekiel 39:2 indicates just how many of the peoples of Magog and its allies will come against Israel – 5/6th of the peoples will come against Israel.
The rest of Ezekiel 39 is descriptive of the destruction Elohim levels against Gog and Magog and their allies. Verse 9 adds a detail about the inhabitants of the land (of Israel) using up the spoils of war and that this takes a period of time of seven (7) years (this is an important point).
Verses 11 and 12 give details about the burial process of the dead of Magog and its allies in the land of Israel. Dedicated crews of Israelites will spend seven (7) months burying their dead and making sure the burials are done properly.
Ezekiel 39 then continues by providing information that the world will know Elohim won this war and is now restoring Israel. The captivity of Jacob (those in the four corners of the earth) will be received by Elohim in the land of Israel which also results in the whole house of Israel experiencing Elohim’s mercy and He pours out His spirit upon them (this is an important part).
To visualize this in quick bullet points:
· Elohim puts hooks into the jaws of Gog and Magog and their allies
· Gog/Magog and the allies come as a storm from the north
· Only 1/6th of Gog’s people remain at home
· Elohim destroys Gog and Magog
· It takes seven (7) years to use up the spoils of war
· It takes seven (7) months to bury the dead of Gog/Magog in Israel
· War Outcome: Elohim is glorified in the world; Israel is restored; those scattered in the four corners of the earth are regathered (Aliyah); Elohim’s mercy is upon the people; His spirit is poured out
· War Outcome Speculation: the altar is set up, dedicated and becomes operational now that Israel has control of the Temple Mount. Construction begins on the Third Temple which will probably take the full 7 years of plenty to complete. This is the pattern of the length of time it took to build the First Temple in Solomon’s time (1 Kings 6:38).
King of the North/King of the South War
Daniel 11 is a highly detailed accounting of the many and various battles between the King of the North with the King of the South. Of interest is that each time they meet in battle it is in the land of Israel.
From the perspective we have in our day and time, the list of battles in Daniel 11 is easy to see in history. Each encounter between the King of the North and the King of the South has been described not only as an historical accounting but also as a complete description of what will take place in the final battle between these two empires.
Daniel 11:1-4 describes the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great, then its division into four parts specifically the two most powerful being the Seleucid and Egyptian Empires. Daniel 11:5 onwards details the descriptive battles between the many forms of the Seleucid Empire (North) and the Egyptian Empire (South) and the failed attempt at healing the breach with the marriage of a daughter of the King of the North to a son of the King of the South.
Over the course of millennia, the King of the North has won battles and so has the King of the South. A fuller description of each encounter between these two empires can be found here.
Verses 29-35 is an insert describing the fall-out that happens when the King of the North is victorious against the King of the South in the final battle. The King of the North takes away the daily sacrifice (verse 31) and sets up the abomination that makes desolate.
Verses 40-43 describe the final battle initiated by the King of the South who cannot tolerate what the King of the North has been doing in his own kingdom (verses 36-39). Clearly, it is all about who is to be worshipped.
In the end, the King of the South is defeated completely and the King of the North is in full power. Only the land of Edom, Moab and the city of Ammon escape his control (place for the children of Israel to flee to). Then his implements what has already been described in verses 29-35 - he shuts down the daily sacrifice and sets up the abomination.
Verse 44 lets us know that ‘tidings’ from the east and out of the north trouble him, so he goes on a rampage and annihilates many people. To exalt himself even more he sets up his pavilion in the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem.
Verse 45 tells us of his final destruction and only hints at Who is the victor over him.
To visualize this in quick bullet points:
· Daniel 11 begins with the Grecian Empire ruled by Alexander the Great
· The Grecian Empire is divided into four empires; the Seleucid and the Egyptian Empires are the two strongest and the focus of the remainder of Daniel 11.
· These two empires do battle with each other over the course of millennia. The battle field is the land of Israel.
· In the end of days, the King of the North acts with little regard for his kingdom or the kingdoms around him. The King of the South cannot tolerate this and initiates the final battle.
· War Outcome: The King of the South is defeated which leaves the King of the North in full control of his kingdom and the kingdom of the King of the South. Yet his focus will be on the land of Israel of which he will use as his headquarters for the world to worship him.
· The only countries that escape his control are Edom, Moab and the city of Ammon.
· The King of the North shuts down the daily sacrifices and sets up the abomination that makes desolate.
· He exalts himself even above Elohim.
· Then ‘tidings’ from the east and out of the north trouble him. He annihilates many people in the hopes of stopping these ‘tidings’. But to no avail.
· The King of the North is destroyed by an unknown entity, but by understanding other Biblical scriptures it is not difficult to know it is Yeshua Who is the victor.
When comparing the two wars, we can see that they are very different. The cause of each war is different, the events during the wars are different and the outcomes of the wars are different.
Cause of War Comparison
· The Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel is caused by Elohim putting hooks in the jaws of Gog and his allies.
· The King of the North/King of the South war of Daniel happens because the King of the South intends to put a stop to the self-exaltations of the King of the North. No doubt the King of the South feels threatened by what the King of the North is saying and doing within his kingdom.
Events of the Wars Comparison
· The Gog/Magog war is likened to a storm descending on and coming against the land of Israel – meaning there are a very large number of people moving to invade. It is Elohim Who destroys this army and is then glorified among the nations.
· The King of the North/King of the South war is a clash between these two kings that takes place in the land of Israel, but neither of these armies come against Israel itself. Instead, they are intent on destroying each other. In this final war, the King of the North is the victor and he takes the land of Israel as his headquarters.
Outcomes of the Wars Comparison
· The Gog/Magog war results in the inhabitants of the land of Israel spending seven (7) month to bury the dead. They also take seven (7) years to use up the spoils of that war. This is clearly a time of relative peace for the inhabitants in the land of Israel. Elohim pours out His spirit (Ezekiel 39:29)
· The King of the North/King of the South war results in the King of the North setting up his seat of power in Jerusalem. He breaks a covenant he had made earlier and stops the sacrifices. Then he installs an abomination that makes desolate.
The only similarity is the word ‘north’, which is used in the roughest manner for both wars because the allies of Gog/Magog are also in the south of Israel and the Daniel 11 war involves the King of the South – which is also south of Israel.
The point of the Gog/Magog war is for Elohim to fight for Israel and to allow the inhabitants to have 7 years of relative peace while using the spoils of war. We can surmise this will bring about an Aliyah of believers to Israel because in Ezekiel 39:25-29 it states that Elohim restores the captives of Judah and gives mercy to the WHOLE house of Israel.
Elohim purposely allows this to open the door for the rising of the little horn into a dominant position brought about by the political and economonic vacuum left after the destruction of Gog and Magog.
The point of the King of the North/King of the South war is to finally reveal who is the prophetic Beast that will be a pivotal element during the tribulation.
When in the end times do these wars happen?
For the Gog/Magog war, the time this war occurs can only be speculated because there is no direct information given pertaining to the year this may happen – but there is a timing point we can focus on, found in Ezekiel 39:9 regarding the 7 years of utilizing the spoils of war. Using this timing point and searching the scriptures for other references of 7 years, we can develop a rather accurate speculation.
The account of Joseph with the seven (7) years of plenty followed by seven (7) years of famine is an event that potentially could repeat at the end times. Joseph’s account and the Gog/Magog war are so far tracking together in regards to the 7 years of plenty. But we must confirm the other portion about a famine. Is there any indication of a time of famine in the end times?
There is. Through visions from Elohim, the prophet Amos writes a message to the house of Israel. At that time, Israel was not following the ways of Elohim and Amos was sent to warn them of the impending consequences of their actions. Specifically in Amos 8:11 are these words “Behold, the days are come, says Adonai Elohim, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Adonai:” Even though Amos wrote these words for the Israel of his day, these are prophetic words which also apply to end time events of our day. Amos does not give an indication of the length of the famine of the word of Elohim but when we use the example of the famine in the account of Joseph, we can speculate a period of seven (7) years. This ties in with the known period of time for the utilization of the spoils of war from the Gog/Magog war – a seven (7) year period (Ezekiel 39:9). Thus we can speculate there will be a repeat of the seven (7) years of plenty and of famine as it was in the days of Joseph.
So now we know what will be happening for a period of fourteen (14) years immediately after the Gog/Magog war. However, this still does not give us any hard core Gregorian calendar date of when the Gog/Magog war happens which brings in the seven years of plenty and then famine of the word of Elohim.
Yet there is a way to determine the date(s) when this war starts, by simply using the information about the years of plenty and famine. What happens at the end of the seven (7) years of famine? The hearing of the words of Elohim comes back. In the end time events, it will manifest in two possibilities.
1) The famine ends when the tribulation starts. We simply count back seven (7) years to know when the time of famine starts. Then we count a further seven (7) years back to know when the time of plenty and the Gog/Magog war starts. The point of the tribulation is the battle plan of Yeshua against the king (hasatan) and kingdom of this world. This is when we as the people of Elohim are nourished for a time, times and half a time either in the place made for those from Judea or while in the greater exodus. We will have access to the word of Elohim, thus no more famine.
2) The famine ends when Yeshua returns as King of kings. We simply count back seven (7) years to know when the famine starts. As well, we can count seven (7) more years back to know when the time of plenty of the word begins and when the Gog/Magog war takes place. Since Yeshua is also known as the Word and He is on the earth, we can easily say that the famine of the word of Elohim is ended.
What could instigate the famine of the word?
For both points, the famine may well be instigated by the individual who will later on manifest as the King of the North**. At this point in time, the ten nation group (the 10 horns of the Daniel 7 dreadful beast) will be newly upon the earth acting as the start of the resurrection of the two legs of the (Holy) Roman Empire. The King of the North will take the authority of three kings (horns) and use their period of rule for himself. Most scholars believe the European Union is involved because the nations within the Union are manifesting prophetically and this region is geographically north of Jerusalem. Currently, the period of time for each leader of the EU to rule is six months. Using this method, it means that the three kings who are uprooted by the so-to-be King of the North will allow him to have authority for 18 months (3 kings x 6 months). It is this period of time that allows him to manifest into the position of the King of the North. This all happens prior to the authority he will be given by the dragon when he rules for forty-two months (Revelation 13:1-5) during the tribulation.
**the King of the North is considered to be an individual, because the title states plainly that the entity is a king (one person), not a kingdom. If it was a kingdom, then the prophecy would plainly state Kingdom of the North. As well, there is significant cross referencing that the one known as the King of the North in Daniel 11 is also the prince of the people in Daniel 9 and the little horn in Daniel 7. All three of these prophecies speak of the PERSON who stops the sacrifices. For more details that provide dates (and how those dates are arrived at) for the Gog/Magog War, please read “Gog/Magog War - Results in 7 Years of Plenty?”
For the King of the North/King of the South war, knowing the start of this war is a bit easier to pinpoint. We know that the shutting down of the altar and the setting up of an abomination triggers the tribulation (those in Judea flee and shortly thereafter the remainder of Elohim’s people begin the greater exodus). It is just a matter of knowing the date when the tribulation starts. We do know this war takes place within one year before the tribulation.
For detailed information to potentially know when the tribulation starts please read the article “70 Weeks/Shavuots Prophecy of Daniel 9 Overview Explanation”. The numeric prophecies in the Bible are based on the year 1967 as the start of the 70 weeks prophecy (in its end time’s application). The 70 weeks prophecy dovetails into the prophecies about the tribulation, which means we can know the dates. It is quite fascinating to see how the numeric prophecies fall into place.
A quick summary:
After Elohim destroys Gog/Magog, we know there is a period of seven (7) years of utilizing the spoils of war, which indicates a time of relative peace and plenty. This is also the time when the Holy Spirit is poured out which could trigger a mass Aliyah to Israel by the people of Elohim. This also adds to the understanding that this is a time of plenty because it will be an outpouring of the words of Elohim. Having control of The Land (which also means the Temple Mount) it results in the ability to dedicate and start up the altar. And it enables the start up of the construction of the Third Temple.
The time of famine will begin with what is called The Great Reset with the inauguration of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We hear from the World Economic Forum (WEF) that they intend to control all aspects of life and it is clear that hearing the words of Elohim will be blocked. It is during this period of 7 years that we will see the rise of the King of the North. Eighteen months before the famine is to end, this King of the North takes the power of three kings/horns and ultimately battles with the King of the South. After winning that war, this King (who is also known as the prince of the people) makes a covenant with many for one week/year. In the midst of that year, he stops the sacrifices. When those in Judea see that happen, they flee and are nourished for 1260 days – which ends the famine and begins the tribulation. This action by the King of the North now reveals him as the prophetic beast and it triggers the other prophetic numeric counts of 1335 days, 1290 days and 2300 evenings and mornings (days).
So the Gog/Magog war and the King of the North/King of the South war, bookend the prophetic time of plenty and famine, which is a period of fourteen years. The Gog/Magog war begins this period and it is the King of the North/King of the South war that ends it.
Therefore we can now see that these two wars are completely different and happen at different periods in the end times.
To know the speculated Gregorian dates of these two wars, please read “Noah’s Flood and the Gog/Magog War” ; “The Gog/Magog War Results in 7 Years of Plenty?” ; “The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9 – Overview Explanation”.
Let this mind be in you that is in Messiah Yeshua.